Phoenix chickens: description, photo

Most often, chickens are bred, of course, to get eggs or meat. However, in the world there are many decorative breeds of this bird. Such chickens are kept mainly for beauty. Looking through the popular literature on decorative birds, many probably saw magnificent cockerels with incredibly long tails. This bird, even in the photo, is very beautiful, but not everyone, of course, knows the name of the breed of chickens. Sirin ruh phoenix - this is how the “name” of this magnificent bird sounds in Russian. These long-tailed roosters are bred mainly in Europe. However, sometimes they can be seen on the farmsteads of Russian farmers. There is, among other things, an Asian species of this breed grown by farmers in Japan and China.

The main distinguishing feature

Of course, phoenix chickens are bred by lovers of a decorative bird, primarily for their very long tail. The breed standard is considered no less - and the size is 3-3.5 m. Unlike ordinary, phoenix chickens do not fade. And therefore, the rooster's tail grows by about 90 cm per year. Such a bird looks, of course, unusually spectacular.

The Asian species of this breed flaunts a giant tail at all - 11 m. It is these phoenixes that are grown in Japan and China. The record holder of the Asian breed is a rooster with a tail length of 13.3 m.

phoenix hens

Breed history

It is believed that initially these hens were bred in Asia - in China. The first mention of them is found in the annals of this country of the 1st millennium AD. In the Middle Kingdom, this breed is called fen-juan. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the phoenix in China is supposed to be kept in the southern part of the yard. It is believed that this can bring great luck to the family.

Despite the fact that these hens were bred in China, they won the most popularity in ancient times in Japan. Once upon a time in this country, phoenixes were considered an imperial elite bird. Their owners were mostly only very rich people.

Immediately after these birds came to Japan, they were renamed yokohama-toshi and onagadori. Noble people of this country believed that the longer the tail of such a rooster, the more valuable it is. Therefore, it was precisely the increase in this indicator that was directed at that time by the work of Japanese breeders.

The improvement of the breed in the country of the rising sun continues to this day. Modern Japanese periodically promise to lengthen the tail of cockerels to 16 m. Phoenixes remain the elite breed in Japan today. As in ancient times, selling and buying them is not accepted. Basically, a decorative bird of this breed is either presented or exchanged.

Phoenix in Europe

Thus, in Asia, the selection of phoenixes is primarily aimed at maximizing the length of the tail. Europeans consider this approach unacceptable. The fact is that because of the impossibility of active independent movement of birds with too long tails, they often have all kinds of health problems. Therefore, European breeders rely primarily on the harmonious silhouette of males and chickens. In Germany, for example, standards allow a rooster tail length of up to 3-3.5 m.

The European breed of chickens Sirin Ruh Phoenix Alkonost was obtained was breeders by crossing Asian Yokohama-toshi mainly with local layers.

Phoenix in Russia

Unfortunately, this unusual breed in our country has not yet received special distribution. However, many farmers have recently become quite interested in it. In several farms in Russia, these males are still bred. These are mainly small private farms. To find a hatching egg of phoenixes or chickens of this breed in the Russian Federation is thus quite difficult, but still possible.

phoenix hens photo

Breed Description: Rooster Characteristics

Of course, just excellent decorative qualities - this is what phoenix chickens are primarily valued for . The photos presented on the page demonstrate the spectacular appearance of this bird. Of course, like any other show, this breed has its own specific standards. For males, this is primarily :

  • straight-set body with a long back;

  • small head with a straight comb;

  • dark orange or red eyes;

  • fawn or gray-blue beak;

  • medium-sized red earrings;

  • small white lobes.

The tail of a good phoenix rooster should be set low and flat from the sides. Such its shape, despite its considerable length, does not burden the silhouette of the bird. The shins of the legs of the cockerels of this breed are medium in size. Actually the limbs themselves in the bird are not too long. Spurs on males are thin and graceful. The belly of the bird is not very noticeable.

Plumage of cockerels

One of the features of the phoenix chickens is that they are absolutely not afraid of the cold. In winter, such males can freely walk on the street and even peck snow without any harm to the body. This becomes possible, of course, primarily due to the very dense plumage of these birds. Males of this breed look spectacular not only because of their luxurious tail. Very narrow and long feathers grow on their neck, even on their backs. Such an “addition” makes the silhouette of the bird richer and more solid.

phoenix golden-maned breed of hens

Feathers on the lower back of the rooster, as well as tail feathers, grow all their life. In older individuals, they can reach the ground. The wings of a bird of this breed, according to standards, should be firmly pressed to the body.

The color of the cockerels

Of course, the phoenix feather color is also indicated in the breed standards. The color of such males can be golden mane, silver or just wild. However, most often lovers of decorative birds contain pure white phoenixes.

The rooster of wild color should have such signs:

  • black head;

  • red-brown lower back;

  • dark brown fly feathers;

  • tail and wing strips black with a green tint;

  • chest, belly and legs are black.

breed of chickens dwarf phoenix

Silver cocks differ:

  • silver neck, head and lower back;

  • white back and wings;

  • black tail with a green tint;

  • black and white feathers;

  • black legs, belly and chest (with a green tint).

Golden-maned phoenix is ​​a breed of chickens having :

  • golden yellow neck;

  • tan wings, lower back and back;

  • salmon breast;

  • gray tibia and abdomen;

  • black tail.

