Peter Capaldi: biography and filmography

Peter Capaldi is a Scottish actor, musician, screenwriter and director. Most known to the general public for the role of the Twelfth Reincarnation of the protagonist in the popular British series Doctor Who and Malcolm Tucker in the political comedy "In the thick of events." In total, during his career he participated in more than one hundred and ten television and full-length projects.

Childhood and youth

Peter Capaldi was born on April 14, 1958 in Glasgow, Scotland. It has Irish and Italian roots. First began to get involved in theater in elementary school. There he staged several puppet shows. After graduating from high school, he entered the Glasgow School of Art - the country's main art educational institution.

In his youth, Peter Capaldi became interested in music. He was the vocalist and guitarist of the punk rock band. The drummer of the group was the famous TV presenter and comedian Craig Ferguson.

Carier start

In the early eighties, Peter began to work actively on television, appearing in small roles in many popular projects of that time. He played a supporting role in the comedy "Local Hero", which is considered one of the best British films in history.

In 1988, Kapaldi received a small role as a servant in the film adaptation of the classic novel "Dangerous Communications". The film received excellent reviews from critics and was nominated for several prestigious awards. After that, the actor began to work more actively on British television, having received several major roles in projects, which, unfortunately, were soon closed due to a not too high rating. He participated in popular TV shows as a guest star.

Actor in his youth

"In the thick of things"

In 2005, the first breakthrough project appeared in the creative biography of Peter Capaldi. He got the role of Malcolm Tucker, a public relations specialist in the service of the British government, in the series "In the thick of events." The character was remembered by many thanks to his unusual way of speaking, weaving a lot of dirty curses and intricate figurative designs into speech.

In total, four seasons of the series were released, with interruptions of several years. The last series was shown in 2012. For his work in the project, Peter Capaldi received three nominations for the prestigious BAFTA Award, winning the award once. Also in 2009, the full-length spin-off of the series, the political comedy "In the Loop", where Malcolm Tucker appeared as a secondary character, was shot.

In the thick of things

The role of Tucker brought Kapaldi fame outside the UK, he began to appear more often in American films and popular British series as a guest star. However, the main project in the filmography of Peter Capaldi was ahead.

"Doctor Who"

In 2013, it was announced that the Scot would become the new performer of the role of the legendary character of Doctor Who, the legendary British culture. The actor was a fan of the series all his life and even planned to audition for the role in 1995, but changed his mind at the last moment. He appeared in the project earlier in a small role, and after playing another character in the Torchwood spin-off.

For the first time in the image of Dr. Capaldi appeared in the anniversary film for the fiftieth anniversary of the series. He later played the character in three seasons of the project and in 2017 announced that he was leaving the show. The role was transferred to actress Jody Whitaker, who became the first female Doctor in the history of the series.

Doctor Who

Recent projects

Following the success of Doctor Who, several notable films were released with Peter Capaldi. He appeared in the successful family film Paddington's Adventures and the sequel to the film. He also participated in major Hollywood projects "War of the Worlds Z" and "Fifth Power".

In addition, in 2014, the actor played the role of Cardinal Richelieu in the series based on the novel “Three Musketeers”. In 2018, the movie "Christopher Robin" was released, where Kapaldi gave his voice to one of the animated characters in the picture. At the moment, several films with Peter Capaldi in one of the roles are in development.

Personal life

The actor has been married to Elaine Collins since 1991, before that the couple met for about eight years. Spouses have a daughter.

With spouse

Peter Kapaldi is actively involved in charity, is one of the officials of the refugee relief organization around the world, and also regularly donates money to the organization to fight cancer and help Scotland's children from dysfunctional families.

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