Any skin needs proper care, but not every woman can afford to visit beauty salons every month. "And what to do?" - you ask. Engage in your own face right at home - on your own, resorting to natural and proven means, such as a bodysuit. Even our great-grandmothers in ancient times, when there were no super-trendy and effective cosmetic creams and lotions, used this natural preparation.
It is known that a freshwater sponge helps fight problem areas of the skin, and also treats and rejuvenates the epidermis. To improve the complexion, smooth out wrinkles, get rid of post-acne will help the bootleg. For a person (consumer reviews indicate this), its use is more than effective. After treatment of the skin, a noticeable improvement is noted, and after the full course, a lifting and anti-aging effect is visible. People with various inflammatory processes can also resort to the help of a freshwater sponge (bodyagi).
The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy chain at a very affordable cost. Let's take a closer look at the issue of why a body weight is so useful . Reviews are numerous, they talk about how masks based on this tool relieve fat, spots from acne and wrinkles. Recipes of these "potions" you will learn a little later.
Miraculous secrets of the drug
Few people know that bodyaga is obtained from a freshwater sponge that lives in water bodies. Then it is converted into a powdery substance. Due to its unique composition, the bodygirl is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The sponge contains silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the deeper layers of our skin, helping the production of elastin.
That is why women who want to smooth out wrinkles painlessly and without harm to health are advised to do body massage (for the face). Reviews from the fair sex, who actively used masks, in some cases are positive. A natural preparation can replace anti-aging and beauty treatments in the salon. Very good tool helps to cope with age spots.
Freshwater sponge masks are recommended for teenage acne. Under the action of the body-foot, all the rashes quickly dissolve and disappear without a trace. The pores noticeably narrow, the skin becomes soft, smooth and less oily. In addition, the drug has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. Peeling your face with a body goggle will make your skin radiant, healthy and youthful. There are many effective recipes, some of which you will now learn.
Bodyaga (for face): instructions for use
From pigmentation with the addition of cosmetic clay
Combine a dessert spoon of dry freshwater sponge powder with black or white clay (5 g). Apply the mixture for 15 minutes. The medicinal mask perfectly whitens the face.
Acne Treatment Mask
Make a slurry of dry matter and hot water; hold for 20 minutes, then rinse. Conduct no more than twice a week.
Anti-aging mixture
Take body-gel and liquid honey in equal proportions and apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Conduct a course of 10 procedures.
A tremendous cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by a body-joint (for the face). Reviews of cosmetologists confirm excellent results. The remedy also has contraindications, such as: dry skin, hypertrichosis (increased hair growth), sensitivity and the presence of purulent acne.