How to calculate ppm in the blood?

Alcohol is a serious problem for many generations. Each person has his own attitude to fun drinks. Some do not use them at all (unfortunately, their number is negligible), others do it regularly, which does not prevent them from driving in this condition. According to the latest statistics, about 30% of all accidents occur due to the fault of a drunk driver. The traffic police are seriously concerned about the current situation, therefore, employees strictly monitor the sobriety of drivers, using a special apparatus for inspections - a breathalyzer.

general information

Many people who never encounter such checks do not know what the device is and how to calculate the ppm in the breathalyzer.

This is a small device equipped with a special tube, the main purpose of which is to determine the amount of alcohol consumed in a unit of measurement, ppm. For testing, the driver just needs to breathe into the device, and the result will immediately be displayed on the screen.

The first breathalyzers appeared in the USA (1930). They could only state the fact of the presence of ethanol in the blood, but it was not possible to calculate this in ppm.

Degree of intoxication

Calculating the ppm in the blood, you can establish the degree of intoxication of the owner of the car and determine what threat he carries for himself and others on the road:

  1. 0.5-1.5 (initial). In this state, a person is already a danger. He has a slight violation of coordination, perception of distance. Characterized by cheerful behavior, arrogance.
  2. 1.5-2.5 (average). With further use of strong drinks, all reactions become inhibited, which is unacceptable for the driver. The state is replaced by aggression, irritability.
  3. 2.5-3.00 (strong). They say about such people that he barely stands on his feet. Indeed, in the presence of such an amount of ethyl alcohol in the blood, serious problems with coordination and consciousness are observed.
  4. 3.00-5.00 (poisoning). The stage threatens the unfortunate driver with grave consequences, often with a fatal outcome. What can happen on the road with the car owner, one can only guess.
  5. 5.00 and above (lethal dose). A person is unable to move. A high probability of developing a heart attack, stroke. In this case, only an ambulance can help, but not always.

How to calculate ppm

These indicators are generalized, since each organism is individual, so the stages can proceed with some differences.

Ethanol Harm

Many are interested in how to calculate the ppm of alcohol, but they do not know that the systematic use of strong drinks harms the drinker himself and makes the lives of those around him unbearable.

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not calm nerves, but has the opposite effect. The feeling of euphoria that has come after a certain dose of a drunken drink is quickly replaced by irritation, aggression.

In addition to the nervous system, alcohol negatively affects work:

  1. Brain. Deteriorates memory, causes tremor of limbs and disrupts the coordination of movements.
  2. The liver. Acetaldehyde, which is a decay product of ethanol, gradually destroys organ cells (hepatocytes). This leads to a deterioration in its work and the occurrence of various diseases.
  3. Pancreas. It causes chronic or acute inflammation (pancreatitis), fatty degeneration, tumors, and diabetes mellitus.

How to calculate ppm of alcohol

The above organs suffer most, but as a result of regular drinking, a blow is struck throughout the body as a whole. Therefore, instead of thinking how to calculate the ppm of alcohol, you need to understand what consequences it can lead to.

Can I drink while driving and how much

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, persons who have exceeded the threshold are liable for drunk driving:

  • 0.35 ppm in the blood;
  • 0.16 ppm on exhalation.

Many drivers puzzle over how to calculate the ppm of alcohol in exhaled air without a breathalyzer, but you can only make such a calculation approximately.

Calculate ppm in blood

Allowed indicators do not mean that you can drink while driving. Alcohol is sometimes detected in a completely sober person. This may be the cause of some physiological processes or a consequence of the use of:

  • kvass;
  • kefir;
  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • malt bread.

Any fermentation product may show unwanted ppm when checking, but if this figure does not exceed the permissible, you should not worry.

Often, drinking the day before, drivers drive too early, not knowing how to calculate the ppm of blood alcohol. As a result, the device records the excess of the minimum threshold. Such a motorist will be punished by a fine or deprivation of rights (depending on the degree of intoxication and the circumstances in which the check was made).

Driving again after drinking

In order not to get into unpleasant situations, it is necessary to approximately calculate the ppm in the blood (based on the volume and strength of the drinks, the weight of the person). Based on this figure, it is easy to determine the approximate time for the withdrawal of ethyl alcohol.

How to calculate ppm alcohol in expired air

This is done using a simple formula or an online calculator. However, it should be remembered that many pathological conditions of the body can interfere with sobering, so this fact must be taken into account when calculating.

Reasons for long-term neutralization of alcohol

The rapid elimination of alcohol is primarily prevented by the liver. The more often a person drinks, the more his internal filter suffers. As a result, intoxication lasts longer, and a hangover syndrome is harder.

The liver takes up about 70 percent of the total load and processes alcohol into the decay product - acetaldehyde, which has a very negative effect on the human body. It can lead to alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, oncology, etc.

The rest is excreted through the kidneys, respiratory tract and skin.

Also, the rate of ethanol neutralization will depend on the following factors:

  • amount of drunk;
  • drink fortresses;
  • the state of the remaining internal organs, the body as a whole;
  • weight and gender;
  • quantity and quality of food eaten before the feast, during and after.

The less the person’s weight, the worse the alcohol leaves the body. In women, this occurs 20% slower than men.

Calculate the ppm of drunk

It is proved that persons who have a good bite during a banquet or before it begins to get drunker.

Independently find out the level of ppm

How to calculate ppm:

  1. To begin with, the mass of human water is calculated. For this: 80 (weight) * 70%: 100.
  2. Then the amount of alcohol drunk is determined by the example of 1000 ml of beer with a strength of 5 degrees. Required: 1000 * 0.05 = 5 ml, then: 5 * 0.79 (density of ethyl alcohol) = 3.95 g.
  3. 3.96 / 56 = 0.7 ppm.

Thus, after only 2 bottles of beer, the level of ethyl alcohol will significantly exceed the norm.

Alcohol Weathering Time

How else is the cherished ppm calculated? To do this, use the list below. It presents the most popular alcoholic beverages, their strength and approximate disposal time, after which the driver again has the right to drive. So, with the use of 0.5 l of the drink, it will leave the body:

  • champagne (11%) - 4.5-8 hours;
  • vodka (40%) - 17.25-29 hours;
  • beer (4%) - 1.45-2.55 h;
  • beer (6%) - 2.4-4.2 hours;
  • liquor (30%) - 13-21.4 hours;
  • port (18%) - 7.55-14 hours;
  • filling, tincture (25%) - 9.3-17.3 hours;
  • cognac (42%) - 18.2-30.3 hours

How to calculate ppm in a breathalyzer

The minimum value is observed in people with a body weight of about 60 kg, and the maximum - at 100 kg or more.

What to do to make ethanol leave the body faster

First of all, you need to take care of your health and maintain the liver in proper condition:

  • drink alcohol as little as possible;
  • conduct an examination of the abdominal organs;
  • drink a course of drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • do not eat fried, smoked, too spicy dishes or limit their number.

How to calculate ppm of blood alcohol

Recovery of the liver, depending on its condition and associated pathologies, can take about 1-3 months.

If you need to get the result faster, it is recommended:

  • eat well before the planned feast;
  • do not drink low-quality alcohol;
  • drink one type of alcohol without mixing them.

Significantly increase the rate of excretion of ethanol after a fun event will not work. This is only possible for medical professionals who perform special procedures using a dropper with a "life-giving composition."

From the foregoing, we can conclude that you can calculate the per mille from drunk only approximately. This complex process depends on many factors, the key of which is the state of health. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to drink alcohol often, and even more so daily. Regular drinking threatens with a fine, loss of driver’s license, loss of health and family, condemnation of others and often death.

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