Devices Gezatone: reviews. Gezatone (facial massager): customer reviews

Hardware procedures are becoming increasingly popular in cosmetology. This is due to the rapid achievement of the effect, a stable result and the safety of the event. The most popular devices that help to carry out this process include equipment of the French brand Gezatone.

About Gezatone

reviews gezatone

The company presents a wide range of equipment to preserve beauty and health. Launches Gezatone line of cosmetic equipment since 1995.

The devices of this brand are distinguished by high modern quality, stylish design, efficiency and ease of use, as many reviews say. Gezatone can help every woman to master cosmetic salon procedures at home and save time, money, since the price of one such procedure in the salon is equal to the cost of the device.

Such equipment helps to remove cellulite, improve the condition of problem skin, relieves acne, acne, age spots, prevents hair loss and solves many more aesthetic problems.


The Gezatone range is extensive and represented by darsonval, various face and body massagers , devices designed for ultrasonic face cleaning.

The action of the devices is based on a different frequency electric charge, radiation of infrared heat, galvanic current and ultrasonic waves. Some of them have a combined sphere of influence, such as the Darsonval Family Doctor, which affects the skin with infrared radiation and electric shock at the same time. So, the device works even more efficiently, which is what the reviews say. Gezatone has repeatedly proved its result in various areas of cosmetology at home and in the salon.

Target device classification

gezatone machine reviews

Equipment from Gezatone is also divided according to its intended purpose into the following categories, these are:

  • Facial skin care. This includes the fight against acne, the elimination of acne and age spots, smoothing the skin.
  • Anti-aging care. Getting rid of wrinkles and preventing new ones, increasing skin turgor, lifting and eliminating edema.
  • The fight against cellulite, reducing body fat, weight loss.
  • Improving the blood circulation of the scalp, preventing hair loss, strengthening hair follicles.
  • Subcutaneous administration of drugs.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning of the skin of the face and body.
  • Massagers for the eyes.

This equipment has helped many women get rid of various imperfections in the skin, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Gezatone are universal devices, and one device can do several cosmetic operations.

massager gezatone reviews

Indications and contraindications

To use the Gezatone device, reviews of which make you pay attention to it, you must adhere to certain rules specified in the instructions, as well as pay attention to indications and contraindications.

So, devices of this brand are recommended for pigmentation and irregularities of the skin (moles, freckles). Narrow the enlarged pores, prevent the appearance of comedones and acne. Soften rough skin, remove peeling, acne, remove dead epidermal cells, edema, nasolabial folds, wrinkles and bruises under the eyes. Used to care for oily and dry skin. Tighten the oval of the face and remove the double chin. Improve blood supply, effectively fight cellulite, stretch marks and fatty deposits.

Undoubtedly, this equipment is effective, which more than once was confirmed by reviews. Gezatone has a number of contraindications. So, you should not use the device for arrhythmias, poor circulation, blood diseases and thrombophlebitis, as well as when wearing a pacemaker and other implants. The ban is a violation of the integrity of the skin and oncology of the skin, mental illness, pregnancy.

The device is not used in the area of ​​the eyes, heart, thyroid gland, on the genitals, silicone implants and the area around them, as well as in the areas of gel plastic surgery.

Darsonvali from Gezatone

Darsonval Gezatone is especially fond of. Reviews about him are only positive. According to women, the apparatus perfectly increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps relieve inflammation and quickly heals wounds and pustules. Increases tone and removes pain during joint disease and osteoporosis. Prevents hair loss, strengthens hair, cures scalp diseases.

darsonval gezatone reviews

The principle of its effect is based on an alternating pulse charge of small force, but high voltage and frequency. It, being transformed into a corona charge, passes ozone and ozone oxides with antiseptic properties through glass nozzles filled with vacuum.

Darsonval Gezatone is shown, reviews of which are positive for varicose veins, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, lipodystrophy, acne, alopecia, neuralgia and neurosis. And also with diseases of the hair and scalp.

Gezatone m9900: reviews

gezatone m9900 reviews

The Gezatone m9900 device is no less popular, which makes it possible to carry out the “mesotherapy without a needle” procedure at home. Promotes the penetration of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Performs five cosmetic operations, these are mesoporation, electroporation, electromyostimulation, high-frequency biocurrents and chromotherapy.

The drug stimulates the activity of cosmetics, increases the production of collagen and elastin, reduces wrinkles, tightens the muscles of the face, relieves the second chin, and relieves spasms. It emits red, blue, orange and pink colors with different wavelengths.

Most women noted an effective result after several sessions of Gezatone m9900. Reviews say that regular use of the device for 10 minutes every other day helped smooth out wrinkles, get rid of edema and circles under the eyes. Flabbiness, cellulite has gone, the complexion has improved, and the skin has become more elastic and toned. Some ladies note that the device is still inferior to the mesotherapy procedure in the salon, where the injection of drugs is carried out by injection.

Massager Gezatone: reviews

Under the Gezatone brand, massagers are produced for both face and body. They care for the skin, improve the circulation of blood vessels. They cleanse the skin, relieve it of wrinkles, acne, acne, sagging and other imperfections. They are divided into vacuum and ultrasonic. They include various nozzles that transmit ultrasonic waves, light or microcurrents through themselves.

face massager gezatone reviews

Many women choose the Gezatone facial massager for themselves, reviews of which are enthusiastic both on the Internet and in the field of salon services. After all, one drug provides comprehensive facial skin care without leaving your home, the equivalent of which are only expensive salon procedures.

The device does not stretch the epidermis and does not expose it to deformation. Cleans dead skin cells of the epidermis, dirt, grease and other skin secretions. Promotes deep penetration of cosmetic products. The micromassage procedure relieves tension and relaxes muscles, helps to reduce them, as a result of which the skin is leveled, complexion improves, and the aging process stops.

Gezatone devices were created specifically to preserve youth, beauty, and every woman, of course, should use them.

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