Flaky skin on the hands: causes and treatment

Residents of cities are often worried about peeling of the skin of their hands, dryness, as well as the appearance of small cracks. This is not at all surprising, because the skin is constantly exposed to the environment. To prevent discomfort, you need to figure out what exactly is an irritant.

Common Causes of Pathology

If the skin on your hands peels off , you should immediately begin its treatment. The cause can be both an external factor and an internal one. Not always the skin begins to peel off from exposure to detergents or water quality. Sometimes this is a consequence of the disease of the body, which must be identified in time and subjected to treatment. Why does the skin on the hands peel off, only the doctor will accurately answer. But, first of all, it is worth changing the cosmetics used. If peeling does not pass, then it is most likely due to the following reasons:

  • Avitaminosis. In the spring, the body begins to feel a lack of vitamins and nutrients. Peeling of hands may be one of the signs of avitominosis. If the skin is peeling on the palms of your hands, this means that the body lacks vitamins A, E or C.
  • The climate is cold. The cause of poor skin condition can be adverse weather. A sharp wind and subzero temperature contributes to the chapping of the hands, which subsequently leads to their peeling.
  • Too aggressive household products. The skin on the hands flakes very often after a general cleaning of the house. If you do housework without gloves, it is possible that the skin on your hands will peel off. Some chemicals can cause allergies that can affect the skin. If the skin on the fingers is peeling off , there may be reasons for this. In order not to provoke eczema, when cleaning, you must always wear household gloves.
strong peeling on the skin

More serious causes of flaking hands

There are dangerous reasons that can affect not only the body, but also the skin of the hands. In this case, peeling skin on the hands due to the following.

  • Infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus.
  • Fungus.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Chronic stress
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Allergy.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • The use of hormones or antibiotics.

When the skin on the hands is very flaky , the reasons need to be clarified urgently. Before you make a diagnosis yourself, you should consult a dermatologist who will give a referral for tests and determine the cause of peeling.

Treatment with folk recipes

If peeling is caused by an allergic reaction or cosmetics, try to remove it using folk remedies. The skin on the hands can peel off for a very long time, so you need to quickly get rid of this ailment. Pay attention to the following popular recipes:

  1. Celandine ointment. For cooking, you will need a handful of dried flowers, 1 cup of sunflower oil and 30 g of wax. Celandine should be poured into a pan, pour oil into it, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. When the mixture has cooled, add wax. Then, the pan is again set on fire and the wax is softened. Cool and store the ointment in the refrigerator. This tool not only eliminates peeling of the skin, but also has a softening effect.
  2. Honey ointment. If the skin of the hands is peeling and cracking, this remedy will have a therapeutic effect. You need to take 4 tablespoons of honey and mix them with 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Also, 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric are added to the resulting slurry. The ointment is abundantly applied to the hands, and disposable gloves and warm mittens are put on top. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Home remedies will help eliminate dryness and peeling of the hands, but if the reason lies in the disruption of the body, they are unlikely to help.

skin peeling treatment

Medicines for external use

If the skin is peeling on the hands, than to treat it, only the doctor will tell. If folk recipes do not help, and changing cosmetics does not give any effect, then it is time to visit the clinic. A dermatologist will immediately determine why the skin is peeling, and prescribe a treatment regimen. Most likely, these will be the most popular means for restoring the skin:

  • Bepanten. This cream has a healing effect, and also relieves allergy symptoms.
  • "Radevit." Also one of the best pharmacy products for the skin.
  • "Depanthenol". Resuscitates the skin, treats inflammation and cracks.

You can use medicinal ointments only after consulting a doctor. Self-determination of the diagnosis and subsequent treatment can aggravate the condition of not only the skin, but the whole body.

hand care

Peeling cosmetics

Creams, ointments and serums for the skin are better to buy in a pharmacy, rather than in a store. Especially if you are worried about peeling and dry hands. Among pharmacy care cosmetics there are many different products suitable for different skin types. For the problematic, it is better to take creams that have healing, bactericidal and moisturizing properties.

Skin prone to peeling perfectly perceives herbal cosmetics. Various herbal creams and hand masks will help make it softer and smoother. Herbal dry fees, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, will not be superfluous. You can make hand baths from them.

hand skin treatment with cosmetics

Vitamin complexes as a treatment and prevention

To prevent skin problems, you should take care of proper nutrition. Most dermatological ailments manifest themselves against the background of a lack of vitamins and minerals. If the skin on your hands peels off, treatment can be done with vitamins. To replenish their balance, as well as bring the skin in order, it is worth paying attention to special multivitamin complexes. They are designed to restore the strength of the body and, as a result, improve the appearance. Among the most popular vitamins that affect the condition of the skin, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Perfect". Taking these pills can save you from many skin problems, including peeling.
  • "Alphabet". Inexpensive domestic vitamins will cope with the replenishment of useful substances no worse than foreign ones.
  • Vitrum. An effective remedy aimed immediately at serious malfunctions in the body.

Before taking any vitamins, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes a healthy person does not need them at all. If you take them unnecessarily, you can earn hypervitaminosis, which will manifest itself on the skin not only by peeling, but also by numerous rashes.

intake of vitamins

Oil Wrap Treatment

Oil, like a true healing agent, can save even cracked skin on the hands. It will remove peeling, make your hands soft, velvety and tender. Of course, one wrap will not be enough. To achieve the result, you will need a course of 5-7 sessions.

To make an oil wrap at home, you need warm, good gloves, cling film and oil. Peach, olive or almond oil is recommended. Wrapping technique:

  1. Moisten hands lightly with water.
  2. Massage oil onto skin.
  3. Wrap each hand in plastic wrap.
  4. Wear warm mittens.
  5. Wait 30-40 minutes.
  6. Wash hands with a mild detergent.
  7. Apply cream generously, paying special attention to places with peeling.

Oil nourishes the skin of the hands well, makes it soft and even reduces the number of wrinkles.

why is skin peeling on hands

Prevention of peeling of the skin and other dermatological problems

In order not to suffer in the search for a remedy that will eliminate all skin imperfections, it is better to try to prevent them. These tips will be useful in the future, when the skin has already ceased to peel off. To prevent problems, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use mild hygiene products. No need to wash your hands with antibacterial soap several times a day. In this way, you can again earn not only peeling, but also the formation of cracks in the hands.
  2. Do not hold hands for long periods in cold water.
  3. When going outside in winter, always wear gloves.
  4. After washing, wipe your hands with a soft towel.
  5. After each contact with an aggressive detergent, use a moisturizer.
  6. When cleaning the house, always wear household or rubber gloves.
skin treatment

A special hand care is required in the cold season. Do not remove gloves while in the cold or under the wind. Before leaving the house, you need to use a nourishing cream, instead of a moisturizer. The latter is best used while at home or at work.

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