Solid toilet soap, it would seem, has long been known to everyone as a cosmetic product for personal hygiene. But few are familiar with its history, manufacturing standards, and other tricks. Recently, home soap making is gaining more and more popularity, and manufacturers indulge in magnificent aromas and natural compounds. Shelves literally burst with a huge assortment, designed for every taste and budget.
Ancient recipes
The first mention of solid toilet soap was found on clay tablets of ancient Sumerians. These historical artifacts are already about 3000 years old, and the compositions on them are not much different from modern recipes. In ancient Babylon, as now, they used a fat base, and wood ash as an absorbent.
They were also familiar with soap in ancient Egypt, papyrus with a description of the use of soap for at least 3,500 years. Initially, Egyptian recipes were similar to Sumerian, but in the future they began to replace ash with a natural natural mineral - soda.
Soap was used for personal hygiene, washing and washing wool. In addition, he was actively used in the treatment of skin diseases.
Soap production began on an industrial scale during the Middle Ages. The French king was an ardent admirer of luxury and expensive aromas, it was thanks to him that essential oils began to be added to the soap. These precious stones were available only to nobles and the clergy.
Main characteristics
In the modern world, solid toilet soap is also intended for personal hygiene. It consists of natural or synthetic fatty acids and salts, various perfumes, plant extracts and other components that further determine its classification.
The main task of soap is to wash away dirt and bacteria from the surface being cleaned. This is achieved due to the alkaline environment, which actively eliminates pollution and a thin layer of sebum that protects against harmful microorganisms and infections. The upper layer of the epidermis loosens and intensively loses moisture. Therefore, for washing dry and sensitive skin, it is better to use soft, alkaline products and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the composition indicated on the package. To protect the epidermis from damage, it is advisable to use a cream after cleansing.
Soap classification
According to the All-Russian classifier, a cosmetic product belongs to class 91. According to GOST 28546-2002 "General specifications. Solid toilet soap", depending on consumer properties, is divided into four brands:
- neutral
- extra;
- baby;
- ordinary.
The main requirement for any brand is the integrity of the piece, without visible damage and cracks, as well as a clear and even stamp. High foaming is also considered a prerequisite. The presence of a certificate for toilet solid soap at any outlet is strictly necessary and is the guarantor of the quality and safety of the cosmetic product.
Another type of soap that is not listed in GOST standards is also distinguished. Glycerin - is distinguished by a translucent or transparent base. Unlike ordinary soap, it is boiled with glycerin, thereby eliminating harmful alkali. Such a product foams well, moisturizes and cares for the skin.
Ingredients used
The basic composition of solid toilet soap includes vegetable and animal fats, as well as their derivatives. In addition to them, in production it is allowed to use:
- soda ash;
- table salt;
- whitening components;
- titanium dioxide;
- boric acid;
- perfume fragrances;
- dyes;
- zinc white;
- moisturizing ingredients;
- lanolin and others.
"Neutral" and "Extra" should be produced only in packaging, which will necessarily indicate: composition, shelf life, date of manufacture, manufacturer, storage conditions, barcode and trademark. "Baby" and "Ordinary" can be produced without a wrapper.
Types of soap
By appointment, the funds are divided into the following subgroups:
- Hygiene soap for general use (for normal to oily skin). In its composition, usually there are no additional caring components, only dyes and perfumes.
- Hygienic special (for normal and oily skin). Contains special grease-based components that leave a protective film.
- Disinfectant and therapeutic. Contains disinfecting and therapeutic components.
Main differences
The “Neutral” and “Extra” types are of higher quality; they contain highly purified components, plant extracts and high-quality fragrances. In the manufacture of such products, the composition should be at least 78% fatty acids. It can be melted edible animal fats of the highest grade, as well as coconut oil.
"Neutral" is characterized by the absence of potassium and sodium carbonates, and in "Extra" they contain no more than 0.2% of the total mass. These brands are the hardest, due to the low swelling, they soften less and do not “melt” from interaction with water. According to consumer reviews, after using such a soap, the skin remains smooth and soft, without a feeling of tightness.
"Baby" solid toilet soap is made with the lowest alkali content to avoid irritation and allergies to delicate skin. In addition, manufacturers often add in the production of decoctions of chamomile, a string and other useful herbs that help fight diaper rash.
The "ordinary" solid toilet soap is the most base. Its lower grade is due to the possibility of using synthetic components, unlike other brands. Reviews about the use of such soap are most often negative, many consumers complain of dry skin and tightness. This product is especially not recommended for sensitive skin.
Natural soap
In the manufacture of this tool use only gentle components. This eliminates the risk of allergies, irritation and other troubles. In the recipe, salts are replaced with saponins - plant extracts from soap root, horse chestnut, violet or Tatar soap grass. They have good cleansing properties and foam well.
Reviews about the use of such soaps are mostly positive, because everyone can choose the ingredients to their taste that meet all the needs of the skin.
Vegetable oils rich in useful substances are taken as a fat base: olive, avocado, wheat germ, sea buckthorn and jojoba. Glycerin in the composition of such a product will help protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment.
For the manufacture of soap at home, you can purchase a ready-made soap base. During manufacture, the mass is melted in a water bath, not exceeding 60 degrees. Any ingredients can be added to the melted base based on skin needs. Abrasives are used for the exfoliating effect, and algae (kelp) is added for the anti-aging effect.
Additional ingredients
Black caraway seeds as a part of soap perfectly proved. It has excellent healing and antiseptic properties. In addition, it promotes skin renewal by exfoliating dead particles.
Ground coffee is ideal in the manufacture of body soap, exfoliates and tightens the skin. Improves turgor and enhances blood circulation, helps get rid of the "orange peel".
Cosmetic clay in the composition will benefit owners of oily and problem skin. White clay does not cause allergies, improves tone and evens out relief.
As a fragrance, natural essential oils are used, such as ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, mint, orange, rose and others. Also, milk, honey, dried flowers are used as useful additives. To give a beautiful shade to the product, food coloring can be used. They are absolutely safe for the skin.