Blood transfusion station, Ulyanovsk: address, mode of operation

Despite the rapid development of technology, they have not yet come up with a full-fledged blood replacement. Therefore, the problem of donation is still quite acute in society. Unfortunately, there are catastrophically few people who regularly visit the transfusion station and share a piece of their life. This is especially true for owners of rare blood groups, which is most often in demand. The Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station is no different from the rest, it also needs donors every day. Perhaps our article will be the first step towards giving someone hope for life.

blood transfusion station Ulyanovsk

A bit of history

Back in 1932, for the first time in these parts, direct transfusion from a vein to a vein was applied with a good result. The resulting material was not studied, but simply transferred from one person to another. Since then, the history of the development of the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion began. Then she also acted on the basis of the surgical department of the inter-district hospital. By 1939, about 100 liters of raw product were procured here.

In 1941, sufficient practical experience was accumulated, new equipment arrived and a blood transfusion department was already organized. Now, the volume of blanks of canned raw materials amounted to 300-500 liters per year. So far, the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station has not separated, but the trend has already been clearly observed.

In the period from 1943 to 1960 there was a rapid development of the direction. The department grew to 6 people and was led by a surgeon. By the end of this period, the base of gratuitous donors, carrying out delivery on a regular basis, reached 3 thousand people.

Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station September 12

The beginning of the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station

In 1960, it stood out as a separate organization of regional significance. O.S. Kozlova becomes the chief physician, to whose aid the appropriate staff of workers is allocated. Blood procurement increases to 4 thousand liters per year. And in 1965, the station moved to a standard, stationary building with all the necessary equipment for departments and laboratories.

At the same time, active agitation of citizens and propaganda of the donor movement begin. This leads to an unprecedented increase in the amount of material collection. Mass procurement allowed the launch of new drugs.


Since 2005, the blood transfusion station (Ulyanovsk) has been under the supervision of the head physician M.E. Hapman. During this time, there have been many changes for the better. The station was equipped with high-tech equipment for the collection and storage of donated blood. To increase the volume of quarantined plasma, 2 freezers were purchased. This made it possible to provide medical institutions in the city and region with frozen plasma. The unique Blood Service module was assembled in 2014. This allowed us to solve the main problematic issues, namely the comfortable placement of donors before and after blood donation.

blood transfusion station Ulyanovsk

You are waiting here every day.

Many years have passed since the modest obstetrician A.M. Wolf performed the first transfusion of a bleeding mother in Russia. The donor was her husband. It happened on April 20, which is now considered an international day, when all citizens are urged to surrender a piece of their lives to save others.

But not only once a year does the station of blood transfusion of the city of Ulyanovsk open to welcome guests. Every day you can come to the registry and inform about your desire to become a donor. After carrying out simple diagnostic procedures and examinations, it will be possible to proceed to surrender.

In addition, various events are regularly held in the city aimed at increasing the attendance of the transfusion station. At the bases of large enterprises and universities, mini-lectures are held with the presentation of booklets, informing residents and visitors about the conditions for donating blood. The moments of awarding honorary donors do not go unnoticed by the public. Each donated blood goes to the "piggy bank". After 60 times, a person can be put to this title and award for the first time. In Ulyanovsk today there are 12-fold honorary donors. These are people who come here all their life as a second job.

blood transfusion station g Ulyanovsk

Information for Donors

A blood transfusion station (Ulyanovsk, Russia) has unified requirements for everyone who wants to participate in this movement. So, this is possible only if the following rules are true:

  • The person must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Mandatory registration in the Ulyanovsk region.
  • Age over 18 years.
  • Donor weight should exceed 50 kg.
  • Good health.

What does the last paragraph mean? A donor cannot be a carrier of HIV infection or hepatitis. If a person was taking intravenous drugs or had many sexual partners, then this is also an occasion to refuse to donate blood. The quarantine period is 6 months, after which you can be examined.

blood transfusion station city of Ulyanovsk

Mandatory package of documents

You do not need to collect a lot of certificates, just a passport. If this is the first visit, then you will be asked to provide a document from the local GP (women from the gynecologist). The next time it will be enough just to take tests directly at the premises of the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station.

The work schedule is not very convenient for the adult population. Despite the fact that they give a certificate of exemption, the employer does not always agree to accept such a document and even more so to pay for these hours. However, on-site events are regularly organized that allow you to donate blood almost without interruption from the training or work process.

