If sunburned, what to do?

What to do if sunburned? What to do to help? Strange as it may seem, these issues may concern not only beach people and vacationers, but also working people. In the summer, the sun can overtake anyone, sometimes it’s enough to just stand in the open air for half an hour to get sunburned skin on the face, arms, shoulders, in general, those parts of the body that are not covered by clothing. Of course, those who are in the sunshine not far from water bodies suffer the most from sunburns , because the reflectivity of water is quite high, which means that the sun's rays are stronger in the immediate vicinity of it. Also, many summer residents suffer from burns. If you see a man whose back is burnt in the sun, and his hands, neck and legs remained pale, then most likely he was engaged in landscaping the garden plot, where he acquired the so-called "summer tan".

back burned in the sun
So, what first aid measures should be taken if you yourself or your relatives, through negligence, have sunburns? Now we’ll talk about how to help yourself if you are sunburned. What to do first?

If you feel that the skin has turned red under the sun's rays and warmed up, you need to quickly change your location and go into the shade. It is best if the shadow is accompanied by access to fresh air. That is, to close in an apartment or a house will not be the best idea, but settle down on a veranda, porch or at least a shaded balcony to allow the skin to cool - a good solution.

sunburned skin
If possible, if the skin is burned in the sun, you need to rid it of other irritants. Inflamed, it is very sensitive to touch, and therefore it is better to take off your clothes, and as a coolant you can use a damp towel or sheet, they should be applied to the places of burns and, if possible, replaced as soon as they heat up and dry.

If sunburned, what to do next? As soon as the skin cools down a little from overheating, you need to wash off dust and dirt from it, they can also irritate charred places. To do this, you need to adjust the shower so that the water in it is not too hot and does not cause pain in burned places. But it’s also not worth climbing under excessively cool jets, because a sharp temperature drop can provoke a cold in the body, or even pneumonia. After the bathing procedures are over, the skin can be left to dry, so as not to injure it, wiping it dry.

if sunburned what to do
How to help if burned in the sun? What to do to help your skin? Take drinking water. This is an indispensable thing, because the sun's rays not only dry and scorch the skin, but also provoke dehydration of the body, which must be combated. For these purposes, you need to drink more unsweetened water. Better just cool or room temperature, but not too cold, otherwise a body that is susceptible after overheating can easily get a sore throat after ice water.

And after such resuscitation measures, you can begin to fight inflammation. It can be removed using special post-tanning creams or just moisturizing body lotions. Pantenol ointment and Rescue balm help well with sunburns, they can remove pain in a couple of hours. If there are no medical supplies at hand, then you can use fat-free unsweetened yogurt or kefir, which will not clog pores and soften the skin a little.

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