FSBI Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: description, address. Children's Russian Clinical Hospital in Moscow: photos and reviews

Children's Russian Clinical Hospital is a medical institution that is known throughout the country. What are the pros and cons of this institution worth paying attention to? Or maybe this hospital has no shortcomings? In what cases should be treated here? All this information is contained in numerous reviews of the institution. In some cases, opinions differ. This is not necessary to be surprised. All parents have their own views on the medical institution. So how good is a children's Russian clinical hospital? Where is she and how to reach her?


This hospital is the largest children's state medical institution in Russia. As practice shows, children who have serious health problems are sent to it for treatment. Some note that the Children's Russian Clinical Hospital is the last hope of parents and children.

This institution consists of numerous departments. There is a clinic and a hospital. In some situations, parents are allowed to be in the hospital with the kids. This institution specializes in a variety of operations and other complex procedures.

Russian Children's Clinical Hospital

Quite often people come here for treatment from different parts of Russia. In the directions absolutely free. True, paid service is provided within the walls of the institution. That is, parents themselves have the right to decide how to be treated and examined.

Many parents indicate that the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital offers a wide range of options. Some operations and procedures, as well as research, cannot be done even for a fee, in private clinics. This factor must be considered. Most often, patients are deliberately transferred here. Or they are advised to contact the children's Russian clinical hospital on their own.


Where is this institution located? Where should children and their parents go to receive medical care? This medical institution is located in the capital of Russia, in Moscow. It is here, as already mentioned, that many parents with children are sent for treatment or a thorough examination.

What is the address of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital? 117, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow. Several large buildings are located on a large territory. Each is a specialized department. In total, the hospital has 10 buildings. All of them are located at the same address. And it pleases many: you do not need to travel throughout the capital to get help in a particular area.

By the way, the territory of the hospital is closer to the outskirts of the city. Some visitors indicate that this is a flaw. But in fact, location not in the center of Moscow is a plus. Indeed, on the outskirts there is a lot of space. And therefore, it is possible to locate all the departments of the hospital on the same territory, rather than build separate branches throughout the village.

Finding the place where the Russian Clinical Hospital for Children is located (Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt) is not so difficult. Right next to the institution is the Troparevo metro station. Literally across the road, potential visitors can see a large fenced area. This is the hospital under study. You can go here for any medical help. Or at will, or in direction.


It has already been said that the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital is a large medical institution. What is its structure? What branches are there? Indeed, not all parents know under what diseases it is possible to seek help from such a large organization. For example, without any directions.

Children's Russian Clinical Hospital Moscow

In fact, the FSBI "Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Russia" provides assistance in all areas of medicine. So, in case of any disease, everyone has the right to apply here. As practice shows, it is the hospital that receives mainly people with serious problems from all over Russia. But the clinic, located at the institution, is used by residents of Moscow and the region.

The structure of the medical institution consists of the following departments:

  • outpatient (ordinary outpatient clinic at the hospital, open to all comers);
  • microsurgical;
  • neurosurgical;
  • chemotherapy and hematology;
  • rheumatologic;
  • nephrological;
  • infectious;
  • kidney transplants;
  • gastroenterological;
  • pediatric;
  • genetic (genetic diseases are diagnosed and treated here);
  • resuscitation and intensive care;
  • ophthalmic;
  • neuropsychiatric;
  • otolaryngological;
  • gynecological;
  • urological;
  • thoracic;
  • surgical;
  • traumatological;
  • endocrinological;
  • radiation diagnostics;
  • blood transfusion;
  • Dental
  • X-ray
  • surgical;
  • laser surgery;
  • immunological.

The hospital also has a hospital. Both daytime and regular. Parents indicate that the Russian Clinical Children's Hospital (117, Leninsky Prospekt, address of the institution) specializes in the treatment of almost any disease. Some problems with the recording are observed, but about them - a little later.

Contact and sign up

Some are interested in how to contact the clinic under study. After all, before asking for help, parents often find out the details of their stay in the hospital, and also make an appointment with one or another specialist. Therefore, liaising with the institution plays an important role.