Breeding signs of laying hens

Phoenix chickens , in comparison with males, are smaller. Their case is set a little lower. The crest of the phoenix chickens is also straight, small. The tail is as long as that of males, of course, they do not grow. However, at the same time it is still quite large and spectacular. The tail of the phoenix chickens is set horizontally. The feathers of the laying hens are long, saber-shaped. The formation of spurs in chickens of this breed is not considered a disadvantage. The color of the phoenix chickens, like that of the males, can be golden-maned, silver or wild.

breed of chickens sirin ruh phoenix alkonost

Unacceptable disadvantages

Of course, undesirable qualities are also defined by standards for this breed. Unacceptable disadvantages include, for example:

  • the presence of plumage on the legs;

  • awkward figure;

  • plumage too short;

  • wide tail braids;

  • red lobes;

  • white or yellow metatarsus (should be gray-blue or olive-green).

Productivity indicators

Of course, it is bred on farms mainly only as a decorative breed of phoenix. Chickens (the description of the breed presented above, of course, is incomplete, but can give a general idea of ​​this bird) these practically do not represent any economic value.

what is the name of the breed of chicken phoenix

The weight of the phoenix cock is gaining about 2-2.5 kg, and the hens - 1.5-2 kg. Egg production in this bird is also very low. From one chicken you can get no more than 80 pieces. in year. Sometimes laying phoenix and lay about 100 pcs. The weight of chicken eggs of this breed are approximately 45-50 grams. Their shell is light yellow.

The maternal instinct of the phoenix layer is completely devoid of. Therefore, their eggs for young animals are usually laid under hens of other breeds. It is allowed, of course, to remove young phoenix in the incubator.

Among the chickens of this breed, among other things, there is another very interesting feature. The long tail of phoenix roosters is a dominant sign. Therefore, even chickens obtained from them and ordinary hens inherit it almost 100%. In our country, for example, farmers often cross expensive phoenix males with Baku chickens or gray jungle. In this case, very interesting chickens of the “chipmunk” color are born.

Bird care

As you can see, actually belonging to such an exotic breed as phoenix, hens are very effective . The description of the breed above was given in sufficient detail. Since this decorative bird is distinguished by its original appearance, in terms of the conditions of keeping the owner, of course, it makes special requirements. In Japan, phoenix roosters are kept in very long and narrow cages. The latter at the same time set at a height so that the tail of the bird freely fell down. The males of this breed are fed directly to the cages in Japan. At the same time, they are released only three times a day.

Individuals with tails up to 3 m long can walk around the yard and independently. Such a bird is even sometimes fed from troughs. The owners with longer tails are mainly worn on walks. Also, sometimes the feathers of such handsome men are wound on special papillots.

hens phoenix breed description photo

Phoenix house

In Europe and Russia, as already mentioned, they mainly breed phoenixes with not too long tails. Therefore, in the cages, such a bird, respectively, is not kept. Durable perches are installed in the phoenix house. They are located at a height of about 1.2 meters. For laying hens equip small closed nests.

Birds of this breed are not afraid of frost. But a couple of heaters in the barn for them to install, of course, is worth it. The price of such males is usually very high, and losing a bird due to a common cold will, of course, be very annoying.

Of course, the phoenix shed should be cleaned periodically. Any dirt in the house can reduce the decorative characteristics of the bird. After all, with their long tails, the phoenixes collect from the floor literally everything that lies there. Of course, among other things, you should provide these hens in the barn and good lighting. The house is also equipped with ventilation. Humans do not like hens of any breed, including phoenixes.


In terms of feeding chickens, the phoenix breed is also relatively undemanding. There is no need to develop any complicated diet for them . Phoenix is ​​fed twice a day. In the morning they give a mash, in the evening - grain. Of course, it is worth using useful premixes for these chickens. Any juicy greens, vegetables, fruits can be put in a mash. The most commonly used concentrate for these chickens is ordinary wheat.

phoenix chickens breed description

Breed of chickens dwarf phoenix: description

Modern lovers of this decorative bird breed not only ordinary phoenixes, but also very small ones. The tails of dwarf cockerels do not have such a huge length. However, this bird also looks quite spectacular. Phoenix dwarf cockerels weigh only about 800 grams, and hens weigh 700 grams. Such a bird carries eggs a little more than usual. From one dwarf chicken, you can get them about 160 pieces. in year. The weight of the phoenix eggs of this species is very small - 25 grams.

Farmer Reviews

Thus, we found out what phoenix chickens are (description of the breed, photo, features of the content - all this was described in detail above). In our country, this decorative bird , as already mentioned, is not widespread. However, some farmers still grow it. Judging by their reviews, chickens are relatively unpretentious. In addition, the phoenix, according to farmers - the bird is quite hardy. The safety of young animals of this breed is almost 100%.

what is the name of the breed of chickens syrin ruh phoenix

Instead of a conclusion

So, we hope that the reader can now quite accurately imagine what it actually is - a decorative long-tailed rooster (photos, reviews, description, as they say). The breed of phoenix chickens, therefore, is truly very beautiful and unpretentious. In Europe, China and Japan, it is simply stunningly popular. Let's hope that in Russia, beautiful phoenixes will soon become common, and they can be seen at farms and at various exhibitions much more often.

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