Smell after sex: causes, norm and deviations, treatment

The smell after sex can alert anyone. Even a person who takes care of his health with care may be afraid of such a symptom. Of course, the patient in this case should seek help from his doctor. After the examination, the specialist will direct you to take some tests, after which he will tell you how best to get rid of the unpleasant odor after sex. If he appeared, then you should not delay with a visit to the clinic, because postponement can adversely affect all health. But what should be the normal smell after sex? What will be considered a deviation? What to do in case of an unpleasant symptom? This will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Normal smell after sex in women

Before considering any deviations, you should understand what is the norm, from which you need to build on. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that postcoital discharge is a normal symptom. In this case, the consistency of them may be viscous, transparent or whitish. Normally, an unpleasant smell after sex in this case will be absent. Thus, if a representative of the fair sex after an intercourse appeared odorless white, then do not panic, run to the doctor.

bad smell after sex

In addition, the presence of a subtle, light, specific aroma will be the absolute norm. Normal discharge plays the role of a lubricant, while facilitating the gliding of the penis, as a result of which intercourse becomes more pleasant. Such secretions are secreted due to the activity of the glands located in the vaginal area, as well as the cervix. Therefore, if you notice a subtle smell from the vagina after sex, then this is also the absolute norm.

In men

In representatives of the stronger sex, when excited, a viscous fluid is also released from the penis. In this case, this is due to the work of the gland, which is located near the urethra. The task of this fluid is exactly the same as that of female secretions - they play the role of a lubricant.

Experts say that the reason for unrest will be the complete absence of such a liquid. This may indicate, for example, dry vaginal syndrome in women.

smell after sex

With candidiasis

We continue to consider why, after sex, the smell is very unpleasant. Often a similar symptom is observed in the fair sex with the development of candidiasis. With this disease, conditionally pathogenic fungi belonging to the genus Candida actively multiply in the vagina, as well as on the penis. The first symptom will be discharge. As a rule, they are yellowish or white in color, have the consistency of cottage cheese. In most cases, such secretions are completely absent.

However, some patients notice odor-like discharge after sex during candidiasis. Something like the aroma of sauerkraut. This suggests that the smell is sour. But it cannot be said that it provokes hostility or sharp rejection.

Experts say that candidiasis is mainly diagnosed among women. Among the representatives of the stronger sex, pathology is not particularly common. It should be noted that the amount of discharge increases just after intercourse. This can be explained by irritation of the mucosa during friction of the vagina with the penis.

vaginal odor after sex

As for men, curdled discharge, as a rule, does not stand out, but accumulate in the foreskin. Such accumulations can cause the development of phimosis, as well as other rather unpleasant consequences. That is why, if after sex there is a smell with secretions, you should consult a doctor.

Norm or deviation?

Very common are secretions that smell like rotten fish. Many women face this problem after sex. Experts say that a similar smell after sex in women appears if they develop gardnerellosis. In another way, this disease is called bacterial vaginosis. This pathology is also provoked by opportunistic microorganisms, due to which it is not always found and not at all.

This microorganism is called gardnerella. He is able to live for years in the human body, and does not manifest himself in any way. If a woman has aggravated gardnerellosis, then in addition to a specific smell after intercourse, itching in the vagina, a burning sensation appears. There may also be problems with urination. Allocations with such a pathology are very scarce, most often they have a gray tint.

why smell after sex

It is important to note that this disease can affect not only the fair sex, but also men. However, experts note that the defeat of the male part of the population is much less common than that of the female. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex also have an unpleasant smell of secretions from the penis. The head of the penis with this disease can swell, problems often appear during urination.

Regardless of gender, patients who suffer from severe symptoms of gardnerellosis should begin treatment. The disease can provoke an inflammatory process, as well as other unpleasant consequences. If untreated, women can develop infertility.

What does an unpleasant odor indicate?

Quite often, women wonder what an unpleasant odor from the vagina indicates after sex. What infections will be characterized by a similar symptom? Experts note that any inflammation that occurs in the genital area, as well as caused by pathogenic microflora, is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor after sex. The human body sharply begins to respond to additional irritation, due to which the production of secretions is enhanced.


If a woman or man complains of a harsh, unpleasant odor, then you need to think about infection. For example, a specialist in this case carries out diagnostics to exclude chlamydia, gonorrhea, as well as other similar infections. The smell is formed due to the fact that bacteria lead an active life, while releasing substances into the air, which, during contact with the mucous membrane, give an unpleasant odor. But not only the infectious process is capable of provoking the formation of such unpleasant sensations.

vaginal odor after sex


If oncology is diagnosed, then patients will also experience an unpleasant odor in the genital area. However, in this case, this will be determined not by the multiplication of bacteria, but by the process of decay in the tissues. The discharge may take on a reddish or brown hue. Often the appearance of such a symptom is accompanied by soreness, which can torment patients not only during sex, but also at any other time.


Trichomoniasis is another very common sexually transmitted disease. This ailment is provoked by simple microorganisms that are not considered bacteria. However, they no longer belong to the class of animals. The disease is distinguished by its cunning. Symptoms of trichomoniasis are extremely scarce, due to which the ailment can be quite difficult to diagnose. Often, women suffer from trichomoniasis. However, carriers who spread the infection are men who do not suffer from such an ailment.

It must be remembered that the disease, which proceeds in a neglected form, is one of the main reasons for the development of infertility in women. That is why patients are often worried about the question of what should be the smell of trichomoniasis.

after sex discharge with smell

Many women, as in the case of vaginosis, note that the smell resembles rotten fish. But there are alternatives. Some people smell cheese. Someone at the same time feels just an unpleasant odor that does not look like anything. It is important to note that even in the case of active trichomoniasis, a woman may not have suspicious symptoms at all. Often this disease is diagnosed only after specialists discover infertility. In this case, trichomoniasis is practically not treatable.

Which doctor should I go to?

Many patients do not know which doctor to contact if there is an unpleasant odor of the genitals after intercourse. With such a problem, you can contact the following specialists for help:

  1. Venereologist.
  2. Urologist.
  3. Gynecologist.
  4. Oncologist.

It is important to note that in no case should you be shy to seek the advice of a professional doctor if you have suspicious symptoms.

Therapy Features

Treatment will be prescribed only after the specialist diagnoses his patient. In most cases, the cause of such an unpleasant symptom is an infection. To get rid of it, a specialist can prescribe the use of the following medicines:

  1. Antibiotics. These funds destroy the bacterial microflora, which provokes an inflammatory process in the genital area.
  2. Antimycotics. Such drugs are aimed at combating various kinds of fungi.
  3. Antiseptics. The main task of such drugs is to prevent another infection from entering the patient.
  4. Immunostimulants. These funds should strengthen the patientโ€™s immune system, while stimulating the fight against existing pathogens.
woman smell after sex

Specific drugs, as well as their dosage, frequency of administration will be selected by a specialist strictly on an individual basis. Here, the doctor will take into account not only the nature of the disease, but also the general condition of the patient, indications and contraindications for the use of certain medications. In the article, we examined in detail why the smell appears after sex.

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