Krasnodar rice: growing and harvesting

Rice, as you know, is a southern culture. The traditional region of its cultivation is Asia. However, rice is also grown here in Russia. Moreover, most of the areas used for this culture are concentrated in the Krasnodar Territory. Rice is grown in this region using special technology.

A bit of history: households in the 20s

Rice cultivation in the Kuban began in the days of the USSR. In the 20-30 years in the Krasnodar Territory, large areas of floodplains overgrown with reeds were drained. It was these raw lands that they decided to use for planting rice. The area of ​​the first experimental plot allotted for this culture was 50 ha. Created by domestic farmers, a new exclusive method of growing rice in the following years was constantly improved. At first, the yields of this crop in the Krasnodar Territory amounted to only about 21-22 centners per hectare. Subsequently, these indicators steadily increased.

Krasnodar rice

About 10 years after the start of rice cultivation in the Kuban, two reservoirs were built to create irrigation systems. They were designed in such a way that subsequently water resources were enough for 70 thousand hectares of rice fields.

The economy of the region during the USSR

A completely irrigation system for this crop was created in the USSR by the 80s of the last century. Until the 90s, the rice industry was considered in our country one of the most profitable. The total area of ​​sown fields in Soviet times was about 300 thousand hectares.

With the collapse of the country, rice farms in the Krasnodar Territory fell into decline . In the 90s, the yield of this crop in Russia approached the first historical indicators and amounted to only 25 ha / c. At the same time, the sown area was reduced to 90 thousand hectares.

Farm problems these days

Today, the rice industry in the Krasnodar Territory is reviving. In 2014, the area allotted for this crop was already about 167 thousand hectares. But, unfortunately, the rice industry of the region still experiences some difficulties. So, for example, until 2016, not a single new irrigation system was built in the region. All used in the fields were created in Soviet times.

Rice cultivation in the Krasnodar Territory: features

This southern plant is cultivated in Russia by a special technology. The technique of cultivating it, of course, is similar to that used in Asian countries. However, in the technology of rice cultivation in the Kuban there are quite significant differences.

For example, Krasnodar rice is never cultivated in the same place from year to year for decades. Farms in the region must observe crop rotation. Every two to three years, wheat or soybeans are planted in a rice field . This can significantly increase crop yields and reduce the likelihood of damage by pests.

Rice is harvested in the Krasnodar Territory only after the fields are completely drained. This is also one of the features of the technology used in southern Russia. In Asian countries, in most cases not rich, the fields are usually not drained. Farmers often collect rice there by hand, right in the water. Of course, work is very hard. Russian farmers use, of course, modern technology when cultivating and harvesting this crop.

rice in the Krasnodar Territory

In some regions of the region, and in particular, on the left bank of the Kuban, the thickness of the fertile soil layer in the fields is only about 15 cm. Therefore, when growing rice, local farms are forced to use quite a large amount of fertilizer. In order for the groats to be subsequently supplied to food processing enterprises and stores of high quality, farmers carefully analyze the leaves of the plants before feeding them. In laboratory conditions, it is determined which particular substances are missing from the culture at a given specific time. In accordance with the data obtained, fertilizing is also carried out. The soil with this approach to business is not contaminated with any excess chemicals.

How rice is grown in the Krasnodar Territory: technology

This culture is seeded in the Kuban on checks. So called small fields of 5 hectares. Rice is actually a very unusual plant. Unlike most other varieties of cereals, it is able to transfer oxygen from leaves to roots. That is, it can be grown, being almost completely immersed in water.

The main elements of the irrigation system in rice fields are:

  • a source;
  • common distribution channel;
  • irrigation canals.

The source of water supply to the fields can be either an artificial reservoir, the Kuban River or some nearby lake. The distribution channels are equipped with special injection equipment. Irrigation trenches are separated from them by valves. Shallow grooves are dug through the checks themselves. When the valves open, water begins to flow into the irrigation canals. Then it moves into the grooves on the checks and is distributed in all directions. Thus, flooding occurs. The water level rises to the required level during planting in about a day. Sometimes it takes a little longer.

