Philip Jankowski: biography, personal life, children

Philip Yankovsky is a talented Russian actor who has proved the incorrectness of the assertion that nature rests on the children of geniuses. His vivid roles leave a mark in the hearts of the audience, and the director's work is creative and interesting to people of different ages.

Philip Jankowski biography


Philip Jankowski, whose biography began in 1968, was the only child in a famous acting family. His mother, Lyudmila Zorina, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia and for many years delighted the audience with her vivid roles on the stage of the Saratov Drama Theater, and later - Lenkoma.

Even in the years of study at the theater school, she met another student - Oleg Yankovsky, with whom she forever connected her life. Talented actors from the very beginning of their stage career have become the favorites of the public. However, Oleg Yankovsky also expected a brilliant film career. Suffice it to say that he starred in more than 80 feature films and 10 documentaries and received almost all of the existing Russian film awards.


Philip Jankowski, whose biography was rich in events from a very young age, as a child, spent a lot of time behind the curtains, watching the game of parents and their colleagues. When the boy was 5 years old, he made his film debut. His first work was the role in the famous painting by Andrei Tarkovsky “The Mirror”. What little Philip saw on the set struck him to the core. In 1974, he had a chance to play in another film - in the Norwegian-Soviet film “Under the Stone Sky”, demonstrating discipline, rare for a child of such a young age, and innate artistic talent. Again on the screens Philip Jankowski (biography, personal life, growth and other information is presented below) appeared in 1986 in the film "Sentimental Journey to the Potato". This time the role was the main one, and the praises of the older comrades confirmed the young man in his intention to become an actor and continue his famous dynasty.

Philip Jankowski biography personal life

University studies

Philip Jankowski, whose filmography currently has more than a dozen titles, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, where he studied on the course of Oleg Tabakov. Having received an actor’s diploma in 1990, the ambitious and handsome young man (height - 180 cm) did not calm down and decided to continue his education at the directing faculty of VGIK, in the workshop of V. Naumov. A year later, he was invited to the picture "Afghan Break." His partners were Michele Placido, Tatyana Dogileva, Nina Ruslanova and other stars of Soviet cinema. According to critics, the film was the best work of filmmakers about the Afghan war. The role of Philip Jankowski did not go unnoticed. He created a realistic image of the spoiled son of a senior military man who arrived in the war with the aim of receiving a couple of awards and acquiring scarce goods.

Further career

Philip Jankowski, whose biography, personal life and projects of which always aroused the interest of viewers, began to actively shoot video clips in the 90s. In total, he currently has more than 150 such works. Among them are the clips “Chao, Bambino” of the “Brilliant” group, “Lech” by Alena Apina, “Tears” of DeTsl, etc. In addition, Philip Yankovsky worked with Dmitry Malikov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, “Ivanushki”, with Alsu and with many other performers. Many of his videos were mini-films, which were distinguished by the creativity of the approach to building a video series and its combination with music. Looking ahead, let's say that in 1997, Philip Jankowski, whose biography interests all his fans, was nominated for the prestigious Ovation Award.

Philip Jankowski biography personal life children

In 2000

The directorial debut of Yankovsky in a big movie took place in 2002. They became the film "In Motion", thanks to which Philip received the "Nick" award. The film had a good box office and made experts appreciate the directorial talent of the younger Yankovsky. His next work, The State Counselor, was even more successful. In it, Yankovsky acted not only as a director, but also starred in the episodic role of the hussar-bummer from the ladies' salon. To work on this film adaptation of the famous novel by Boris Akunin, Philip invited such stars of Russian cinema as Nikita Mikhalkov, Oleg Tabakov, Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Mashkov and others. In addition, one of the main female roles went to the director’s wife, Oksana Fandera.


If the success of the “State Counselor” was to some extent predetermined in advance, then the next directorial work of Philip Jankowski was waiting for a difficult fate. Arthouse painting "Swordsman" was perceived by the audience ambiguously, even despite the talented play of Artem Tkachenko and Chulpan Khamatova. The wordless drama about love, where all feelings were expressed through plastic images, found no response in the hearts of the mass audience.

Philip Jankowski filmography

"Stone head"

Not recovering from the failure of the "Swordsman", Philip Jankowski (filmography consists of more than 15 titles) took up the implementation of a new project. It was the painting "Stone Head" with Nikolai Valuev in the title role. The famous athlete played a boxer with amnesia, to whom they sent a girl who looked like a dead wife. She must persuade him to return to the ring and lose the battle, so that the match organizers could get a lot of money by betting on his opponent.

Although at the Vyborg Film Festival "Window to Europe" the picture received the main prize - the "Golden Rook", the audience received it rather coolly.


The break in the acting career of Philip Jankowski, associated with his directorial activities, ended in 2011, when he was invited to the shooting of the television series "Rasputin". He got the interesting role of the killer of the old man - Felix Yusupov, with whom he coped brilliantly. The actor’s partners in the film were Gerard Depardieu, Irina Alferova, Natalya Shavets, Danila Kozlovsky and many others, and the empress was played by the famous Fani Ardan.

Philip Jankowski biography personal life children photo

In recent years

Philip Jankowski, whose biography, personal life, children and whose participation in social events are often discussed in the press, is also pleased to appear in television series. True, it should be noted that the actor is extremely picky and agrees to participate only in really worthwhile projects. Among them can be noted:

  • a new film version of the novel Three Musketeers, in which he played the role of King Louis the Thirteenth;
  • the television series "Heter of Major Sokolov", where Andrei Panin was his partner;
  • TV series “Bounty Hunters”;
  • TV series "The Miracle Worker" and others.

In addition, the picture “Mysterious Passion” was recently released. In this film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Vasily Aksenov, Philip Jankowski, whose biography, personal life and filmography are presented in detail in this article, was played by Yan Tushinsky. The film was a great success, not least due to its sincere and talented play.

Philip Jankowski (biography): personal life, children

A happy marriage of parents became an example for the actor.

For many years, Philip Olegovich Yankovsky has been married to Oksana Fander, who is his directorial muse and has appeared in all of her husband’s paintings. They met in 1988 and have been together for over 25 years. Oksana and Philip have two children. Their son Ivan graduated from GITIS and starred in several films, continuing the acting Yankovsky dynasty. In 2016, Lisa Yankovskaya made her film debut, inheriting the beauty of her mother and the talent of both parents.

Philip Jankowski biography personal life growth

Let's hope that Philip Yankovsky, biography, personal life, children, photos and other information about which is presented in this article, will continue to delight his fans with interesting roles and films.

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