The rights of large families: a list

The economic crisis, due to which there is a reduction in benefits and deductions, negatively affects fertility. Despite the fact that the state is trying to improve the birth rate due to the introduced laws, not all families are able to use their benefits. The types of these benefits are different in all areas of life. To take full advantage of your large families, you need to know your rights, find all the necessary documents, and be patient. Let's see what a large family has the right to.

Which family is considered to be large?

what rights have a large family

In the Russian Federation, there are a huge number of nationalities that live in their constituent entities (republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions and districts), which means that they have the right to their understanding of the definition of a “large family”, depending on their cultural heritage. But in most subjects, parents who are legally married and have three or more children under the age of majority are considered to be large children (in Moscow it is 16 years old, in all other regions - 18). If children undergo full-time education in higher or secondary special institutions, their age should not reach 23 years.

In 1992, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin (at that time the president of the Russian Federation) issued decree number 431 of May 5, in which he clearly defined the phrase "a large family." He also wrote down general recommendations to the authorities so that they could protect families with a large number of children. Each region has the right to determine whether this or that family can receive support at the expense of the state. He indicated what a large family has the right to.

Help and support for large families

rights of the child in a large family

Until 2008, the country had big problems with demographics, that is, mortality was higher than fertility. Because of this, the government has decided to start helping large families. In the same year, a project was published in which families with three or more children will receive additional benefits and preferences. What rights does a large family have?

  • State support for the construction or purchase of housing.
  • Benefits that can be used to obtain socially rented apartments.
  • The right to land for large families.
  • Lower utility bills due to their compensation.
  • If the family’s income is below the subsistence level, they will be sent charges according to the Law on “Targeted Assistance”.
  • Pension, labor, tax, medical, educational benefits.

In connection with the crisis, the budget is being saved in 2018. But families with many children may not have to worry about this, they still have the right to receive various benefits. Parents, guardians, or caregivers may require assistance in the following areas of life:

  • payment of taxes;
  • purchase, construction or social housing rental;
  • payment for treatment in medical institutions, purchase of medicines or other medicines;
  • education, as well as further employment for both parents and children;
  • utilities tariffs (water, electricity, heating, and so on);
  • travel by municipal city or intercity transport.

Conditions for getting help

Situations in which families with a large number of children can receive assistance in 2018 may vary depending on the subjects, however, all regions of the country observe the following general conditions.

  • Citizens received a certificate of large families in the appropriate authority.
  • Children have not reached the age at which the family will not be considered large.
  • Parents respect their parental rights, conduct parenting correctly, children are not infringed on anything.

What types of social support are there?

What rights does a large family have? Financial support for families comes from several government sources. This system is extremely complex, young families often do not know the benefits to which they are entitled. Sources of financing are local or state authorities, financing comes from the budget. Families have the right to money, preferences of various levels, assistance with the purchase of medicines or products, as well as household items. Most families receive funds by election, namely if a child with a disability is raised in the family, or the parent is disabled. We will analyze all types of benefits in more detail. You can also get the right to housing for large families.

Employment Benefits

When one of the parents is officially employed, he has a number of benefits that will be provided by the enterprise or the state itself.

  • Help employment services in employment. They will be provided with the most convenient and profitable vacancies related to freelance (work at home) or short-term employment, at the request of the beneficiary.
  • In addition to the main vacation, the beneficiary has the right to a two-week holiday, at any convenient time. A citizen can also receive two weeks at his own expense for family reasons, but in agreement with the management of the enterprise. This leave will be added to the annual labor leave, but is granted if there are more than three children.
  • The parent is entitled to one additional day off at official employment. You can get it once a week, but if before that forty or more hours have been worked out.

