How much do gypsum wear for a fracture?

In the article, we will consider how much to wear plaster is necessary.

That is the question that people who have broken themselves are asking. But it is difficult to say exactly how many people will be forced to walk in a cast, because it depends largely on the type of fracture. People in their lives may experience fractures in different parts of the body. The most problematic are damage to the legs, which have a strong effect on the overall mobility of a person, as well as on his life in general. Each such violation of bone integrity can be accompanied by the application of plaster casts, which will provide immobility to the affected parts of the body for a long period of time until the bone tissue fuses again. So, let's figure out how much to wear plaster.

how much to wear plaster

Determination of the period of wearing plaster

A fracture of the leg, as a rule, for people is accompanied by many inconveniences. For example, people have difficulty moving, and at the same time they cannot function normally throughout the day and even sleep, in this regard, doctors often hear the question of how long patients need to walk in a plaster cast. Each case is always individual. Thus, for patients, how much gypsum is used for a broken leg or finger is determined by many different factors, such as:

  • Much depends on the type of injury, it can be open or closed.
  • Feature of violation of bone integrity: with or without displacement, the presence of small individual fragments and so on.
  • The possibility of complications.
  • Localization of injury.

In the general case, a plaster cast is applied for a period of one and a half to almost four months, but this period is often extended by the attending physician for a number of various reasons.

What can affect how much gypsum is used for a bone fracture?

Increased bandage wearing period

Of great importance can be the condition of other tissue that could be damaged due to a violation of bone integrity. For example, muscles with tendons could tear or stretch. In the event that this happens, the wearing time of the dressing will increase. Doctors can increase the wearing time of gypsum for a number of other reasons:

  • The presence of chronic diseases that affect bone strength and wound healing rate.
  • Incorrect application of gypsum along with the need to replace it.
  • Violation of the rules for the care of the injured leg and so on.
how much gypsum do you have for a bone fracture?

In some cases, it becomes necessary to fix a sore leg with a bandage twice as long as in standard situations, for example, when patients suffer from diabetes or their age exceeds fifty years.

Not everyone knows how many gypsum to wear in a given fracture.

Dependence of the terms of wearing plaster on the location of the injury

A leg fracture is a general concept that indicates damage to the lower extremities in one or several places at once. In particular, injuries often appear below the knee, since bone tissue in this area is more susceptible to various kinds of negative effects.

How long does plaster wear with ankle injury?

Ankle injury

This is the most common lower limb injury that can occur with sharp turns of the foot, and, in addition, with the occurrence of a strong and quick impact on this area with a blunt object, as with bumps or drops on an uneven surface. Ankle fracture can be external and internal. In the event that violation of bone integrity occurs without displacement and other complications, then the plaster cast is applied for up to four weeks. In the event that complications arose, the terms of wearing plaster can be extended up to five weeks.

In the second situation, that is, with internal injuries of the ankle without complications, the duration of wearing plaster is about seven weeks. In case of complication, the period may be extended to two and a half months. Rarely, mixed ankle fractures occur. In this case, the treatment time without complications is two and a half months. If there are complications, then four months.

How much do gypsum wear for ankle bone fracture?

Ankle injury

The second most common fracture of the leg is a violation of the integrity of the bones of the leg. A fracture of this region occurs, as a rule, with strong shocks and falls on an uneven surface, in situations where the load on the shin is distributed unevenly. The main bones of the lower leg are small and tibia. Of course, a violation of their integrity may entail different periods of wearing plaster.

how much gypsum do you have for a broken leg

In the event that a violation of the integrity of the tibia occurs, the treatment time will be exactly one month. In the case when a person has a large tibia, a plaster cast is applied for about three months. It is extremely rare that doctors observe injuries of both tibia at once. In this case, patients will have to wear gypsum for up to four months. In the event that complications arise during a leg fracture, for example, the bones are displaced or fragmented, then the patients will have to stretch the skeleton in order to replace the bones, or a serious surgical procedure, during which the bones can be fixed with a metal rod or plates.

In that case, if the skeletal traction is sufficient, then this procedure will take exactly one month, after which the patient will have to continue the therapy for another three months. In the event that a person needs fixation in the form of a metal plate or rod, gypsum can be applied at all for a whole year. Thus, leg fractures are considered one of the most severe for a person.

How much do gypsum wear on a leg for a fractured foot?