Russian Children's Clinical Hospital

Fortunately, making an appointment is not as difficult as it sounds. The city where the Russian Clinical Hospital for Children is located is Moscow. Residents of this area are the easiest to get to the doctor. For example, sign up through a personal visit to the hospital. It is enough to contact the registry with the policy and SNILS of the child. Employees will quickly make an appointment with a specific doctor.

But everyone else, especially residents of other cities, is recommended to use other methods. For example, through the Internet, communication with the hospital is also maintained. Many point out that this is far from the best solution. Making an appointment in this way is difficult. The process may take a long time. But if you wish, you can clarify all the information of interest by writing to clinika@rdkb.ru by e-mail.

Entering the clinic is much easier. On the official website of the organization there is a so-called feedback form. It allows you to easily sign up with any specialist. We are talking about paid admission, and free. The main thing is to worry about this issue in advance. Many parents indicate that the FSBI Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (Moscow) accepts citizens by electronic recording, but failures are not excluded. Therefore, it is recommended that you always call back to the registry and find out whether the recording through the site has taken place accurately.

But how to do that? It is enough to use several telephone numbers. Most visitors point out that just getting to the hospital is very problematic. Until the emergency room - no, but the outpatient department will have to call for a long time. All this is justified by the serious burden on the registry.

To get through to the organization under study, you must use the following combinations:

  • 8 (495) 936-90-45 or 8 (495) 936-93-45 - reception department;
  • 8 (495) 936-92-30 or 8 (495) 936-91-57 - clinic;
  • 7 (495) 434-11-77 - head doctor.

You can call from any city, but you should not be surprised if you can’t get through the first time. As practice shows, it is not too difficult to contact the head physician. And it pleases. All complaints and wishes can be expressed to the head of the organization.

Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, Moscow


What else stands out FGBU "Russian Children's Clinical Hospital" (Moscow)? In fact, parents note a lot of features that help to understand how the institution behaves in good faith towards patients.

Many pay attention to the situation in the hospital. In this area, reviews are divided into several categories. There is no unequivocal opinion here. Some say that the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital does not offer the best conditions. And that in general the situation here is difficult. It has already been emphasized that for some patients, treatment in this institution is the last hope for healing. Repair is not the best, in the outpatient department, citizens feel uncomfortable. Especially the children.

Other opinions indicate that the overall situation in the hospital is not bad. Yes, far to the level of private clinics. But there is nothing terrible. Positive emotions do not hang in the air - you really feel a certain heaviness in specific departments. But at the same time, the appearance of the hospital is not terrifying. The usual, not particularly distinguished state medical institution. And nothing more.

So what to believe? Rather, the second category of reviews. Repairs in this children's hospital are done regularly; if possible, the management is trying to replace old equipment with new one. Yes, the situation is not as easy and friendly as in private clinics. But for a government institution, the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RCCH) looks decent.


Doctors, practitioners here, deserve special attention. Indeed, it is from their work that the health of the child, as well as his life as a whole, often depends. Therefore, quite often, parents focus on the medical staff.

What can the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital offer in this area? The doctors who work here are all with higher education and rich work experience. That is, you can safely entrust them with a child and not be afraid that the staff will not be able to cope with the assigned work. Honored doctors and doctors of the highest categories (for example, in the pediatric, surgical or neurological departments) - this is the bulk of the workers. Especially in the hospital.

In the clinic, as parents say, there are young shots. At the same time, age does not affect the quality of service. Even new doctors are constantly engaged in self-education. They also know what they are doing.

Nevertheless, there are always dissatisfied patients. Fortunately, the focus is on the clinic. And only at specific doctors. For example, some dissatisfaction is encountered regarding the surgical department, as well as some pediatric gynecologists. Parents indicate that they communicated with them with a certain rudeness and neglect. Is it really? It is unknown, but due to the fact that such reviews are not so rare (albeit without specifics and evidence), potential visitors believe them.

FSBI Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Russia

In fact, no one is safe from the discontent of doctors. Here the role is played by the human factor. And the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Russia has nothing to do with it. Do not insure against inhospitable doctors. Despite this, the staff still performs their work in a quality manner. Some parents emphasize that, despite some service deficiencies (such as the unfriendliness of individual specialists), treatment is prescribed on time and without a doubt. The result of an appeal to doctors of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Children's Clinical Hospital is almost all pleasing. Yes, some also have negative experience. But mainly the patients' parents are satisfied with the service.

