Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after Speransky G.N .: reviews

Children's City Clinical Hospital β„–9 named after Speransky is a multidisciplinary medical institution, which provides comprehensive services to the child population. The doctors of the clinic have earned the trust of parents with their professionalism and attitude towards small patients.


Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after Speransky was founded before the revolution as a charity almshouse. In 1928, a labor colony was established in it, organized for street children and orphans. Since 1923, a malaria isolator for 150 children has been deployed in the clinic. Until 1937, there were two areas of activity in the hospital - educational and medical, which covered the inexhaustible flow of street children.

By a decision of the city authorities in 1937, the buildings underwent a major overhaul and were now intended only for medical purposes. The hospital has equipped 350 inpatient beds and organized several departments - surgical, ophthalmology, pediatric, etc.

During the war, Children's City Clinical Hospital β„–9 named. Speransky served as an evacuation hospital. In the postwar years, the institution was expanded due to the commissioning of the infection department, for which a new building was built. Since 1947, the hospital has become the base clinic for the Department of Pediatrics, headed by G.N. Speransky.

Since 2012, two branches have been attached to the children's multidisciplinary clinic. At the present stage, Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after G.N. Speransky is one of the largest pediatric hospitals in the city, with a total area of ​​more than 84 square meters. meters.

Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky


Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after G.N. Speransky is a modern high-tech medical institution. The clinic has forty departments that provide urgent and planned medical care for children from infancy to 18 years. The modern diagnostic complex allows you to conduct a range of necessary studies and analyzes without contacting third-party organizations.

Ninth (9) Children's Hospital. Speransky annually provides outpatient care to more than 190 thousand children, more than 30 thousand small patients receive inpatient treatment. One of the leading departments of the clinic - the surgical complex - conducts more than 20 thousand operations of various levels of complexity.

Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky attracts highly qualified specialists to the staff. The color of the clinic consists of more than 30 professors, about 100 candidates of sciences and several laureates of state prizes in the field of medicine. Most of the medical staff are highly qualified in the profession. The hospital provides services on the basis of compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance and based on a commercial agreement.

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Speransky

Hospital-based city centers

Ninth (9) Children's Hospital. Speransky is constantly improving and modernizing the material-technical and scientific base of the institution, striving to achieve the desired effect of the implemented treatment methods for each specific disease. Each child receives an individual treatment program, the doctor selects methods for achieving the result according to the indications and carefully monitors the patient's condition at each stage.

On the basis of the clinic carry out activities:

  • Clinic and outpatient branch.
  • Specialized centers - burn, arthrology, rehabilitation of children with joint pathologies, urology and andrology, immunology and allergology.

Pediatric departments

The main activity of the clinic is pediatrics, and the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after 9 Speransky.

Visitors can contact the following departments:

  • Four pediatric departments of various specializations - immunology and allergology, cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology.
  • Resuscitation and intensive care (infectious).
  • Psychoneurology.
  • Eleven infectious departments with specialization - neuroinfection, allergology, acute ENT pathology, for newborns, intestinal infections, etc.
  • Otolaryngology department.

Children's Hospital Speransky

Department of Surgery

Another leading medical service is the surgical area of ​​medical care, where medical and diagnostic operations are performed.

Doctors at the Children's Hospital of 9 Speransky Moscow receive patients in specialized departments:

  • Eight departments of surgery - purulent, urology, purulent surgery, neurosurgery, trauma surgery, burn department, etc.
  • Endoscopic department.
  • Operational and anesthesiology unit.
  • Resuscitation and intensive care.

Diagnostic complex

Children's City Clinical Hospital β„–9 named after Speransky is a medical institution with multidisciplinary coverage of the services provided, where the child population receives qualified assistance in all matters and health problems. To clarify the picture of the disease and the current condition of the child, a diagnosis and a number of studies are prescribed. The clinic has a large diagnostic department with several units.

Departments of functional diagnostics include in the structure:

  • Department of ultrasound diagnostics (dopplerography of blood vessels, lymph nodes, neurosonography, studies of the internal organs of the pelvis and abdominal cavity, studies of the thyroid gland, salivary glands, etc.).
  • Functional diagnostics (ECG, ECHO-EG, monitoring of blood pressure and ECG, REG, EEG, etc.).
  • Radiological diagnostics of CT (diagnosis of neoplasms of soft tissues, brain, skeleton bones, etc.; traumatic injuries of limbs, eyes, craniocerebral injuries, degenerative damage to bones, etc.), MRI (pathologies of brain development, neoplasms, vascular diseases, intervertebral hernias and neoplasms, soft tissue injuries, etc.).
  • Clinical laboratory.

Doctors at Children's Hospital 9 in Speran Moscow


Children's City Clinical Hospital β„–9 named after Speransky has a consultative diagnostic clinic of the third level of accreditation, which allows you to provide types of specialized assistance in the following areas:

  • Allergology, dietetics, immunology.
  • Urology andrology, surgery, pediatrics.
  • Neurology, colonoproctology, otolaryngology.

The structure of the clinic consists of departments:

  • Pediatrics.
  • ENT doctor's office.
  • Urology.
  • Burn department.
  • Immunology, allergology.
  • Functional diagnostics.
  • Day hospital, where they provide treatment in the areas of - surgery, allergology-immunology, urology-andrology.

Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speranian information

Hospital reviews

Different reviews of the service received Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky. Positive reviews were left by parents of children who received effective treatment in different departments of the clinic. Acknowledgments were expressed to doctors and nurses of several burn, surgical, pediatric departments.

Mothers talk about special tools that are used and significantly alleviate the suffering of babies and stimulate their quick recovery. It is noted that the material and technical base make it possible to quickly diagnose and cure a child in the shortest possible time, and in case of a chronic course of the disease, stop the disease or stabilize the condition. Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky.

Feedback from visitors tells that most specialists work by vocation and consider the full recovery of the child as the main task. There are positive reviews about each department and personal thanks to doctors and nurses. Many mothers whose children ended up in the surgery department claim that doctors saved the children from disability and literally put them on their feet.

Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky reviews

Like most institutions, the Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speransky. Visitors to the clinic indicate that some doctors are not professional and do not know what they are doing. Many accuse doctors of inattention and a superficial study of the tests, which often gives the wrong diagnosis, complications in treatment.

The hospital was partially criticized for the fact that the diagnosis was often made on the third or fourth day, while the doctor might not appear at all and not prescribe tests. Some mothers claim that the clinic has unsanitary conditions. Many patients were forced to independently carry their children in their arms for diagnosis in different buildings, constantly turn to nurses for the necessary medical procedures. It is mentioned that some parents had to leave the clinic, having to sign a refusal of treatment due to an unstable relationship with a specialist. In general, there are much more positive reviews and they are more specific in their stories.

Children's City Clinical Hospital 9 named after Speranian visitors

Useful information

In the mode of round-the-clock assistance, the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after 9 Speransky. Information about the work of the departments, consultative clinic is available in the registry. A specialist appointment requires prior appointment.

Daily hosts a reception City Children's Clinical Hospital β„–9 named. Speransky. Address: Shmitovsky passage, building 29.

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