Skin tans after tanning - what to do?

All fashionistas are looking forward to the start of the summer season, because this is a great chance to decorate your skin with a healthy tan. You should take sunbaths by choosing a safe watch, calculating the time spent in the sun and using special protective equipment. But sometimes even after following all these recommendations, the skin will be clouded after tanning, what should I do in this case?

We remove all unnecessary

Skin after sunbathing
Many girls try to endure to the last and not tear off the skin leaving pieces. After all, the long-awaited tan will disappear with her. This is a common myth that the upper burnt skin layer simply needs to be removed. However, this should be done wisely. Get rid of the habit of combing sunburn, tearing small pieces of skin. Better do gentle peeling. Choose a tool with small abrasive particles. If there is no such scrub on your cosmetic shelf, prepare it from coffee grounds with the addition of vegetable oil. If you get a burn, your skin will tear off quickly after tanning. Exfoliation can begin even when small pimples appear, indicating that soon the top layer will begin to peel off.

Itching, burning and skin after tanning: what to do?

The process of updating the upper layer of the skin after excessive exposure to the sun is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations. A burned area can itch, hurt or burn. There is a folk remedy, the effectiveness of which in the fight against these symptoms has been tested for centuries. Take any sour-milk product from the refrigerator: thick kefir, yogurt, whey, sour cream or yogurt without additives. Apply it to the affected area as a mask and leave for a while. If there is nothing like this in your kitchen, then just soak a large towel or sheet and attach to a sore spot. You can wrap yourself in a piece of moist tissue with your whole body if a significant part of the skin has been affected.

Skin recovery after sunburn

Skin after sunbathing, what to do
When the skin is tanned after a tan, it looks dried and dehydrated. I intuitively want to help her restore her moisture balance and use a moisturizing lotion. However, such a decision will be incorrect. During the period of restoration of the skin after an unsuccessful tanning, you should use nutritious creams that have a rather oily consistency. It is also beneficial to use cosmetic oils. Just apply them to your skin immediately after a shower and leave to soak for a while. If this procedure does not help in several sessions, you should seek the help of a professional cosmetologist.

We nourish the skin from the inside

Skin on the face after tanning
You can improve your condition after a poor-quality tan if you adjust your diet and lifestyle in general. Try to drink enough fluids. Choose green tea and mineral water, but coffee and strong tea should be discarded. If your skin is clouded after tanning, try to eat varied and high quality. Include as many natural vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible, take extra vitamins. The most useful products for your skin: avocado, oily fish, nuts. The secret is that they contain a fairly high content of omega acids, which positively affect the ability to regenerate the skin. A popular question among lovers of sunbathing: how much does the skin after sunbathing cover? It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and whether the burns are so serious. Usually, the skin is completely restored in about 5-7 days with timely treatment.

The tan by the rules

How much skin after tanning
In order to minimize the likelihood of getting a sunburn, it is necessary to use special sunscreens every trip to the beach . In the middle of summer, on the sunniest days, take care of protecting your skin every time you go outside. What to do if the skin on the face after sunbathing and age spots remain? Firstly, do not panic - over time, the skin color will even out. And until this happens, use masking agents: foundation and powder will help to largely mask this defect. If pigmentation after an unsuccessful tan does not go away for too long, consult a cosmetologist for help. In modern cosmetic stores, if desired, you can find tinting products for the whole body. This is a great solution if the tan went unevenly everywhere. Do not try to tan strongly in one day - it is impossible and unnatural. Dose your stay on the beach depending on the type of skin, gradually increasing the duration of sunbathing. Sunbathing is much healthier and safer in the morning or evening hours. If the skin is still burnt, choose the right cosmetics for use during the recovery period. Do not use soap that dries the skin, give preference to soft shower gels or baby bath foams.

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