Deciphering the analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants: symptoms, order of collection, norm indicators, advice of gastroenterologists

After birth, a variety of microorganisms enter the body of a small child. This is a normal process, due to which an obligate microflora is formed. In the intestine, in addition to anaerobic bifidobacteria, lactobacilli are also conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. In the presence of aggravating conditions, the ratio of microbiocenosis in favor of the optional flora is violated. An upset of flora balance in the absence of treatment poses a threat to the health of the child. Deciphering the analysis for dysbiosis in the baby allows you to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy. The diagnosis of pathology itself is carried out using laboratory tests.

How does dysbiosis develop?

stool fence

Dysbacteriosis in children is a disease characterized by a violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition (biocenosis) of the intestine. In the intestine, the number of optional microflora increases, which suppresses resident (permanent). The problem is very relevant in pediatrics, since dysbiosis is detected in 30-50% of infants.

The baby in the womb is in sterile conditions. Immediately after birth, through the birth canal and when feeding, the newborn receives the bulk of the microflora. "Cleanliness" of the mother is the key to the subsequent health of the child. Breast milk contains immunoglobulin, mactophages, lactoferrin and other immune factors that block the growth of opportunistic flora in the intestine.

In the first week of life, the intestines of the baby are colonized with beneficial bacteria: propionic acid, anaerobic non-spore-forming, lactobacilli, which form the basis of the dominant intestinal microflora. Along with the necessary microbes, staphylococci, enterococci, and clostridia settle in the digestive organ, which contribute to the development of transient (transitional) dysbiosis. The condition is manifested by spasmodic abdominal pain, regurgitation, watery stools and lasts about 14-16 days. For various reasons, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli cannot displace opportunistic representatives of the microbiocenosis of the digestive organ, and the transition state becomes true.

Helps to assess the intestinal microbiocenosis in infants dysbiosis analysis. The study allows you to see the ratio of obligate and optional microflora and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Causes of the disease

how to take an analysis for dysbiosis

Factors contributing to the development of dysbiosis in infants are very diverse. The formation of pathologists can begin even during the period when the baby is in the womb or during and immediately after birth, Among the reasons are the following:

  • Common infectious diseases during pregnancy.
  • Course administration of antibacterial drugs during gestation.
  • The presence of vaginal infections during childbirth: candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia.
  • Parasitic infestations during pregnancy and during lactation.
  • Digestive diseases in women: gastritis, enterocolitis.
  • The use of hormones by a woman.
  • Complications during childbirth.
  • Prematurity of the child.
  • Late attachment to the chest.
  • Early artificial feeding.
  • Inflammation of the mammary glands.
  • Lactose deficiency in a newborn (a disorder often occurs in the first 3 months of life).
  • Diseases in mother and baby, proceeding with a decrease in immunity, diabetes mellitus.
  • Poor breast hygiene of a nursing woman.

Regardless of the causes of the disease, only after passing the test for intestinal dysbiosis in the baby, you can prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of a biocenosis disorder

symptoms of dysbiosis

With the disease, antagonistic activity against pathogenic and putrefactive microbes is disrupted. And also the body's resistance decreases due to a disorder of vitamin-forming and catalytic functions. The following clinical manifestations indicate the occurrence of dysbiosis:

  • Frequent spitting up.
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen.
  • Convulsive contractions of the abdominal muscles.
  • Liquid and frequent stools, or, conversely, its prolonged absence.
  • The presence of mucus and foam in the feces, sometimes streaks of blood.
  • Bad breath.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • The child is constantly acting up, sleeping badly.

With insufficient absorption of nutrients in the feces there is an excess of fat. There is vitamin deficiency, small weight gain. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of iron-containing protein (hemoglobin) in the blood, a delay in physical development. The process of decay in the digestive organs causes an inflammatory lesion of the skin, accompanied by dryness, itching; allergies, manifested by the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes (urticaria).

If such symptoms occur in the baby, the analysis of feces for dysbiosis should be done as soon as possible.

Research methods

To confirm the imbalance in the microflora balance, stool studies are carried out in several ways. The diagnostic method is prescribed based on the symptoms, in some cases several types of tests are done. Whatever the method of the study, the pediatrician deciphers the analysis of feces for dysbiosis in the baby and prescribes therapy on its basis.

  • Coprogram - a study of bowel movements in order to identify pathologies of the digestive organs. In addition to the state of microflora, the analysis allows you to evaluate the enzymatic activity of the intestine, the presence of parasitic worms in it and the inflammatory process. The test is not basic and is assigned in most cases as an additional one.
  • Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis is a biochemical rapid test to identify the waste products that inhabit the intestines of microorganisms. Using the study, violations of the biocenosis and the content of parietal microflora are determined. Unlike Bakseeding, results are obtained within 1.5-2 hours.
  • Microbiological analysis (hemotest) for dysbiosis in infants - bacterial stool culture is a specific diagnostic method. It allows you to evaluate the qualitatively-quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora, to determine the prevailing bacteria and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

What does the study show?


The hemotest is the main method for diagnosing biocenosis disorders.

To identify microorganisms, the biomaterial is placed in a nutrient medium that stimulates the growth of bacteria. Most often, simple natural media, meat peptone agar (MPA) or broth are used as a substrate for the cultivation of microorganisms. The study is carried out under sterile conditions in order to avoid the ingress of other microorganisms and incorrect interpretation of the results.

