Mesophytes are vital plants

In terms of humidity, all vegetation is divided into several groups. Mesophytes are those representatives of the flora of our planet who, in the course of evolution, adapted to exist in environments with not excessive humidity of the environment (atmosphere and soil). They occupy the middle step between two other major groups.

mesophytes is

Hydrophytes, mesophytes, xerophytes

The first of them includes plants that do not have devices, which limit the flow of water. It is characteristic that already insignificant deficiencies in the soil and air of the liquid cause rapid wilting of plants. These are species with partially (fully) immersed or floating leaves on the surface of the water.

Plants accustomed to drought are called xerophytes (xeros - “dry” in Greek). They are able to adapt to soil, atmospheric drought. What is typical for xerophytes is the insignificant size of the evaporating surface, a small segment of the aerial parts in comparison with the underground. These are usually grasses, undersized shrubs.

mesophytes examples

The main features of the group

Mesophyte plants are the vast majority of species of flora of temperate latitudes. Among them are deciduous trees, for example, oak with birch, and shrubs, for example, hazel with lilac. As well as the inhabitants of meadows and grasses of forests in temperate climatic zones around the world. Mesophytes are the largest group of terrestrial vegetation. In fact, all of the trees classified as fruit trees, most vegetable and grain crops are usually classified in this classification category. Some members of the group grow in the tropics / subtropics.

Mesophytes: examples, word origin, habitat

Rural meadows in temperate climates can serve as a sample of the habitats of such plants. And examples of species - a variety of herbs from the genera of the field: timothy, clover, chamomile, goldenrod, and some others. In addition to these meadow grasses, they include most of the forest (lily of the valley with a medunica, others), trees (birch with oak, ash, poplar) with bushes (beech, hazel, lilac).

Mesophytes - a word that has Greek roots (from mesos - middle, intermediate). Plants of this ecological group feel good in conditions of moisture, but not its overabundance. They easily fade. These include most cereals and legumes: durum, soft wheat, oats and corn, peas and soy. In the examples: beets and hemp, most fruit (with the exception of almonds and grapes), many vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and others).

hydrophytes mesophytes

Some characteristics

Mesophytes are plants that constantly need water supply, and especially during their growing season. They simply cannot stand long droughts. And when exposed to high temperature and low humidity, they quickly lose fluid, and fade. When the drought is not too long, the plants can adapt to these conditions. Mesophytes require moderate amounts of water, but the requirements for different species vary.

All such plants have a well-developed branched system of rhizomes. The shape of their leaves is diverse, but the general fact is that in all representatives of the group they are green, wide and flat. Their surface is relatively large compared to xerophytes. The subgroups are distinguished in the group: evergreen mesophytes of the tropics (moist forests), winter-green woody, summer-green woody, summer-green grassy mesophytes (perennial), ephemera.

mesophytes plants

Value for nature and man

The importance of mesophyte plants in wildlife is very high. They form the landscapes of the territories of the middle belt of the planet. These include such necessary forest species of trees as oak, ash, elm, linden, maple, poplar, birch, aspen, alder and others. Moreover, these are peculiar “lungs” of our planet, where carbon dioxide is transformed into oxygen, which is necessary for all living organisms.

Mesophytes are of great importance for human civilization. It is no secret that most agricultural crops (both cereal and fruit) are representatives of this ecological group. Many of the fruits of trees cultivated by people, we eat regularly. Cereals give flour, bread. And vegetables are a wide range for proper nutrition. So it can be said that this is one of the most vital and most important groups of land plants for humans!

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