Fatum: what is it? Inevitability or informed choice?

As long as humanity exists, so many questions arise about who we are; Where did you come from; fatum - what is it; Is it possible to influence your fate.

fatum what is it

There are several views on being. Some believe that fate is destined that we can not change anything. While others perceive this statement offensive and are sure that the fate of man is in his own hands. There is one more opinion. It is a matter of chance or a kind of fortune. People are convinced that there is luck in life. She smiles at someone, but turns away from someone, and fate directly depends on the case, which a person can take advantage or miss.


The meaning of the word has its roots in ancient times and in literal translation from the Latin language means "rock", "fate".

There are many books and treatises trying to philosophize on this topic, but no definite answer has been found. What is it really - each person determines for himself. The only thing scientists and philosophers agree on is that life is much more mysterious and more unpredictable than we can imagine. Despite our desire to subordinate everything to ourselves and get answers to questions of interest, life cannot be programmed and give concrete solutions. Everything is very complicated and ambiguous.

fate fate rock

Fate begins at birth

A person coming into this world does not choose the time and place of his birth. As well as parents and their own gender, which, without any doubt, leaves a certain imprint on his future destiny.

All our abilities (talents) are given at birth. It is not surprising that some people, for example, having perfect pitch, can achieve great success in music, while others, no matter how hard they try, are simply doomed to failure. According to folk wisdom, a bear has stepped on their ear.

Our fate, fate, rock also largely depend on external circumstances: in what conditions we live, with whom we communicate and what we are interested in. This not only affects our future, but, first of all, it shapes our ā€œIā€ (certain values, outlooks on life and moral paradigms). Of course, the life of natives or African Americans is fundamentally different from the life of Europeans, or, for example, being a clergyman in a monastery is different from the existence of an oligarch, and this cannot but affect the formation of a person as a person and his future fate.

But nevertheless, man is not only a living, but also a thinking and thinking creature, therefore our fate is wholly and completely in our hands and the framework that we create for ourselves in our heads.

fatum what is it

Can fate be changed?

Many throughout their lives try to find the answer to the question "Fatum - what is it?". Some find the answer for themselves, while for others it remains a mystery.

A person needs to understand this in order to be able to change his fate. Every day we live leaves its mark on our destiny. All our thoughts, deeds, judgments and desires, one way or another, are reflected not only in our own destiny, but also in the lives of our loved ones and relatives.

To change fate, you need a very big willpower, a huge desire and zeal. You can not stop for a second on the way to the intended goal and fight to the very end. Only when a person can change his usual way of life, fundamentally change his thinking, can he change his karma and find the answer to the question "Fatum - what is it?" just for him.

fatum meaning of the word


We sincerely hope that everyone will be able to achieve the heights that he really deserves. Only being completely honest with oneself can one find happiness and understand the true meaning of life. To change fate is quite real, you just need to want to and you will understand what Fatum is - that this is not a myth, but reality!

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