Concept Eyebrow Tint: Features, Instructions for Use and Precautions

Concept eyebrow dye is a high-quality and budgetary tool for coloring in the right tone. It is implemented ready to use in a kit, which contains all the accessories and necessary ingredients. Thanks to this, the dyeing process is easy, since there is no need to look for containers and tools for applying the product on the eyebrow hairs.

cream paint concept

Features of the tool

Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims about the professional orientation of Concept eyebrow dye, it can also be used at home. And all because the composition lacks ammonia, which is a fairly aggressive substance. Instead, hydrogen peroxide is used. It is also quite caustic, but less harmful in comparison with ammonia.

Eyebrow Paint Set

The Concept Eyebrow Paint Kit includes:

  • main staff;
  • tank for product dilution;
  • oxidizing component;
  • brush for applying the product.

Naturally, other means are necessary for the painting procedure. For example, you may need a quality protective cream and cotton pads. However, almost any woman who cares for herself has them.

paint concept instruction

Secrets of successful staining

By choosing Concept Eyebrow Tint, you can start the dyeing process. In order to achieve the desired result and the procedure went perfectly, you need to know certain rules:

  1. Before applying the dye, circle a beige or white pencil to make up the eyebrows along the contour. A certain frame should be formed. Thus, you can get the perfect shape.
  2. Do not pluck hairs before painting, it is better to do it later. Otherwise, the product may cause irritation due to getting into microscopic wounds in places where hairs were torn.
  3. The manufacturer usually recommends a certain amount of dye, which is indicated in the instructions. But, as practice shows, it exceeds 2-3 times actually used. A dye the size of a pinhead and 4-5 drops of an oxidizing agent is enough for a session. There are enough packages for more than 10 procedures.
  4. If it is inconvenient to color the eyebrows with the brushes that come with the kit, they can be replaced with a beveled makeup brush. According to women, they are very convenient.
  5. For a natural result, begin to apply dye at the temple from the end of the eyebrow.
eyebrow dyeing

Instructions for use

Special Concept Eyebrow Tint Instruction Prevents Troubles. If the product comes into contact with eyes, rinse immediately with warm water. Redness will still be, but if the eyes are washed quite quickly, then the negative effects can be avoided. If you encounter any problems, you should consult a doctor, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Dyeing eyebrows with paint will not cause difficulties, since detailed instructions are on the package:

  1. Dilute the dye in the plastic container that is in the kit. The ratio of components is 1: 2. Thus, one part of the oxidizing agent is added to two parts of the paint. To make it more convenient, the enclosed packaging has divisions of 2.5 mm. The composition is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Before applying on the eyebrows, the skin should be treated with a protective cream. Suitable petroleum jelly or any greasy cream. Eyelids can be protected with strips of tissue paper.
  3. Paint is applied to the hair with a brush, which is present in the kit. Try to touch only the eyebrows, and if the paint was applied by, then wipe off any excess with a swab or a cotton pad.
  4. After applying the diluted paint, stand for 15-25 minutes. The exact time depends on how rich the color is. In addition, the original shade is taken into account. Light eyebrows are allowed to stain for a longer time than dark ones. If the procedure is performed for the first time, it is better to stop at the minimum time. This will make it easier to determine the properties of the hairs.
  5. After the right time has passed, remove the paint with a cotton swab. Then you need to rinse your eyebrows with cool water.
eyebrow dye


The manufacturer claims that the cream eyebrow cream Concept is soft, but you should not neglect the safety rules standard for such a procedure. The product easily affects the skin, but if it comes into contact with the eyes, it can cause significant harm.

Safety rules for staining:

  1. Work with paint only in good lighting conditions. Ideal daylight.
  2. Use protective creams that protect the delicate skin around the eyes. A protective effect is possible even with standard cosmetic vaseline.
  3. Do not use metal containers to dilute the ink composition. Polyethylene material is better.
  4. Do not store diluted paint. Excess should be disposed of, and for the next procedure, dilute the composition again.
  5. Before the first session, apply a little paint to an invisible area of ​​the skin, for example, the wrist. This will provide an opportunity to find out about the absence / presence of allergies. With redness and itching, you should choose another remedy.
brown paint concept


The most important feature of black or brown Eyebrow dye is the ability to dye hair without changing the natural color of the skin. This is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage - it all depends on the desired effect. Such a paint is not suitable for rare eyebrows, because with its help it will not be possible to compensate for rare hairs and form an additional visual volume. And for women with thick or regular eyebrows, such a tool would be an ideal option. The manufacturer set a low cost, so it is not difficult to purchase paint.

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