Tasks for preparing children for school at home in mathematics

When a child goes to first grade, most parents want their child to be the smartest and most talented among their peers. And this desire is fully justified - to prepare the child for school in advance, so that at the lesson the first grader would show off his knowledge, it would certainly not be amiss.

Not all parents have a pedagogical education, and only units are able to remember how they were taught mathematics at school. In this case, various teaching aids, and, of course, the Internet, come to the aid of the mother and father of the future first-grader. This article describes the most effective tasks for preparing children for school in mathematics, which will definitely help the kid make friends with numbers and not be afraid of more complicated calculations in the future.

Five to five

This task for preparing children for school is quite laborious for parents, but very effective and helps the child in the initial stages.

Five figures for the choice of parents need to be cut out of paper, for example a square, a rectangle, a circle, a triangle and a trapezoid. Each of them needs to be done in five colors, which means it should turn out to be five triangles, five rectangles, five trapezoids of different colors and so on. There should be twenty-five geometric shapes in total.

Further, you can perform a variety of actions with them: for example, ask the child to first fold all the yellow shapes separately, and then put all the triangles into the box. You can also expand the number of copies of the same shape and color, and add tasks such as adding, for example, all the red rectangles next to them, and to the right of them all the green trapezoids, and so on.

Geometric figures

Combine the numbers

Such a task for preparing children for school is widespread in various magazines for preschoolers. It helps to quickly remember the score and fuels the child's interest in mathematics.

The essence of the task is to connect all the numbers with a broken line, and as a result get a pleasant surprise: a funny picture. Such games can be found in many magazines, but if you try, you can make a drawing yourself. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of numbers: here you need to select a task for each child personally. For those who are not confident in their abilities, for a start, they should be given simpler tasks, and already after the baby understands and reaches his hand, move on to large numbers.

Combine the numbers

Geometry for the smallest

Another good task for preparing children for school is to play geometric shapes.

The essence of the task is to draw a simple geometric figure (for example, a rectangle or an oval) on a plain sheet of paper and ask the child to come up with a drawing into which it can turn. If the baby did not understand the first time, then you can give him an example: draw a triangle and show how he can become a fir with the help of imagination.

Such a task not only helps the child quickly remember various geometric shapes, but also develops imagination, which will be very useful in the future.

geometric figures

Magic squares

This task is more complicated, and is suitable for those children who already confidently believe and easily perform elementary mathematical calculations in their heads.

A square is drawn on a piece of paper, dividing into nine identical cells. A number is written on top - for example, sixteen. The numbers one, two, three, five, six, eight, nine, and twelve are written below. The child must insert the indicated numbers into the cells in such a way that in all the outer rows the total number is sixteen. Repeating numbers is prohibited. Similarly, you can experiment with the numbers 12 and 14.


It is worth considering the following task to prepare the child for school. This is a count. By the first class, in order to shine with his knowledge in the lessons, the kid should not only know the order of numbers by heart, but also be able to put the score into practice.

The meaning of the assignment is that parents should draw a cube for board games on a piece of paper and put on their faces the number of dots that they consider necessary, and the child must count them and write a number corresponding to his calculations.

counting game

Color flower

A good task for preparing your child for school at home would also be to add or subtract.

For example: the parent draws or prints a flower (or any other drawing at his discretion, the key point is that the details should be large) and signs the petals with various examples: 2 + 3, 4 + 1, 7 - 2, and so on. The child must count and fill in those petals where the answers to the expressions will be five (or the number chosen by the parents). If the baby still does poorly with addition or subtraction and is just starting to learn mathematics, then it is better to replace the examples with numbers: let's say ask him to paint over the petals on which he sees a deuce.

This task combines business with pleasure - most children love to draw, so for them everything will be held in an easy way and bring a lot of fun.

task to color the flower


To prepare a child for school, there are a lot of tasks in mathematics. The main thing is to present everything in the form of a game, so that the kid does not even understand that he is learning. The following exercise will help to cope with this.

The parent draws three three-story or four-story houses (each of them is on its own sheet), three windows on one floor. Then, in some windows, curtains are randomly drawn.

The child is told that where the curtains hang on the windows - people live, and they are asked to "populate" people on the other floors so that each tenant is equally divided. Then let the kid draw the colorful curtains where he β€œput” people, and figure out which of the houses has the most residents.

Torn leaflets

Torn leaflets

The essence of this assignment for preparing children for school is to repeat addition and subtraction with the child.

The parent writes elementary mathematical expressions on small pieces of paper: 1 + 1, 2 + 8, 6 + 3, 4 - 1, and so on. After that, already on other leaves, he writes answers to them and all this mixes up. The child’s task is simple: find the answers you need and connect them with the leaves on which the expressions matching them are written.

Learning is not always easy, but doubling a child. Now the Internet and thousands of books on parenting can always come to the aid of parents, therefore there should not be any special problems with the material and various tasks for preparing children for school, the main thing is to correctly submit it. In no case should you put pressure on the child or scold him for failure, you must remember that he is just learning. It is also better to do the exercises not alone, but with the group, then a sense of competition will spur young mathematicians and will not let them get distracted.

It is important not to forget to constantly remind the child of his love for him. This will help the baby more easily cope with failures and believe in their own strengths, which is already half the way to success.

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