Actress Christina Ruban: facts from life, biography, roles

Kristina Ruban is a theater and film actress with Russian citizenship. The track record of the artist has 18 cinematic roles. She participated in television projects of the multi-series format: “Between Us Girls”, “Heavy Sand”, “Three Days of Lieutenant Kravtsov”. Most films with Christina Ruban belong to the genres: comedy, melodrama, detective. She is a partner on the set of actors: Andrei Lebedev, Alexander Gerasimov, Maria Kunakh, Olga Shekhovtsova, Alexander Nikolsky and others. The artist was invited to the projects of film directors: Roman Ivanov, Ivan Shchegolev, Sergey Borchukov, Artem Nasybulin, Natalia Mikryukova and others. She was married to Igor Artashonov - a famous actor who died in July 2015 at the age of 52.

Actress Christina Ruban raises her daughter. According to the zodiac sign - Gemini.

Kristina Rubak artist


The actress was born on June 14, 1983 in Valdai. Christina Ruban in 2006 completed her studies at VGIK. He is a student of Andrei Panin. Talking about his mentor, the actress admits that at first she and her fellow students felt timidity, fear and embarrassment in front of him, but a little later it turned out that their teacher was a cheerful, funny person who knows how to charm. According to the actress, the workshop in which they worked was a small room, but thanks to the talent of Andrei Panin, an atmosphere of "plexus" always filled with emotion and information. Kristina Ruban recalls that Andrei Panin showed how to play this or that role, and students who very quickly found a common language among themselves, watching his performances, imagined that this was all very simple.

Tragic events

In January 2015, actress Kristina and her daughter went to stay with their relatives in Bryansk. Her husband remained in the apartment, who, left alone, was engaged in cleaning the premises and watched TV. At 10:00 p.m. on January 10, someone rang the doorbell. The actor, believing that his wife had returned, opened the door and was immediately attacked. The robbers, who violently beat Igor as soon as he regained consciousness, left that apartment that evening, taking with him the money, the actor’s clothes, and even his old shoes. Arriving at the scene of the tragedy, an ambulance took the actor to the intensive care unit, where he was put into an artificial coma to conduct an operation.

Recovering spouse Christina Ruban, who settled after a tragedy in a new apartment, took with her to treat at home. According to the actress, it is no coincidence that this attack reminds in many respects what happened to actor Andrei Panin, who was found dead in his apartment.

Actress Christina Ruban. Movie frame

July 18, 2015 Igor Artashonov passed away due to a detached blood clot. Actress Christina Ruban after the death of her husband fell into a very difficult position. She was diagnosed with cancer, she had to lodge a daughter with her parents, and herself to rent a small apartment in the suburbs during treatment. The landlady initially reacted to Kristina with understanding, provided her with a job. But later their relationship deteriorated, and Kristina Ruban, to whom her daughter had arrived the day before, once appeared on the street and lost the opportunity to earn. Friends then helped her with money, and the actress managed to rent a house on them. In 2016, Christina was looking for a movie job while continuing to be treated.

Photo actress Christina Ruban

First movie roles

In 2004, she starred in the cinema project "Kulagin and Partners" - a detective series of Russian production. In 2005, she introduced the audience to her new image, which she found in the series "Doomed to become a star." A year later, actress Christina Ruban appeared in the series "Detectives." A little later, the role in the television project “Trace” was approved.

New roles

In 2016, she pleased her fans with her role in the mini-series Elder Wife. In the television movie "She Knocked A Pilot" played one of the episodic roles. In the force majeure television project, she can be seen as a surgeon.

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