TOZ-194: description

A good, convenient and reliable gun has always been sought after by both hunters and security services. TOZ-194 - development of Russian engineers. It is produced at the famous Tula arms factory. Available in several versions. It enjoys well-deserved popularity among consumers.


The designers of the Tula Plant (Russia) at the end of 1994 created TOZ-94. The prototype was the TOZ-87 rifle. Most parts of both models are unified (this is the experience of foreign companies). Compared to the base model, the mechanisms and nodes have not changed much. The method of reloading has changed. A single-barrel pump-action store hunting rifle was intended for commercial, amateur hunting and as a weapon of protection.

toz 194 reviews

TOZ-194 - a pump-action shotgun, developed at the end of the last century in Russia. The weapon was intended for use in the protection of farm animals, forest zone, farm buildings and objects for various purposes, self-defense, hunting.

The basis was 94 models. Designers shortened the barrel, changed the forend configuration, lengthened the underbarrel magazine. They abandoned the stock, replacing it with a pistol grip. Designers worked on the appearance and got a formidable "terminator" option.


Design features of TOZ-194:

  • slide shutter;
  • chrome bore;
  • detachable barrel;
  • trigger mechanism has a separate base;
  • the barrel is connected to the magazine and the box lid with the help of a barrel coupling and a liner;
  • the cartridges are locked in the chamber with the help of the combat stop bolt, it enters the shank of the barrel (in its window);
  • underbarrel, tubular magazine;
  • open unregulated sight;
  • the forend is removable, movable, by means of a rod connected to the bolt frame;
  • the trigger is locked with a push-button fuse;
  • from the inertial puncture of the capsule there is a blocking of the striker.
    shotgun toz 194

With proper care and storage, the life of the gun increases.


The performance characteristics of TOZ-194:

  • country of origin - Russia;
  • purpose - hunting;
  • type - gunshot;
  • smoothbore (no rifling);
  • not automatic type of charging;
  • multiply charged;
  • magazine for 7 rounds;
  • single barrel;
  • caliber - 12;
  • cartridge 12/70 with a nonmetallic sleeve;
  • barrel length - 54 cm;
  • total length - 80.5 cm;
  • height - 16 cm;
  • width - 5.5 cm;
  • weight - 3 kg.

TOZ-194 (reviews of the gun owners note this) has excellent accuracy of fire, has a low recoil, attractive appearance and light weight. Certified as a civilian hunting rifle in Kazakhstan and Russia. Often used by security companies.


Both guns (94 and 194) have modifications with some differences from the basic counterparts. "Brothers" TOZ-94:

  • 94-01 has an aiming bar;
  • 94-02 is equipped with a set of interchangeable muzzle nozzles;
  • 94-03 received both an aim strip, and a set of muzzle attachments;
  • 94-04 - a plastic handle and an additional shortened barrel.
    toz 94

The bed is made of high quality walnut or beech wood. Butt with rubber shock absorber and pistol neck.

Shotgun TOZ-194 and its modifications:

  • The base model TOZ-194 has a black plastic pistol grip (no stock);
  • 194-01 is equipped with a variable capacity magazine for 7 or 9 ammunition, a set of interchangeable muzzle attachments, it is possible to attach an additional removable butt;
  • 194-02 has a folding metal butt (folding up and down);
  • 194-03 received all the additional devices: a variable capacity magazine, a set of muzzle replacement nozzles and a folding butt.

Models have proven themselves as reliable and convenient guns for hunting and self-defense.

Safety precautions

Possession of any weapon implies responsibility for its safe use. There are several rules for the operation of TOZ-194:

  • familiarize yourself with the rules for handling firearms and ammunition;
  • not recommended without the need to idle the trigger;
  • consider recoil force when firing to avoid injuries;
  • protect the trunk from accidental hit of earth, snow, sand and other things;
  • control the cleanliness, lubrication and serviceability of all components and parts of the gun;
  • always consider it charged and ready to fire;
  • to avoid landing of a combat spring, it should be stored with the trigger pulled down;
  • keep (including cartridges) in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
    toz 194

In addition, there are a number of categorical prohibitions:

  • shoot with a contaminated trunk (snow, earth, rags, wads, leaves, etc.);
  • remodel and make changes not provided by the manufacturer;
  • Do not disassemble a loaded gun;
  • use low-quality or inappropriate gunpowder;
  • in the event of a malfunction, be sure to put the weapon on the fuse before ascertaining their causes.

All described options are great for amateur hunters. With such guns, you can slowly wander around for your pleasure: just shoot or determine a specific game for yourself. Light weight and easy handling are suitable for beginner shooters.

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