Diet for pyelonephritis in a child: nutrition features

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory kidney disease of a bacterial nature. It proceeds in acute or chronic form and affects not only adults, but also babies. The article will talk about the features of the diet for pyelonephritis in children.

The need for proper nutrition

Pyelonephritis is often diagnosed in infants and adolescents. Usually, its treatment lasts about two or three months. It is aimed at eliminating the infection, restoring the flow of urine and kidney function. As a rule, during this period, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy, the same for the acute and chronic form of the disease. To accelerate treatment, the child needs to provide comfort and special nutrition, selected taking into account the age of the small patient.

diet for pyelonephritis in a child

The main objective of the diet for pyelonephritis in children is considered to be an increase in the outflow of urine from the kidneys. To do this, the amount of consumed fats, proteins and salt is reduced. At the same time, the patient's diet is enriched with alkalizing products. Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment, especially considering that throughout this period the patient has to take strong drugs.

Basic principles

The diet for pyelonephritis of the kidneys in children is one of the most stringent and low-calorie. It consists of several stages, each of which is aimed at solving specific problems. The meaning of the first days is to reduce the total load on the affected kidneys. The next stage of the diet can reduce the severity of symptoms. The third type of medical nutrition is prescribed after the normalization of all indicators and the disappearance of complaints. It avoids the recurrence of the inflammatory process.

Eating is necessary often, but little by little. Nutrition should be varied and well balanced so that all valuable substances enter the body of a small patient. Diet for acute pyelonephritis in children involves the use of a large amount of fluid. This helps flush the urinary tract and lower urine concentration. Moreover, you can drink not only water, but also fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, weak teas, vegetable and fruit juices.

Features of nutrition of infants

At the initial stage of the disease, babies who are breast-fed are recommended to give donor milk or acidic mixtures. After the disappearance of signs of intoxication, doctors are allowed to return to the usual diet.

diet for pyelonephritis in children

With pyelonephritis in children up to a year, the main emphasis is on milk nutrition. Since this particular product does not contain various extractive substances that affect the functioning of the kidneys, and promotes urination. As for the number of feedings, it should be at least five times a day.

Features nutrition of preschoolers

Children of kindergarten age who are diagnosed with kidney disease are also shown a special diet. With pyelonephritis, a child is recommended to drink more. To reduce intoxication should use natural juices, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, weak black and green tea. Do not neglect decoctions of blackcurrant, mountain ash and wild rose.

diet for acute pyelonephritis in children

Also, it is advisable to diversify the daily diet of a sick preschool child with vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C and P. Zucchini, melons and watermelons are best suited for these purposes. In addition, milk porridge should be present in the children's menu. And after the disappearance of acute manifestations of the disease, experts recommend supplementing the diet with boiled meat and fish.

Features nutrition teenagers

The diet for pyelonephritis in children 7 years of age and older also involves drinking plenty and drinking enough milk products. A little later, sugar, white bread, cereals and some confectionery products are introduced into the menu of younger patients.

diet for pyelonephritis in children

Children diagnosed with pyelonephritis are not allowed to consume broths, preserves, smoked meats, chives, garlic, peppers, hot cheeses, soda and grilled meats. All these products contain extractive substances that slow down the healing process.

Features of the diet of children with chronic pyelonephritis

Especially for such patients, doctors have developed a diet number 5. It involves the complete exclusion of products that increase acid formation in the stomach. These include marinades, canned food, spicy dishes and pastries from rye flour.

The diet for pyelonephritis in children involves the use of foods with a minimum protein content. Small patients should preferably be fed with chopped or mashed steamed food.

Allowed Products

Of course, a therapeutic diet involves the introduction of a number of strict restrictions. But, despite this, the nutrition of children should remain high-calorie and varied. So, in the menu of a sick child, it is necessary to include dairy products that contribute to the normalization of the urine excretion process. It can be ryazhenka, sour cream, cottage cheese, soft mild cheese or kefir. All of them bring double benefits, since they are considered an excellent prevention of constipation and dysbiosis.

symptoms, treatment and diet for pyelonephritis in children

Another important component of the diet for pyelonephritis in a child is the eggs. They contain valuable amino acids, so it is advisable to use them daily. Children from three to six years old need to eat ¾ eggs per day.

In addition, teas, fruit drinks, juices, berries, fruits, vegetables, pasta and cereals diluted with water were included in the list of recommended products. Also, sick children can eat pastille, honey, jam, soups, low-fat ham, diet fish and poultry.

Prohibited Products

Some dishes can aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, they should not be on the menu of small patients suffering from pyelonephritis. The diet of a child with this kidney disease involves a complete rejection of fatty broths, sausages, smoked meats, canned food and fried meat.

diet for pyelonephritis in children up to a year

You will also have to forget about the existence of mushrooms, sorrel, garlic, onions, salted fish, chocolate, cakes and strong teas. In the period of exacerbation of the disease, legumes, spinach, celery, radish, radishes, cabbage and offal should not be consumed. It is extremely important to ensure that adolescents with pyelonephritis do not buy chips, crackers and other similar products.

What is the danger of non-compliance with the diet?

Pyelonephritis is a pathology that requires proper nutrition. Regular violation of the recommended diet is fraught with aggravation of inflammation and an increased likelihood of developing urolithiasis.

Also, the use of prohibited foods can cause kidney failure, paranephritis, the accumulation of toxins and even bacteriological shock.

The list of diet foods

Even with a limited set of permitted products, you can cook a lot of healthy goodies. For example, eggs, cottage cheese, vegetable stews, mashed potatoes, pasta or milk porridge are good choices for breakfast.

For lunch, you can cook cabbage soup, beetroot soup, borscht or vegetarian soup. The second is allowed to serve cereals, pasta, pilaf, cereal casseroles, cabbage rolls, fish, poultry or steam cutlets. From drinks it is better to choose juice, jelly or a rosehip broth.

The diet for pyelonephritis in a child suggests the presence of an afternoon snack. Therefore, a few hours after lunch, the little patient can be offered to eat baked apples, fresh fruits or a glass of kefir.

For dinner, he recommends choosing cottage cheese casserole, pasta, pancakes, potato zrazy, cereals, vinaigrette, cheesecakes, buns or crusts. Such a diet is advised to combine with the use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants.

One-day menu option

The diet of children with pyelonephritis, with the symptoms and treatment of which an experienced urologist should understand, should be as diverse as possible. In the morning, the child can be offered milk semolina, boiled egg and weak tea. For lunch, it is advisable for a small patient to cook vegetable soup with sour cream, mashed potatoes, steam meatballs and homemade compote.

diet for pyelonephritis in children 7

For dinner, the child can be offered rice porridge with fruits. And as a snack cottage cheese with honey, tomatoes with cheese, sandwiches with bran bread and kefir will do.


Parents whose children are diagnosed with pyelonephritis should make every effort to provide their children with proper nutrition. After all, following the recommended diet is the key to successful healing. The treatment menu allows you to reduce the burden on the kidneys and organs of the excretory system. It contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

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