Retirement Benefits

Families with many children can also get help with retirement. Mother or father who have the status of large families have the following benefits:

  • Retirement may occur ahead of schedule. In order to receive benefits, you need to have an experience of more than 15 years and an age of 55 years.
  • During maternity leave, pension points will be awarded. Referring to the pension reform that was carried out on 02.02.15, in order to receive a pension, points are required that will be calculated on the mother’s account if the mother retired earlier than December 31, 2014. If so, the mother has the right to recount her pension. For each maternity leave, points will be awarded if this has not been done before. If the salary is low, and the experience does not reach the necessary criteria, recalculation will be beneficial for those mothers who have more than two children.

Tax benefits

In addition to deductions from personal income tax, which are due for each child under the age of majority, in the family, tax assistance is also provided in all entities. The government is asking for tax breaks. The rights and benefits of large families are presented below:

  • Land tax reduction. There are several such benefits: reducing the cost of collecting benefits to beneficiaries; reduced cost of land used by a large family; You can also get a discount at which you can pay half the cost of the entire tax; you can also be completely exempt from tax. In order to know about new changes in the current legislation, you need to constantly check and monitor changes that occur at the legislative level, which determine which citizens can not be levied.
  • When farming, one of the parents has the right to tax exemption. In 2018, certain regions in which agriculture is widely developed can receive such an option of assistance. The parent who has applied for tax exemption must prove that the land is actually used for farming.
  • When registering one parent as an entrepreneur, he may be exempted from the initial contributions. Persons raising more than three children can rely on the fact that the mandatory contribution during registration of an individual entrepreneur will not have to be paid in full, but only part of it. Some regions completely exempt large businesses from taxes.

Help from the state in obtaining housing

large family right to land

Has a large family the right to land. Housing problems in large children arise quite often. If the children are in the same room with their parents, they will not be able to engage in normal activities, and they will also have no personal space, because of which they will not be able to fully develop, and there may also be problems when adapting in class with other children. Families with many children sometimes have to live in places that are not at all suitable for life. Understanding this problem, the state gives the right to large families to receive a land plot.

  • Getting a piece of land. Families with the status of large families have the right to receive a plot of land at the expense of the state, but not more than fifteen acres, which can be used for the purpose of building a house, cottage, residential premises or plantings. Land with a size of less than 6-7 hectares is prohibited to give large families.
  • Getting social housing for hire. Local governments may issue an apartment or a plot of land. Families who have declared to the state that they want to improve their conditions must comply with the following criteria: have the citizenship of the Russian Federation for at least five years; all family members must be registered in one place; the family has a poor status, none of the members of the family own their own housing. Housing can also be provided if the place of residence does not meet sanitary standards.
  • Acquisition of housing for benefits. Large organizations, such as banks, provide large families with assistance in obtaining housing. Such families receive a reduced interest rate when applying for the “Young Family” and “Affordable Housing” mortgages, but on condition that the apartment will be bought from the developer who participates in this company.

Deductions when paying for housing and communal services

In 2018, thanks to the housing rights of large families, you can also get help paying for utilities. The discount is 30% and is valid throughout the country. Local authorities have the right to increase it, but not lower it. Depending on the decree adopted for this subject, the exemption will be provided only by a late date, that is, after the bills have already been paid. Deductions will be transferred only if only one parent benefits. In some areas, benefits have already been taken into account in the final bill for utility bills.

Financial assistance to families

social rights of large families

The state can provide financial assistance in several ways. The state may pay large families from the federal, regional or local budgets. Such payments include the following deductions:

  • Transfers to large families at their address.
  • Drafting and concluding various kinds of social contracts.
  • Obtaining maternity capital, but provided that the child has reached the age of three.
  • Subsidies for children under three years.

You can also get targeted payments. If a citizen has a lower monthly salary than the minimum, he can show a certificate of income to the local center, after which he will be able to receive subsidies. To do this, you will need to provide a certificate of income for all working family members. The amount of subsidies depends on budgetary opportunities. Applicants are issued:

  • the amount of money that is prescribed in the legislation;
  • free trips to camps, as well as sections;
  • purchase of products at the expense of the state.