Stay in the departments

What hospital conditions does the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (Moscow) offer? In this area, opinions of parents also differ.

The first thing that is often highlighted is that there are few places in the hospital. And the children have to lie in other departments. For a government agency, this is quite normal. The main thing is that nobody is left in the corridors without supervision, as indicated by some opinions.

The second nuance: parents should monitor the situation in the wards themselves. Some people have a normal attitude to the fact that they have to wash and clean their places of stay on their own. They compose entire duty schedules, according to which, the parents of certain patients carry out house cleaning. Some consider it wildness. After all, initially parents should not clean the wards. Moreover, the vast majority consider such a move to be the norm. The cleaners, of course, carry out the cleaning of the chambers, but not fully. More precisely, not 24 hours a day: the hospital is large, and the process is ongoing on schedule. If cleaning is required earlier, then parents should do it.

Otherwise, there are no complaints. The situation, as already mentioned, is normal. Doctors and staff, too. Although sometimes there are precedents with the friendliness of some employees. But this is not a reason to speak negatively about serving children in general.


Another controversial issue is the nutrition offered by the Children's Russian Clinical Hospital. Moscow is a rather large city, the capital of Russia. But the hospitals in the area serve the most ordinary meals. Without frills or studying the preferences of each patient.

FSBI Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Moscow

The institution has a special diet menu for all children being treated. Food is not to everyone's taste, this can be seen in numerous reviews. At the same time, the menu itself, offered to children, is designed so as not to harm the body. Useful, nutritious and helping to establish metabolism.

If someone does not like how children are fed, you can bring your own food from home. But with some limitations. They depend directly on the diagnosis of the child. You can say for sure: no chips and other harmful treats. All other restrictions are recommended to be recognized by the phones indicated earlier.

About the clinic

Special attention deserves an organization called the Children's Russian Clinical Hospital Clinic. She, as already mentioned, is at the hospital. The doctors here are not bad, but sometimes there may be some neglect on their part by the doctors. No one is safe from him.

The polyclinic works stably, accepts all citizens who apply. Service is possible both under the MHI program and under VHI. That is, paid and free admission takes place. Just like in a hospital.

Parents often complain about making an appointment. It’s difficult to get to some specialists for free. And to someone it is necessary to pass in order of a live queue. Problems with recording arise with both free maintenance and paid. This is a normal occurrence, especially for a public health clinic. Given the fact that the institution serves not only residents of Moscow and the region, but all citizens who apply, it is recommended that you simply make an appointment with the doctors in advance. And line up with specialists in advance. Similar situations occur in all government clinics. Therefore, they do not surprise the population.

In general, parents are satisfied with the service of doctors in the outpatient department. Some claims exist, but they are not significant. For example, a long inspection or filling out certificates. This does not affect the overall quality of service and diagnosis. Therefore, many parents admit that ultimately the treatment and examination are ensured properly. Both for paid patients, and for free. Whenever possible, they try to treat everyone with special attention.

Most often, thanks are expressed to pediatricians. They are referred to as sensitive and attentive doctors who try to look for an individual approach to each child. However, the same opinions can be heard about the entire staff of the Children's Russian Clinical Hospital.


What can be summed up? Based on the foregoing, it should be emphasized that the Children's Russian Clinical Hospital is one of the largest medical organizations in the country. They offer treatment for serious illnesses. There is also a clinic where ordinary patients are served.

Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Doctors

The hospital does not stand out for anything significant. Educated and experienced personnel work in it who can be entrusted with the life and health of the child. There are disadvantages to patient care, but they are not significant. And the quality of treatment, as well as the rehabilitation of children, does not have any effect.

Most often, in the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital from other cities they get in directions. Doctors try to help every child. The conditions in the hospital are not bad: there are also paid wards for 1-2 children, and free ones for 5-6 people. Child care is carried out properly, nutrition is provided in accordance with medical indications. , , .

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