Before each procedure, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. It is important to honestly answer all questions, because patients need the blood of a healthy, uninfected person. Among them may be your loved one. Women should not donate blood during menstruation and within 5 days after it, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The interval for men should be at least 60, and for women - 90 days. If you decide to become a plasma donor, then you can donate more often after 30 days. It should be noted that her price is higher.

blood transfusion station Ulyanovsk address

Necessary examination

So, initially, donors are sent for diagnosis . It includes filling out a questionnaire and examination by a therapist. Measured weight, pressure and rhythm of the pulse. If all indicators are normal, then a small portion of blood is taken to determine its group and hemoglobin level. After that, the main portion can be taken, which includes 450 ml +30 ml for analysis. Before the components of the obtained raw materials are sent to a medical institution, the blood of the donor will be carefully checked for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis. If the sample does not pass all studies, the material is destroyed.

blood transfusion station Ulyanovsk work schedule

Donor Compensation

Today, the main part performs free blood donation. If you have come up with a firm decision to become a donor, you can be sure that you fit into this category. To date, the amount of monetary compensation has been set at 474 rubles for lunch, which each of them will receive after providing the document with a stamp to the cashier.

If the blood turned out to be rare, then they can call you and offer cooperation for a fee. In this case, one donation is paid in the amount of 759 rubles. The most expensive is the delivery of platelets by apheresis. Payment is 3320 rubles.

To date, cash compensation is being replaced by food stamps. In addition, if the donor donates blood regularly, during the year, he is entitled to the priority purchase of preferential tickets to the sanatorium. If a person is awarded with the “Honorary Donor” badge, he is entitled to annual, paid leave, as well as payment in the amount of 9959 rubles, once every 12 months.

Donor recommendations

The Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station (September 12, 96/3) is characterized by comfortable conditions for everyone who decides to share life with other people. A comfortable waiting room allows you to accommodate everyone. Equipped couches make it possible to make this process as painless as possible. In the emergency room there are recommendations that everyone should familiarize themselves with. We briefly list their contents:

  • 2-3 days before blood donation, alcohol should be excluded.
  • The last cigarette must be smoked in at least 2 hours.
  • The night before, you should easily have dinner, eliminating fatty dairy foods.
  • Blood must be taken necessarily rested, having breakfast. For this, vegetables and fruits, flour products, preferably coarse grinding, are suitable.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before surrender.
  • Avoid taking medication.

After the procedure, it is necessary to create conditions for a good rest. Avoid heavy physical exertion, exclude alcohol and cigarettes for a while, and also drink more fluids. Even if you transferred the procedure easily, still on this day you need to give yourself the opportunity to recover the loss.

Contact Information

The address of the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station is the intersection of streets on September 12, 96, III International, 13. If you are uncomfortable coming directly here, you can regularly get acquainted with visiting events on the website. Perhaps tomorrow the blood collection will take place near the place of your work or study.

Do not forget that donors are received exclusively on weekdays . Many express their wishes to make a shift shift on the weekend, but so far this has not been implemented. At the same time, the hours of operation of the Ulyanovsk blood transfusion station are limited to the first half of the day. Reception is only from 8:00 to 13:00, and the rest of the time, the center’s specialists process the material received, conduct its thorough diagnosis and preservation. Donors of plasma and immune blood are accepted only by appointment.

Instead of a conclusion

It is difficult to imagine at least one hospital that could do without blood and its components (plasma, red blood cells, various solutions). This is the basis for maintaining the vital functions of seriously ill people who are in intensive care after operations and other interventions related to blood loss. It is impossible to find an artificial analogue that could completely replace this material. But unfortunately, today there is a tendency to decrease in the number of active donors. Each person already has a busy schedule, when he finds the time and adjust to the uncomfortable schedule of reception at the transfusion station. By the way, this may soon become an even more significant issue, since the blood transfusion station (Ulyanovsk) plans to change the operating mode. Now blood donation will take place only from 8:00 to 11:00, on weekdays.

But in reality you are not losing so much. A man on average can become a donor 5-6 times a year, and a woman 3-4. Moreover, each procedure is not only painless, but it also contributes to the renewal of the body. The life of a donor is 5 years longer than the average for Russia. That is, giving part of yourself to others, you yourself receive a reward. Another plus, every time before blood donation pass an examination for the presence of infections, and this is a constant monitoring of health status. Well, the main reward will be someone’s saved life.

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