In deciphering the analysis for dysbiosis in infants, microaerophilic gram-positive microorganisms, staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli isolators and other groups of microorganisms are determined. Typically, colony domains of living organisms are cultured for 5-7 days. Some types of bacteria grow progressively in the first two days. After the process of "growing" microorganisms is completed, the laboratory assistant counts representatives of all strains. The final transcript includes data that displays the number of colony-forming microbes per gram of biomaterial.

How to take an analysis for dysbiosis in infants?

fecal container

Before any research is necessary to prepare. The process is simple, but requires full compliance with all conditions.

  • The test must be carried out before taking antibacterial chemotherapeutic agents.
  • The chair should be spontaneous. Laxatives, rectal suppositories should be excluded, the baby should not be enema.
  • 72 hours before the analysis, limit the intake of drugs that affect intestinal motility: Dufalac, Normase, Lactulose.
  • For 3-4 days you can not smear the area of ​​the anus with creams and oils.
  • If the baby is taking any medications, you need to inform about this before passing the analysis.
  • The introduction of new products and the change of mixtures should be postponed for 2-3 days, or better until the results of the study.
  • Before taking biomaterial, the baby’s ass should be washed with water without using soap or any other body wash.

In order for the decryption of the analysis of feces for dysbiosis in infants to be reliable, these simple requirements should be fulfilled. It is advisable to collect biomaterial in the morning no more than 2 hours before they are delivered to the laboratory. Excrement taken the day before or subjected to freezing is not suitable for the test.

How to collect an analysis of dysbiosis in infants?

collection of analysis for dysbiosis

Before the baby begins to poop, in addition to fulfilling the above requirements, it needs to be reassured. A child is already feeling bad, and additional stress can aggravate the situation even more.

If the baby cannot poop, to stimulate you can do a light massage of the abdomen or simply stroke clockwise with the back of your hand. If the baby still does not succeed after these actions, you can give him a drink of water. You can speed up the bowel movement using a vent tube. One end of it should be inserted into the baby’s butt (0.5 cm), and the second should be lowered. Usually bowel movement occurs after 2-3 minutes.

If the child began to poop into the diaper, it is better not to interrupt the process. The baby needs to be washed, but do not put on the diaper and wait until the intestines are empty. Feces from a diaper or oilcloth are collected with a special spoon in a container. The biomaterial is given to the laboratory and after 5-7 days, the result of the analysis of the baby for intestinal dysbiosis with decoding is obtained.

Norms of indicators

In different laboratories, the results may vary slightly, so they need to be compared with reference values. In older children and in infants, in the analysis for dysbiosis, the norms of indicators are somewhat different. In babies up to a year, the form of feeding affects the result, so it is extremely undesirable to independently decipher and even more so treat. Only a doctor can adequately assess the clinical picture and prescribe therapeutic measures.

Norms of indicators in children up to a year:

  • Bifidobacteria - 10⁹– 10¹¹.
  • Lactobacilli - 10⁶ - 10⁷.
  • Bacteroids - 10⁷ - 10⁸.
  • Enterococci - 10⁵ - 10⁷.
  • Peptostreptococcus - not more than 10⁵.
  • Clostridia - not more than or equal to 10³.
  • E. coli lactose-negative - no more than 10⁵.
  • E. coli hemolytic - 0.
  • Staphylococcus aureus - 0.
  • Staphylococcus saprophytic epidermal - not more than or equal to 10⁴.
  • Candida yeast - 10².


An ordinary person on a form with the results sees a set of numbers and obscure terms. Therefore, the pediatrician should deal with the decoding of the analysis for dysbiosis in the baby. He will adequately analyze and evaluate the result.

  • Bifidobacteria account for up to 90% of the intestinal microflora in children. They inhibit the formation of putrefactive and pathogenic microbes, promote the digestion of carbohydrates.
  • Lactobacilli turn lactose and other carbohydrates into lactic acid, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. They also make up a significant part of the microflora of the digestive organ.
  • A small number of enterococci in the analysis for dysbiosis in the baby is the norm. Elevated levels of these microorganisms cause infections.
  • Peptostreptococcus is part of the normal microflora of a child. They live not only in the colon, but also in the oral cavity and respiratory tract. A high content of non-spore-forming bacteria indicates an infection or tumor.
  • Clostridia carry out the process of digesting protein elements in the distant sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria are dangerous in combination with other pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The presence of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli in the body of a child is unacceptable. Bacteria cause a wide range of dangerous diseases.

Disease Prevention: Tips from Gastroenterologists

Deciphering the analysis for dysbacteriosis in infants makes it possible to assess the state of the intestinal microflora and conduct therapeutic measures aimed at its normalization. But, as you know, the best cure for diseases is their prevention.


Gastroenterologists and pediatricians argue that the optimal prevention of dysbiosis in infants is breastfeeding. Breast milk contains all the necessary trace elements that contribute to the formation of the normal intestinal flora and the immunity of the child. With the baby should often walk in the fresh air. Positive effect gives hardening.

Good hygiene prevents the growth of pathogens. Wet wipes should be used in extreme cases. When changing diapers, the baby's ass needs to be washed. During pregnancy, gastroenterologists are advised to adhere to proper nutrition. Use antibiotics as little as possible. With prolonged treatment with antibacterial drugs, follow a special diet.

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