Foot injuries

Bones of the foot can be damaged when heavy objects fall on the leg, and, in addition, when negligence, with a sharp and significant weight gain, for example, during pregnancy. Injuries of this kind are extremely dangerous in that the lack of proper and timely treatment can lead to impaired functions of the foot and its shape. In the event that a violation of bone integrity occurs without any complications, treatment is continued for about two months. When there are any complications, then this period is up to three months.

How many wear gypsum for a fracture of a finger is interesting to many.

how much gypsum to wear

Finger injuries

This is the easiest, and at the same time simplest version of leg fractures, which can occur due to various reasons. As a rule, we are talking about falling heavy objects on fingers, about striking a hard surface, and even the consequences of an unsuccessful step. So how much do gypsum wear on a finger? The minimum time for applying gypsum is two weeks, and if there is a need for fixing the bone with a metal plate or tire, this period can be extended to two and a half months.

Extension of terms

It is always necessary to remember that the wearing time of plaster dressings can be almost doubled. This is especially possible when the patient is in poor health, the bones are difficult to heal, or the patient does not adhere to the rules of behavior when using gypsum, other problems appear within the treatment.

How much gypsum is used for a fracture can be checked with your doctor.

Rehabilitation after receiving a finger injury

The total duration of tissue regenerative processes largely depends on the type of surgical intervention. It usually takes about thirty to forty days to join the phalanx bone. It is this period that the doctor appoints for the patient to wear a plaster cast. This is due to the fact that a short fixation time makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of a scar on an injured surface area.

how long do gypsum wear

It is much easier and faster to treat and recover injuries in children than in older patients. This is explained quite simply: after all, in this case we are talking about a young body, and, in addition, about fast metabolic processes. The main objective of the recovery period is the gradual return of motor functions, so rehabilitation includes massages, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy, applications of ozokerite, iodine-bromine baths and therapeutic exercises.

Correct and well-appointed rehabilitation by the attending doctor is good primarily because the entire therapeutic complex is aimed at accelerating the body's natural process in order to restore and soon merge injured limbs.

How many days they wear plaster, now it’s clear.

How should a patient properly wear plaster?

Naturally, the absolute immobilization of a certain area of ​​the body can bring with it many different inconveniences. True, such a measure is simply necessary in order to ensure the correct and speedy fusion of bone tissue. Maintaining the integrity of the dressing is the main task of the patient if he wants to fully restore his motor functions.

Basic Rules

To do this, follow the set of rules:

  • First of all, the plaster cast is not allowed to expose to moisture. A bath with a shower should be taken exclusively in a special cover that protects the injured limb from exposure to water.
  • In the event that the gypsum was applied in such a way that a person cannot walk without support, then you need to take a special stick or crutch to help you. A pair of crutches is best. It must also be remembered that too much pressure on the plaster cast can have a negative effect on it, and therefore on the affected leg as well.
  • In the case when there is no special prescription of a doctor, we must not forget about the movement. If the muscles suddenly stop working, then they will certainly begin to atrophy, which will lead to a significant slowdown in the healing process and a long adaptation period after removing the bandage.
  • In the event that severe pain is felt in the leg, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor immediately, because this can be a clear signal for a disturbance in the blood circulation process due to improper bandage application. Thus, any delay in this case can lead to irreversible complications.
how much do you wear gypsum on your finger

When will the plaster be removed?

How much gypsum should be worn in each case depends on many factors.

Each situation, as a rule, is very individual, therefore it is impossible to say with great certainty the time period after which you can remove the plaster. During therapy, doctors quite often prescribe an X-ray of the affected limbs. In this case, the resulting image gives the specialist the opportunity to determine the degree of fusion of bone tissue. In addition, due to the x-ray, the correctness of fusion is visible along with the speed of recovery of the tendons and muscles surrounding the injury.

In the event that the bone has grown together completely, the specialist will independently remove the plaster cast, check the external condition of the leg. It is worth emphasizing that when getting leg fractures, in no case should you self-medicate. Any procedure should be carried out only by a doctor who will rely on the data of an x-ray.

how much do you wear gypsum on your finger

Thus, how long it will take to wear plaster in case of any fracture, largely depends on the age of the patient. In young patients, bone healing is much faster than in older people. For some patients, it usually suffices, as a rule, two to three months to fully recover, while others will need a longer period for this. In order to speed up the process of restoring limb functions, it is important to follow the recommendations of the attending traumatologist, paying due attention to the rehabilitation procedure.

We examined how much to wear plaster.

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