Endogenous is a biological factor that affects humans.

All living organisms are heavily dependent on external factors, which, rhythmically changing, generate biological rhythms in the biosphere. The fact of their presence in any organism is the result of natural selection. In a long struggle for existence, only those species survived that have developed their own internal - endogenous rhythm, synchronized with the external - exogenous. What do these definitions mean?

What are exogenous and endogenous factors?

Here we restrict ourselves to acquaintance with the totality of only some biorhythms, which cover a rather wide range of time periods - from millisecond to annual. They can be recorded in specific cells, and in individual organisms, and in huge populations.

Dawn and sunset

According to the characteristics and parameters, biorhythms are divided:

  1. On exogenous (dependent on external factors, such as, for example, the temperature around) and endogenous (having an internal nature).
  2. By duration (period, frequency, amplitude, phase).
  3. According to the biological system to which the rhythm touches (clone, population, species).
  4. By the nature of the process that creates the rhythm (chemical, physical).
  5. By the function that they perform.

The dependence of the physiological functions of the human body

Endogenous - this means an internal factor of biological rhythm. Its duration is classified as follows:

  1. Circadian or circadian (circadian).
  2. Ultradian (shorter than previous).
  3. Infradian (longer than circadian).
  4. Tidal (about 12 hours).
  5. Near-moon (about 28 days).
  6. Near-annual (seasonal).

All endogenous factors are interconnected. Example: breathing and heart rate. This is an endogenous factor or internal.

Effect on well-being

To date, at least 400 physiological functions of the human body with daily periodicity are known. In practical medicine, these functional characteristics are always taken into account during intensive therapy with potent drugs and, less commonly, during surgical interventions.

The cause of exacerbation of chronic diseases

The latest medical data in the field of chronobiology indicate previously unknown facts. It turns out that the inconsistency of certain rhythms in the body can become the main cause of exacerbation of existing diseases of the respiratory system, hypertension, rheumatism.

Exogenous and endogenous rhythms are important factors. By studying them, one can investigate the questions of the origin of energy cycles. For example, with proton exchange in cells synthesizing macromolecules. Here it is no longer possible to talk only about adaptive reactions to certain temporary niches. Here the energy approach comes into effect in the study of the world around us (the field of nonlinear thermodynamics).

Different rhythms

Recently, in the popular literature one can find the statement that the behavior and condition of people is determined by the interaction of three strictly regular rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.

Thus, we can conclude that endogenous is a biological factor that has a noticeable effect on human well-being.

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