Families with many children with low salaries can receive regular subsidies that can allow them to spend a good life. If you move to another region, you will have to apply again. To do this, contact the nearest social security authorities and show the following documents there:

  • if the child is 18 years old, you need to have his passport;
  • if the child is under 18, you need to have his birth certificate with you;
  • certificate of profitability for all family members.

To issue a contract welfare, proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Collect all the necessary documents described above.
  2. Take them to the social welfare office.
  3. According to the form given to you, write an application and submit it with all the necessary papers, then wait for its approval.
  4. Within 25 days, wait for a positive response, sign a contract.
  5. After receiving finances, use them as described in the law.

Benefits for children under three years and maternity capital

Maternity capital is issued in the presence of two children. When the baby appears, maternity capital will be issued again. But it is issued not in the form of money, but in the form of a certificate that can be spent on the purchase of housing, training in educational institutions and so on. The amount of the allowance for 2018 will amount to 505,000 rubles.

You can also get benefits for babies who have not reached the age of one and a half years. The allowance is calculated from the average wage of the mother. Their value is 40%. After the baby turns one and a half years old, the child loses deductions of increased size. The rights of a child in a large family to receive subsidies in the amount of 50 rubles.

what a large family has the right to

Social protection and support for large families

The social rights of large families are also divided into several types. These include the following preferential measures:

  • Assistance in the implementation of medical services. Families with a large number of children can receive medications free of charge, but provided that a prescription has been issued for them. For large families in hospitals or clinics, the examination will be carried out first. They also receive priority in treatment in sanatoriums and other places.
  • Assistance in the field of education. Textbooks and meals for children will be free, and preschoolers do not need to stand in line to get a budget place in the kindergarten. Students receive priority upon admission, they will also be paid half the cost of living, and parents will be paid half the cost of education.

Legal and charity support

housing rights of large families

Families with many children have the right to legal assistance in various situations. You can consult a lawyer and get protection for the rights of large families on the following issues for free:

  • when selling, buying or renting a home;
  • registration of mortgage lending;
  • health insurance;
  • assistance with the preparation of certain packages of papers to obtain benefits for taxes, property or in other areas;
  • Also, a lawyer can represent the interests of the family at various court hearings.

If one of the family members is required to undergo treatment in another country, then funds can be allocated by private charitable organizations. Also, when contacting these organizations, you can get money for other necessary things. Such families are helped by the funds “Big Road”, “Road of Changes” engaged in selfless support.

The implementation of assistance to large families in Moscow

protection of the rights of large families

The Moscow government offers various benefits to large families. The types of these benefits depend on the age category of the person who is requesting assistance. The rights of large families in Moscow can be seen in the table below:

Age categoryTypes of benefits
School students

Textbooks are free

Lunch is free

Discounts on tickets to different camps or sections, you can also request a free ticket

50% discount on public transport tickets

Students of higher educational and secondary professional institutions

Free food

Payment of half the amount when traveling by public transport


Municipal transport is free

Transport tax is either reduced or absent

Discounts or free admission to public places

Free or reduced cost tickets to the Bolshoi Theater

More rights when buying a property

Three years free parking space

Higher pension

How can I get help from the state?

A large number of benefits, their distribution by type and type of budget, which are engaged in subsidies for benefits and the issuance of discounts, sometimes makes families and parents do not know which body to contact for any help. You can get all the necessary subsidies in the following places:

  • nearest branch of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • Department of the Federal Migration Service;
  • city ​​or district branch of social protection;
  • Branch of the Cadastral Chamber;
  • municipal self-government;
  • HOA;
  • multifunctional center (MFC).

Each body has its own sequence of actions for obtaining benefits. You can learn more about this procedure on the website of the body or by phone. In general, the order looks like this:

  • find out which authority can charge and give discounts;
  • find the list of documents that will be needed to apply for benefits;
  • take all the necessary documents and take them to the right authority;
  • after receiving an answer, you can start using your benefits.

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