Eyeliner-felt-tip pen: review of the best manufacturers, durability and reviews

Eyeliner-felt-tip pen is a cosmetic accessory that is especially necessary for those women who prefer to draw arrows on their eyes. It is often chosen by those women who value ease of use and practicality. Next, consider the rating of the best tools, as well as simple instructions on how to draw arrows with a felt-tip pen.

Bobbi Brown Ink Liner

The felt-tip pen, introduced under the name Bobbi Brown Ink Liner, has a very comfortable ground-out stylus. It is quite thin and sharp. The length of the product allows you to use it for pointing arrows at any angle.

Product reviews of Bobbi Brown Ink Liner often refer to its rich black color with a touch of gloss. Using this eyeliner, you do not have to sit long with tense eyelids, since after application it dries very quickly. Moreover, the fair sex also note that the felt-tip pen does not leave prints both during application and after a few hours. To wash off the paint is quite easy: any cosmetic product intended for this is ideal for removal.

The cost of Bobbi Brown Ink Liner is quite high - about 1,900 rubles, but it does not scare away fans of high-quality and harmless eye cosmetics.


Burberry eyeliner

Burberry Eyeliner is another eyeliner felt-tip pen with a long, sharp and thin stylus, which is quite convenient to use. This cosmetic product is in the second position of the rating in question, as it has amazing properties. Burberry Eyeliner is applied without spreading, and dries quite quickly, which is very popular with those who use this product. Practice shows that the eyeliner Burberry Eyeliner is pretty strong throughout the day, which pleases consumers of the product. As for the cost of this eyeliner, then by this indicator it is practically not inferior to the previous one. Its price is about 1 800 rubles.

Felt-tip pen withered

Max factor eyeliner

In third place of the rating under consideration is Max Factor Eyeliner - a luxury eyeliner, very much appreciated by world stars and makeup artists. A product manufactured under this name has not a saturated black, but a watery-slate shade, which introduces a certain originality in day or evening makeup. The main advantage of this product is its design - the felt-tip pen has a twist-off lid, which allows the carcasses filled with it not to dry for quite a while.

If you look at the reviews left to Max Factor Eyeliner, you can see that this product is characterized as a cosmetic product, not intended for prolonged wear. Moreover, after applying Max Factor Eyeliner, you should wait a few seconds so that the paint dries and does not spread over the eyelid.

Many women consider the cost of this product acceptable: the price of a felt-tip pen is about 500 rubles.

Eyeliner felt tip pen reviews

Chanel eyeliner brun

Chanel Eyeliner brun, ranked in fourth place with the best arrow tools, is one of the best luxury products in consumer reviews. The peculiarity of this felt-tip pen is that it contains mascara not black, but dark brown. The product reviews say that the arrows drawn with Chanel Eyeliner brun make the look much more tender. This eyeliner is great for creating daytime makeup. Moreover, the comments state that the arrows painted over by the felt-tip pen in question have very good resistance even on the hottest day.

The average cost of such a product by many of its consumers is considered quite acceptable - a felt-tip pen will cost 1,100 rubles.

The best eyeliner felt-tip pens

Yves Saint Laurent Eyeliner

The arrows drawn by this eyeliner-felt-tip pen are distinguished by their sophistication. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the product has a thin, rather long and easy-to-use stylus, which can be used at any angle. In the reviews about this product you can also notice some disadvantages inherent to it. So, some women note that the mascara from this felt-tip pen is distinguished by its liquid consistency and tends to flow into folds. Of course, the resulting flaw can be easily corrected by re-drawing the line, but in this case there may be problems with its clarity. Also in the comments, it is noted that the cosmetic product Yves Saint Laurent Eyeliner does not have the ability to leave an imprint on the upper eyelid and retains its durability throughout the day.

The price policy of this product from Yves Saint Laurent is quite high: the cost of the felt-tip pen from the specified brand is a little more than 2,000 rubles.

Armani eyeliner

Armani Eyeliner often has comments on high-quality product reviews. So, users say that Armani Eyeliner is a worthy analogue of the above brands Bobbi Brown and Burberry. Its stylus is quite thin and has a decent length, which allows you to use the cosmetic product in any direction, drawing arrows of various shapes and thicknesses. Practice shows that when applying Armani Eyeliner eyeliner, it does not flow into the folds on the skin, moreover, it dries quite quickly. When dried, the eyeliner reflects a beautiful gloss and has a fairly saturated black color. The main feature of the product is that it has a rather dry texture, but this does not mean that the felt-tip pen dries quickly. In reviews, it is often mentioned that even after 1.5-2 months, Armani Eyeliner has the same texture as on the first day of use. Many users are pleased that the arrows painted over by the cosmetic in question can be worn all day, without the formation of smudges.

