Biocon sunscreen series: reviews and features

Many different products are used to protect the skin from the sun. This allows you to prevent various adverse effects. Often used sunscreen series "Biocon". Reviews confirm the effectiveness and safety of funds. Cosmetics are in demand in Russia and abroad. Read more about it in the article.

Cosmetics reflect ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the skin. Biocon is considered an expert in the field of care and protection. Face cosmetics are created on the basis of a special extract of leeches. To get the cream, a medical leech is grown in special conditions in biofactories. Now the brand produces products of various types, which even demanding consumers like.

Safe time for tanning

What time is better to sunbathe in the sun? It is advisable to do this during low solar activity. A safe period is considered to be until 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. You should not be in the sun during the day - from 12 to 15 hours, as there is a risk of getting a burn. Stay under bright rays should not exceed several hours.

sunscreen series biocon reviews

Even if you use quality products, it is important to consider at what time it is better to sunbathe in the sun. This will protect against adverse effects. To tan was uniform, you need to move a lot, play volleyball, badminton. The smallest activity of the sun at 6-10 hours, as well as at 17-19 hours. During these periods, a tan does not appear very quickly, but it will be durable.


Everyone knows that ultraviolet rays stimulate the formation of vitamin D, which is very beneficial for the body. But it also has a negative effect on the health and youth of the skin.

what time is better to sunbathe in the sun

There are 3 spectra of rays, 2 of which, with penetration into the skin, cause aging or burns. Many sun protection cosmetics protect against the harmful rays of spectrum A, which cause skin cancer and other ailments. They do not allow the occurrence of burns.


According to reviews, the Biocon sun protection series has the following advantages:

  1. Reflects 2 spectra of rays, preserves the skin.
  2. Protects against redness and burns.
  3. Reflective filters have maximum sun protection.
  4. Includes a formula created by specialists in the field of cosmetology, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.
  5. It has a light and moisture resistant effect, therefore, it serves as a protection in water.
  6. Creates a beautiful and safe tan.
  7. Meets customer preferences.

Judging by the reviews, the Biocon sunscreen series includes a lot of products, so there is something suitable for each person among them. There are cosmetics for children that protect the delicate epidermis of the child.


The Biocon series includes several categories of products:

  1. Sunscreens with special SPF filters. In this category there are products with high filtration of sunlight.
  2. Means for safe tanning. Many visit the beach for a beautiful dark skin tone. The series is intended for those who want to enjoy the warm sun. Products have an SPF level of 35 - what you need for safe sunbathing.
  3. Oils for intense tanning. Means are suitable for those who want to get a chocolate skin tone with shine. Oils improve the "absorption" of the sun's rays.
  4. Refreshing and firming products. They are applied after prolonged exposure to the sun to remove redness. Creams serve to refresh and soothe the skin, moisturize, restore cells. To keep the dark color for a long time, you need to use this product.
  5. Baby cosmetics are ideal for baby's delicate skin. It protects against burns, and is also safe for sensitive epithelium. The series has sedatives that relieve redness and discomfort.
  6. Tanning allows you to get a beautiful shade without the sun. You do not need to relax on the beach or go to the solarium. The tool is indispensable for people who are rarely in the sun.

sunscreen biocon spray

There is a sunscreen "Biocon", which has a convenient form of application. If you use it before going out in the sun, the skin will be protected from adverse factors. The manufacturer produces unique sun protection hair products. Emulsions prevent dryness and dull colors. They also serve as a tool for repairing damaged strands.

Popular remedies

Biocon sunscreens are considered the best for skin preservation. Moreover, they are different, so their properties may vary slightly. SPF 35 fluid face cream is used to treat the face, neck, and dรฉcolletรฉ. With it you get a uniform and safe tan, epithelial cells are protected from premature aging. It is used instead of a day cream. The cost of the tool is 400 rubles.

sunscreen biocon

Sunblock SPF 70 is used for sensitive skin. He has a high sun protection factor. They treat areas with pigmentation and moles. The cream serves to protect against early skin aging. Its price is 600 rubles.

Thus, reviews on the Biocon sunscreen series provide insight into the effects of the agents. Most buyers are satisfied with the purchase. Using creams and other cosmetic products, the skin is reliably protected from exposure to the sun.

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