Before contacting a particular medical institution, you need to find out as much information as possible about it. It is possible that certain doctors do not accept in a particular organization. Next, we have to find out what constitutes the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (regional). Under what circumstances can I contact here? Is the population offered enough services? Where can I find this institution? Answers to all these questions will help to understand the integrity of the medical organization!
Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center is a state budgetary organization of an outpatient type, offering everyone a medical diagnosis of a variety of diseases. To some extent, this institution is the most common regional clinic for the population.
Within the walls of the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center, expert diagnostics and advisory techniques by various doctors are carried out. This is a multidisciplinary center that helps outpatient treatment.
About Services
The services offered by the institution are diverse. It should be noted right away that you can get them:
- for compulsory medical insurance policies;
- with the help of VHI policies;
- on the personal initiative of a citizen (on a paid basis).
To date, the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (regional) has been operating for more than 25 years. During this time, more than 2,000,000 patients used the organization’s services.
This clinic provides the following services:
- Ultrasound studies;
- a full range of medical laboratory research and analysis;
- consultations of narrow specialists;
- preparation of medical certificates and sick leave;
- examination by specialists at home;
- surgical intervention;
- preventative research programs;
- radiation diagnostics;
- physiotherapy.
VOKKDTS (Voronezh) is a place where you can observe not only the health of the adult population, but also the children. In this institution there are both children's specialists and adults.
Which doctors can be admitted to the organization under study? This question worries many potential patients. Fortunately, you can come to this clinic with almost any health problem.
Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center allows you to get advice from the following doctors:
- therapist;
- pediatrician;
- andrologist;
- nephrologist;
- urologist;
- gynecologist;
- neurologist;
- allergist;
- immunologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- endocrinologist;
- hematologist;
- neurosurgeon;
- chiropractor;
- psychiatrist;
- psychologist;
- oncologist;
- ophthalmologist;
- otolaryngologist;
- coloproctologist;
- surgeon;
- orthopedist;
- traumatologist;
- dermatologist;
- rheumatologist;
- pulmonologist;
- physiotherapist.
The bulk of the listed specialists are receiving not only adults, but also children. Therefore, you can be treated in VOKKDTS (Voronezh) with the whole family.
Service Prices
Many citizens are interested in the paid services of the institution under study. The Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (regional), as already mentioned, carries out the reception of the population not only for free, but also for money. No one imposes a paid service; a person can use it himself. For a fee, a citizen will be able to quickly get an appointment with a specialist, conduct the necessary analyzes and studies to diagnose diseases.
Prices for the services of the institution are called acceptable. They are not the highest, but not the lowest. On average, an appointment with a specialist (adults) costs 700 rubles, at home - 2,500 rubles. Children's doctors take about 800 rubles. Analyzes cost from 150 rubles and higher (depending on the complexity of the operations). Not too expensive, but with a comprehensive examination you will have to spend money.
Where is the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (regional)? This institution is a single advisory clinic. This means that we are talking about an organization located in only one, separate office.
Voronezh Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (VOKKDTS) is located at the address: 5 , Lenin Square , Voronezh .
The institution has no more addresses. Only by the specified coordinates can you find the studied clinic.
VOKKDTS (Voronezh) accepts everyone, but only at certain hours. Which ones? The institution’s working hours do not cause negative emotions in the population. You can almost always get an appointment with specialists.
The doors of the institution are open Monday through Saturday. These days, the Voronezh Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center is open from 8 am to 8 pm. On Sundays, the clinic does not accept the population. The working hours on holidays must be specified directly in the organization’s registry.
Clinic on the square Lenin is open at the previously indicated time. At the same time, the work schedule of specialist doctors is floating. He, like the mode of work on holidays, needs to be recognized at the registry.
About appointment
Where can a good and complete diagnosis be made? Voronezh offers the entire population comprehensive examinations in the VOKKDTS! But for this it is necessary to make an appointment with specialists.
This process is not answered in the best way. Free to get an appointment with specialists of the institution is problematic. We have to record long before the consultation. Long rooms of patients are constantly gathering in some rooms. All this makes a free consultation unbearable.
But there is no problem with signing up for a paid reception. In this case, you must make an appointment with a specialist in advance, and then come to the institution at the appointed time. After that, we can confidently say that the client will be able to get all the desired paid services without much difficulty.
How good are the conditions in the clinic on pl. Lenin, 5? Here, according to numerous reviews, a major overhaul was recently made. The facility looks like an upscale diagnostic center. Cosmetic repairs also take place. Therefore, it is pleasant to be in the offices of a medical organization. Almost everywhere it is light and clean.
Nevertheless, not everyone likes the atmosphere prevailing in the VOKKDTS. The thing is that many emphasize the presence of fuss and queues in this institution. All this attracts unnecessary negative emotions. Therefore, the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center (regional) cannot be called calm and comfortable.
Doctors Attitude
What do they say about the clinic’s specialists? Doctors work differently in the VOKKDC. The reviews do not allow us to confidently judge how well the staff is doing their job.
In total, the institution employs 250 doctors. Of these, 25 are candidates of sciences, as well as 5 doctors of medical sciences. All doctors of the clinic constantly undergo continuing education courses and receive invaluable work experience. It is safe to say that the bulk of the specialists here are high-class doctors.
What can be said about the attitude of doctors to patients? The Voronezh Regional Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center receives mixed reviews in this area. Some point out that specialists of the VOKKDC really treat their patients (including free ones). They can be trusted. Doctors of the institution are trying to quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment without prescribing a huge number of tests.
Also, some citizens say that the Voronezh Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center (VOKKDC) is not cooperating with the best doctors. Many of them are inexperienced and rude people. They prescribe a lot of different tests and cannot make a correct diagnosis. Fortunately, such complaints are not too common.
Reception difference
AUZ VO "VOKKDTS" is an institution in which, according to reviews, you can feel the difference in choosing the type of medical care. Not too strong, but it does occur.
The thing is that with free treatment in an institution, getting to a specialist is problematic. This rule applies even to analyzes - long queues cannot be avoided. And after entering the office, some patients may be rude.
If a person chooses a commercial basis for receiving medical care, you can bypass the queue and get to a specialist without any problems. But at the same time, a lot of tests will be prescribed to the citizen, often unnecessary for diagnosis and treatment.
Least of all are claims from citizens using VHI policies. In this case, the client will be received as a “payer,” but at the same time, according to some opinions, he will not be assigned a lot of unnecessary analyzes and studies.
Circulation efficiency
Need a complete and effective medical diagnosis? Voronezh offers to appeal to everyone in the VOKKDC. Many citizens have helped here. Both paid and free.
The bulk of patients claim that the clinic specialists really know their job. They help to recover from a variety of ailments, although not always in the shortest possible time.
Only sometimes you can see dissatisfaction with the appeal to this diagnostic center. Someone refers to a boorish attitude and a long diagnosis, someone did not benefit from the prescribed treatment, and some generally believe that the VOKKDTS (telephone number can be found in the telephone directory) simply draws money from all visitors.
Now it’s clear what the Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Oblast is. Should I ask for help here?
Yes, because in spite of some negative reviews, in practice there is no documentary evidence. Accordingly, we can assume that the bulk of the negative is far from always true.
In general, the VOKKDC is a good and modern place for the timely diagnosis of various diseases in adults and children. Nevertheless, the professionalism of individual specialists leaves much to be desired. For example, children's ENT is not always able to read a child’s blood test. But such situations can occur in any medical institution.
Voronezh Clinical Consultative and Diagnostic Center is a modern institution for quick and high-quality medical examination. It is recommended to contact here for everyone who wants to quickly check their health with the latest equipment!