The cost of the product in branded stores in Russia is 1,900 rubles, which many consumers consider to be a pretty reasonable price for the offered quality.

Eyeliner felt-tip pen dries up

L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim

Speaking of the best eyeliner-felt-tip pens, you should definitely pay attention to the product produced by the famous French cosmetic company - L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim.

This felt-tip pen is presented in a black case. It has a number of positive properties, thanks to which the product is in the ranking of the best eyeliners offered on the Russian market.

In the comments left to the L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim, it is often said that this product has a very interesting applicator, represented by a rather convenient and long stylus of medium thickness. Its tip is beveled and slightly rubberized. It’s even possible for those who have little experience in drawing arrows to draw an outline. The resulting pattern is distinguished by its clarity and high drying speed. Moreover, the contour does not lose its shape throughout the day, which deserves special respect.

The manufacturer claims L'Oreal Super Liner Perfect Slim as a felt-tip pen with waterproof properties. However, user reviews say that they are not very well justified in practice: when water gets in, the drawn line loses its outline, which is a significant minus of the product.

Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner

Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner is a product introduced by a German manufacturer. Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner Eyeliner Pen Reviews say it belongs to the high-quality product category. This felt-tip pen is praised in its comments by many fashion bloggers, as well as celebrities and outstanding makeup artists. It should be noted that all the laudatory comments left in the address of Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner, are fully justified.

So, first of all, it should be noted that the eyeliner contains a large number of coal pigments that make the shade of the paint contained in it as saturated as possible. Moreover, the brush that is in it is ideal for drawing arrows even by the most inexperienced “artists”. If necessary, layering the product, all manipulations pass without any problems, as well as color distortion. Moreover, even when applied in several layers, the eyeliner from Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner dries very quickly, which is undoubtedly a big plus of this product.

The felt-tip eyeliner in question dries for a rather long time, which provides a unique cap that is available on it. It has a small lock that snaps into place when it closes. Analyzing the comments left to the product address, you can notice that for most users this eyeliner-felt-tip pen has only dried up six months after the first use. It should be noted that this indicator indicates high quality. In order to ensure the maximum life of the product, make-up artists recommend constantly storing it with the brush down.

The average cost of Artdeco High Precision Liquid Liner is relatively low - 1,000 rubles. In reviews about the felt-tip pen, it is often said that such a cost is justified, since a convenient product of very high quality with an economical expense is offered for the indicated price.

Colored Felt Tip Liner

NYX Colored Felt Tip Liner is a real boon for fans of quality products. The reviews about it say that the arrows drawn by the eyeliner in question tend to stay all day. The consumers are pleased with the rich color palette of the cosmetic product: the company offers eyeliner not only in black, but also in green, blue and even white. After applying mascara to the skin, it hardens very quickly, leaving a smooth, clear and bright matte line.

NYX's Colored Felt Tip Liner reviews often refer to its attractive value for the quality offered. The price of a felt-tip pen from this company is about 450 rubles.

Waterproof eyeliner felt-tip pen

Grandiose liner

The manufacturer of this cosmetic product, located in ninth place in the rating, is the well-known French cosmetic company Lancome, which is famous for its high-quality products. The main feature of the Grandiose Liner eyeliner is that it has a unique handle that has the ability to bend at an angle of 35 degrees. This feature allows women to draw a perfectly smooth beautiful line without bending their hands and not pulling their eyelids.

The carcass contained in this felt-tip pen has a unique formula, the structure of which includes a latex polymer. This substance allows not only to easily apply arrows, but also to make them more resistant and protected from high temperatures.

How to draw arrows

Before applying the cosmetic product to the eyelid, the skin surface must be prepared using the base for the eyeshadow or ordinary loose powder. After that, you should take a felt-tip pen of the selected manufacturer and put down the “tails” of the future arrows on both eyes: this will make the drawings as identical as possible to each other. After the “ponytails” are ready, you should draw a straight line from each of them to the inner corner of the eye.

In some situations, it happens that the line is somewhat uneven. In this case, you can correct it with a synthetic brush having a beveled corner. The arrows are ready! If you fully follow this simple instruction, you can get perfectly straight lines, without any flaws.

Eyeliner felt tip reviews

In the comments left to the address of cosmetic accessories for drawing arrows, it is often said that it is the eyeliner-felt-tip pen that is the most convenient tool to use.

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