Gerontology - what is it? Research Institute of Gerontology. The successes of gerontology

Currently, there are a huge number of sections of medicine. One of them is gerontology. The object of its study is the aging process of the body. At the same time, specialists in this field are trying to determine how various diseases occur in older people. The concept of "gerontology" is quite broad. It highlights one of the most important sections that directly relates to the health of every elderly person. It's about geriatrics. This science is developing very dynamically. At the same time, one of the most important goals of gerontology and its main section - geriatrics - is the development of effective methods of treatment for elderly people.

Gerontology is

What is gerontology and geriatrics?

Gerontology is a science that studies the processes of aging. Specialists in this field are trying to determine the basic physiological stages, as well as the biochemical reactions responsible for their course. Currently, this science has reached a high level of development. Now there are even individual research institutes of Gerontology. Such institutions are multidisciplinary centers with significant research potential.

Institute of Gerontology

The most important section of gerontology is geriatrics. This branch of medicine deals with the treatment of older people. The fact is that the rational treatment of the elderly has its own characteristics. At the same time, geriatrics is studying not only treatment, but also the basics of prevention. This area of ​​knowledge is of great importance, since with age, all human organs gradually work worse and worse. The result is the development of serious chronic diseases. It will no longer be possible to get rid of them, however, it is quite possible to compensate for these violations somewhat if desired.

On the characteristics of the human body in age

First of all, it should be noted the presence of a large number of violations in the work of organs. In addition, the elderly are usually immunocompromised. As a result, the main problems of gerontology and geriatrics are to maintain the working capacity of an already aging organism at an acceptable level, thereby improving the quality of human life.

The successes of gerontology

It is also worth noting that with age for people, the beneficial effects of drugs can be significantly reduced. This is due to a decrease in the activity of the receptive apparatus of cells. At the same time, a large number of medicines can have a greater damaging effect. So gerontology is a science that is primarily designed to develop new and improve existing treatment methods for age-related patients.

Features of the course and treatment of infections in the elderly

Currently, it is already known that in older patients, immunity is significantly reduced. At the same time, it is much more difficult to suspect the course of the infectious process in the elderly. The fact is that their clinical symptoms are more scarce than others. In this case, there may not be a temperature increase at all. This circumstance greatly complicates the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Often, bacteria and viruses in age-related organisms multiply and grow faster than usual. This is due to a reduced level of immunity in the elderly. As a result, it is not necessary to hope for their own protection by their body in the fight against infection.

Gerontology Institute in Moscow

The use of antibacterial agents in age-related patients should be carried out in sufficient quantities. At the same time, it is very important to consider that in the elderly, against the background of massive antibacterial therapy, serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur. The successes of gerontology at the present stage have already made it possible to solve most of the problems associated with infectious diseases in the elderly.

Gerontology and the fight against cardiovascular disease

Currently, diseases of the circulatory system are perhaps the most common. Often they lead to disability of patients and even death. Moreover, in older patients, this pathology is most often combined. That is, the same person has several diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. The success of gerontology allows you to fight all these diseases at the same time. Modern pharmaceuticals have achieved significant results, which helps to maintain elderly patients in a relatively normal condition. Each gerontology center tries to use the most modern and safe drugs for people aged.

problems of gerontology

Cardiovascular pathology is particularly dangerous for humans in years. The fact is that it is the heart and blood vessels that most often suffer the most over time. This is due to the continuous operation of this system. As a result, the main ailments that specialists at the Scientific Research Institute of Gerontology have to work with are coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension. It is these diseases that most often bother older people.

About centenarians

In the future, the main tasks of gerontology are to slow down or completely stop the aging process of the body. For this reason, the main objects of research in this area are centenarians (over 90 years old). The fact is that in such people the aging processes proceed not only most harmoniously and smoothly, but also quite slowly. In order to determine which structures and genes are responsible for this feature of long-livers, the Gerontology Institute in Moscow and other institutions of this type use the most modern equipment.

Gerontology Center

What affects aging?

At present, it is already reliably known which processes are of key importance in this matter. First of all, heredity should be noted. The fact is that it is genes that encode the course of all biochemical processes in the body. Of course, aging is also subject to this law. Naturally, good heredity alone is not enough to live long while remaining relatively healthy. It is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle. The fact is that a direct effect on the aging process is the number of harmful factors affecting the body. Another condition that increases the chances of a long life is being in an ecologically clean area.

Proper aging

A person cannot influence his genes, but he is quite capable of adjusting his lifestyle. The tasks of gerontology include not only studying aging processes, but also determining the right lifestyle for the longest and most comfortable existence of the body. First of all, an active lifestyle should be noted. It is well known that physical inactivity acts extremely badly on the cardiovascular system. In particular, the heart itself suffers. In addition, prolonged physical inactivity will negatively affect a person’s weight, even if he does not overeat.

gerontology tasks

It is equally important to adhere to the principles of good nutrition. The main ones are:

  • the predominance of plant food over animal;
  • food intake in small portions in 4-6 meals throughout the day;
  • maximum restriction on the amount of fried, salty, and also excessively seasoned in the diet;
  • limiting the intake of carbohydrates.

For harmonious aging, it is extremely important not to have bad habits. If a person wants to live long enough, then there can be no talk of any smoking, alcohol, and even more so drugs.

Gerontology in Moscow: where to find a specialist?

In the Russian Federation there are also organizations engaged in research in this area. At the same time, the Gerontology Institute (Moscow, Botanical Garden - a metro station close to which it is located) is a multidisciplinary institution that not only conducts scientific experiments, but also provides effective treatment for elderly patients. To solve the second problem, this gerontological center includes such departments as:

  • therapeutic;
  • surgical;
  • cardiology;
  • neurological;
  • gastroenterological;
  • gynecological.

In the gastroenterological department there are hematological beds. As a result, patients who enter this institution are given the opportunity to receive high-quality medical care at the highest level.

In addition, the Moscow Institute of Gerontology has a department of resuscitation and intensive care.

It should also be noted that the structure of this institution has a clinic. There are specialists who provide quality outpatient care. In addition, in the clinic at the Institute of Gerontology there is an opportunity to visit such narrow specialists as an otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, dentist and others. So Moscow gerontology is a multidisciplinary medical diagnostic center. Everything here is aimed at the most effective assistance to the elderly.

Advantages of a gerontological center over a regular hospital

For the elderly, it is better to undergo treatment in a specialized institution. The fact is that in the gerontological center everything is aimed at treating this particular population group. Not only geriatricians work here, but also all treatment and diagnostic protocols are aimed at helping the elderly. Naturally, a special diet has been developed here for them, which is most suitable for their digestive systems. Another great advantage of being in such a center is the use there of the most modern achievements of domestic and foreign science. So specialized gerontology is the best place to treat the elderly.

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