Actor Igor Artashonov: cause of death, career, personal life

In our publication, I would like to consider the biography of such a famous actor as Igor Artashonov. What started his career? What famous films did the actor star in? What can be said about his personal life? What is the cause of the death of Igor Artashonov?

early years

igor artashonov cause of death

Igor Gennadyevich Artashonov was born in the city of Karaganda on March 17, 1964. Here, the future artist spent his childhood and youth. The boy's parents were the most ordinary workers who had no relation to the world of art and cinema. Surprisingly, from an early age, the guy began to show increased interest in playing on the theatrical stage. The desire to connect the future with this type of activity made Igor move after leaving school to Moscow. Once in the capital, a talented young man applied for admission to the Moscow Art Theater. Artashonov was enrolled in a prestigious educational institution on the first try.

For several years, the young man comprehended the wisdom of stage skills in a theater studio on the course of actor Vasily Markov. In the early 90s, our hero became a certified artist, successfully graduating from the Moscow Art Theater. However, Igor Artashonov decided not to stop there. Therefore, he went to the British Oxford, where he became a student of the local Academy of Arts, in order to obtain new knowledge and advanced training.

Theater work

Igor Artashonov movies

Returning to his homeland, Artashonov began to play on stage, participating in productions of various theater venues. Already at the start of his career, the novice actor managed to work with celebrities such as Alexander Kalyagin and Oleg Efremov. Soon our hero earned a permanent place in the Moscow Art Theater troupe. Igor began to appear in numerous plays. The most memorable first roles of the artist were the central images in such productions as “Crying in a Handful”, “Henry IV”, “Deer and the Hut”.

Despite his popularity as a theater artist, Artashonov gained recognition only after the start of work on domestic television. However, even during this period, the actor did not forget about the theater. In the early 2000s, our hero decided to leave the Moscow Art Theater troupe and become part of a creative platform called "Theater Events Factory". As part of the local collective of artists, Artashonov remained for five years.

While working in the theater, the actor was remembered by the audience for a considerable number of successful roles. Our hero demonstrated a masterful game on stage in such popular performances as “Suppress and Excite”, “Trait”, “Drums in the Night”, “People and Mice”.

Filming a movie

Igor Gennadyevich Artashonov

Igor Artashonov began acting in films in 1998. It was at this time that the already quite famous theater artist was invited to one of the central roles in the painting “The Cabal of the Holy”, the plot of which was based on the play of the same name. Then came the debut of the actor in a full-length movie. Such for our hero was the tape "Sunset", where Artashonov got the image of a character named Solomon.

In the future, the actor began to receive numerous secondary roles in multi-part television projects. Igor happened to appear on screens mainly in the images of villains and personalities associated with crime.

Artashonov managed to become truly famous after filming in the crime drama "Zone". Here, the actor managed to reveal talented image of the prisoner Mitya Sukhoi. Then the artist vividly declared himself in the series “Liquidation”, as well as the successful action movie “Podkidnaya”. Igor Artashonov also starred in the movie "Boomer-2", due to which he became a widely recognized actor.

Personal life

where Igor artashonov is buried

What is known about the life of an actor outside the set? Igor Artashonov was married to a rather famous artist Kristina Ruban. It is noteworthy that the chosen one of our hero was 19 years younger than her husband. However, a significant age difference did not prevent the creation of a family idyll. The couple never quarreled and tried not to bring personal affairs to the public. In such a happy marriage, the daughter of artists, who was named Lada, was born.

Igor Artashonov - the cause of death

In 2015, on the eve of Christmas, a disaster occurred in the Artashonov family. The apartment where the actor lived with his family was attacked by robbers. The owner tried to resist the attackers, for which he was severely beaten. In the end, the robbers managed to escape, grabbing valuable items.

What is the reason for the death of Igor Artashonov? After the attack, a battered actor who suffered from bleeding was discovered by relatives. The artist was urgently hospitalized. Igor remained in the hospital for several weeks. Doctors did everything possible to bring the actor out of a coma.

Upon returning home, the artist began to feel health problems. In mid-July of the same year, Artashonov began to complain about a deterioration in well-being. July 18, the artist died suddenly. As the cause of the death of Igor Artashonov, doctors noted a torn blood clot that got into the bloodstream. The same version was confirmed by the autopsy results.

Where is Igor Artashonov buried ? The body of the famous artist was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery. The general public, the place and time of farewell to the actor was not called. The ceremony was attended only by immediate family, friends and colleagues in the acting workshop.

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