How to make a swab from a bandage: twisting algorithm and application

Many are interested in how to make a swab from a bandage. In frequent cases, the treatment of gynecological diseases includes the integrated use of therapeutic methods. To ensure that the active component has access to the center of the problem, doctors often prescribe irrigation, baths, and douching. Some gynecologists recommend using self-made products during treatment.

The doctor's consultation

Why can not you use menstruation during gynecological therapy?

You should be aware that tampons are used during menstruation so that the gynecological agent absorbs blood. In the process of treatment, on the contrary, the maximum return on medications is required. It is not easy to saturate industrial products with active ingredients, especially medicines that have a thick consistency. Even if it succeeds, it is possible that a problem may occur during the introduction of the product inside.

What diseases will a homemade tampon come in handy for?

Homemade tampons are used to treat many diseases. Among which:

  • cervicitis;
  • colpitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • parametritis.

When one of the diseases appears, it is important to consult a gynecologist, self-medication is life-threatening.

What materials will be needed?

The doctor's consultation

How to make a swab from a bandage? Before making tampons, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials, namely:

  • sterile gauze;
  • bandages;
  • disposable medical gloves;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • cotton wool.

Prior to manufacture, it is important to carefully read the instructions.

We make a tampon yourself

How to make a swab from a bandage? First of all, wash your hands thoroughly. But it is best to use medical gloves.

  1. It is necessary to cut off a strip about 19 cm long from the bandage.
  2. Next, roll cotton balls with a diameter of 23 cm.
  3. The tape from the bandage must be folded in 2 times and place one ball of cotton wool between the layers of matter.
  4. The thread must be treated with alcohol.
  5. Then tie the gauze under a cotton ball.
  6. Apply a drug to the balls of cotton and insert into the vagina.

If you do not follow the instructions, there may be problems with the introduction of the swab.

Common mistakes

The doctor's consultation

Many people know how to make a swab from a bandage, but still make some mistakes. Sometimes itโ€™s uncomfortable for women to drive homemade vaginal cylinders or balls of cotton and bandage. Among the most common causes of this phenomenon are:

  • insufficiently rolled ball;
  • a cotton ball is weakly fixed with a thread, so the head of the product does not keep its shape;
  • Too much homemade swab.

What is the way out? What to do if severe discomfort occurs during use of the swab? In such circumstances, it is necessary to buy a ready-made hygienic tampon, which is sold in every pharmacy. To prepare healing tampons, you must follow the instructions below, namely:

  • do not remove protective mica;
  • treat the product with an antibacterial agent - this will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • cut off a strip of about 19 cm;
  • roll a strip of bandage in two and wrap a sanitary tampon with it;
  • with the help of a thread, it is necessary to fix the structure and proceed to the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

How to make a swab from a bandage? A photo of the finished swab does not always tell you how to make it, so it is important to read the instructions. It is very easy to make cotton swabs on your own. If in the process there are difficulties or additional questions, it is necessary to discuss them with the gynecologist.

Using folk remedies to treat female diseases is not recommended, since herbs and infusions can greatly harm and aggravate the course of the disease. Before using any medication, you should consult your doctor. The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by a specialist.

What is the effect after using tampons?

Many people know how to make a swab from a bandage, but not everyone knows how they are useful for women's health. Using swabs, you can cleanse the vagina from blood clots and dead tissue that has accumulated in the uterus. They are able to remove pathogenic microorganisms, which often cause the development of many gynecological diseases. After removing the swab, you may see:

  1. A light clot is a dead cell that has ceased to function due to illness.
  2. If water is released, then this indicates that there are infectious diseases in the ovaries or uterus.
  3. Dark blood clots are the remnants of menstruation.
  4. A dry blood clot or dark brown discharge indicates that the pathological process in the genitals has been developing for a long time.

Thanks to a medical swab, you can direct the active substance to the affected tissue and heal the wound. In addition, blood circulation improves and tissue nutrition is stimulated. As a result, the general health status of the woman improves. In frequent cases, treatment of a gynecological disease includes several methods of therapy.

Additional positive effect

Based on the reviews of women giving birth, it can be concluded that tampons help reduce the vagina, as the muscles come in tone. In addition, the vaginal mucosa is updated, microflora is normalized, and the chance of successful conception is increased.

Under what circumstances is it forbidden to use tampons?

Blood disease

Before making a gynecological swab from a bandage, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications to their use. Doctors do not recommend the use of tampons to virgins, since they rarely have gynecological diseases that need to be urgently treated. During the period of breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use a tampon, since the drug can pass into breast milk and cause harm to the baby. In diabetes mellitus, it is not recommended to carry out treatment with this method. There are several more contraindications to the use of tampons, namely:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • menstruation period;
  • with blood diseases.

It is forbidden to self-medicate, since you can seriously harm your health. During pregnancy, you must especially carefully monitor your health, since the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby depends on this.

How to soak a swab?

Natural honey

In the treatment of female disease, the swab is impregnated in garlic, kefir, honey, sea buckthorn, propolis and onion. Garlic is forbidden to use in its pure form, as it can cause a burn. Home-made sea-buckthorn candles should be placed at night (for use it is enough to dip the tampon oil). Honey must be used liquid and natural, since a poor-quality product can cause an allergic reaction. Before using any folk prescription, you must undergo a thorough medical examination. The duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor.

Note to women

The doctor's consultation

Before you make a swab of cotton wool and bandage, you should know that it is necessary to make them under sterile conditions and exclusively according to the recommendations of the attending physician. You should be aware that treating female diseases at home can lead to the development of serious complications. If there is one of the contraindications to the use of tampons, it is forbidden to carry out therapy with their use. In the manufacturing process of vaginal suppositories, it is necessary to use only sterile cotton wool and a bandage that have been packed before use. If one of the symptoms of the disease appears, it is important to consult a gynecologist. A cause for concern should be brown discharge, unpleasant odor from the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen, aching lower back pain and other unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort. How to make a swab from a bandage for gynecology? A photo does not always help determine how to make it correctly, so it is important to consult a doctor.

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