In order to monitor the level of water rise, the Krasnodar rice producer installs special rails with a scale on the checks. Actually, the control itself is carried out by agronomists of farms when driving around fields. If necessary, irrigation workers raise or lower the gate valves of the channels, thereby adjusting the level.

rice cultivation in the Krasnodar Territory

Productivity and Prospects

As already mentioned, the rice industry in the Krasnodar Territory continues to revive. Today, the yield of this crop in Russia is about 200 thousand tons of grain annually. To cover the domestic needs of the country, this is enough. Russia even has the opportunity to import about 50 thousand tons of cereals annually. Domestic Krasnodar rice is supplied mainly to neighboring countries.

In terms of productivity, Russian farms in 2016, according to statistics, even Italian ones caught up. Comparison in this case can be made, since there are domestic complexes and farms of this southern state at almost the same latitude. Italian rice varieties in Russia, thanks to the use of modern domestic cultivation technologies, grow faster, get sick less and give a larger grain.

According to many experts, rice growing in the region is a very promising industry. The modernization of farms, the purchase of new modern equipment, the increase in the general training of workers - all this, according to forecasts, can lead to an almost double increase in productivity.

how to grow rice in the Krasnodar Territory

The rice industry in our country is, unfortunately, quite expensive. According to estimates, farms spend up to 60 thousand rubles per season on growing only one hectare of this crop. But the profits from such agricultural complexes can be quite large. The quality of Krasnodar rice is simply excellent. And therefore, both domestic and foreign consumers buy it very willingly.

How to harvest

Thus, subject to cultivation technology, this crop is very fruitful - Krasnodar rice. How to grow it, we found out. Rice harvesting in the south of Russia is carried out after drainage using special combines. This modern technology is also responsible for threshing grain.

Today, rice yield in the Kuban is about 1 million tons per year. By 2017, 99 farms are engaged in the cultivation of this culture in the region. 23 of them are small businesses.

Krasnodar round-grain rice

Product Processing Equipment

On sale, as you know, rice does not come in ears of corn, but already in the form of cereals. Equipment intended for processing this crop, including combines, in Russia, unfortunately, is practically not produced. The same, that is, usually does not cope with loads during harvesting. Therefore, imported equipment is usually used to process rice in the Krasnodar Territory. It is bought more often in countries that are traditional rice producers - in China, Japan, South Korea, etc.


Of course, the rice industry in the Krasnodar Territory can develop not only subject to the use of new technologies and modern equipment. A lot in this regard also depends on what varieties of this crop will be grown in the fields. In the region, among other things, breeding is also carried out with rice. It is displayed at the stations both Krasnodar round-grain rice and long-grain rice.

producer of Krasnodar rice

To get a new variety of this culture of any variety, unfortunately, is quite difficult. It takes about 7 years for breeding. However, similar difficulties do not stop agrarians of the region. In the region, not only ordinary, but also elite varieties of culture are constantly being developed.

Consumer reviews about Krasnodar rice

Both round and long-grain rice is grown and, therefore, supplied to store shelves in the region. Reviews this domestic groats among consumers earned just excellent. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, since Krasnodar rice is grown in compliance with crop rotation, it is an environmentally friendly product and the most beneficial for health. Secondly, the excellent quality of domestic cereals is also determined by the climate of the Krasnodar Territory. In the Kuban it is not as hot as, for example, in Vietnam or China. Therefore, ears in this region are quite rarely infected with various kinds of pests that do not tolerate low temperatures too well.

Krasnodar rice how to grow

The high quality of Kuban rice is evidenced even by the fact that the market today also includes counterfeit Asian products sold under the guise of Krasnodar. Such rice is grown in the worst conditions and, of course, does not have the same excellent taste as harvested in the south of Russia.

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