Separation of introductory words in Russian

The Russian language is very beautiful and rich. Often when expressing our emotions, we use various words that show our explicit attitude to a particular problem. These words are introductory. However, simply using them is not enough; it is important to know how to isolate the opening words correctly. We will consider this topic in this article.

Russian language

What it is?

Introductory words are words and phrases that are part of the sentence, but do not enter into syntactic communication with its members. Introductory words express a person’s attitude to a particular phenomenon, subject, I express my opponent. Thanks to them, you can understand how the speaker evaluates the information received. Sometimes the speaker can share information about the source of the message. The isolation of introductory words in the Russian language is very important.

Write it right


It is important to isolate the introductory words and introductory constructions correctly, otherwise the meaning of the sentence may change, distort. They have their meanings, which are also important to know. Introductory words classification:

  1. Confidence and reliability. Examples of such introductory words are: of course, certainly, of course, indeed, the truth.
  2. The opposite of the first, that is, uncertainty and uncertainty. Examples of such introductory words are: perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, suppose, probably, I hope, I think.
  3. Feeling of joy. Examples of such introductory words are: fortunately, to joy, to indescribable admiration.
  4. Feeling of regret. Examples of such introductory words are: unfortunately, unfortunately, a sinful thing, unfortunately.
  5. Feeling of bewilderment and surprise. Examples of them: surprisingly, a strange thing, surprisingly, strange.
  6. Feeling reflecting the expressiveness of the speaker. Examples of such introductory words are: to the liking, to the conscience, it is ridiculous to say, except for jokes, in essence.
  7. Source of information, message. Examples of such introductory words are: according to a report, according to rumors, in my opinion, in the opinion of someone, from the point of view, in my opinion.
  8. The order of thoughts, the connection of thoughts. Examples of such introductory words are: firstly, secondly (enumeration), therefore, therefore, in addition, however, therefore, finally.
  9. Evaluation of ways to design thoughts. Examples of such introductory words are: roughly speaking, it’s better to say so to speak.
  10. The degree of customary nature of the facts and information. Examples of such introductory words are: to a greater / lesser extent, as usual, it happens, as always, as usual, to a large extent.
  11. Attracting the attention of the interlocutor to the material presented. Examples of such introductory words are: you see, you see, you can imagine, you will not believe, I remind you, imagine, believe.


The material cannot be considered studied if only the introductory words in the sentence and their isolation are known. It is important to know the origin of a particular introductory word.

formation process

They go back to the most different parts of speech. These are:

  1. Adjectives both in various cases, in short form, and in superlatives (law, at most, at least, most important, most important).
  2. Nouns. They can be in different cases, used with or without an excuse (for joy, for joy, for happiness, for happiness).
  3. Pronouns used in the indirect case with a preposition (meanwhile, in addition, besides).
  4. Adverbs that can be used both in a positive and in a comparative degree (of course, or rather, more precisely, more precisely, in short, no doubt, probably).
  5. Verbs that can be used both in the indicative and the imperative mood (do you believe, say, think, have mercy, it seemed, imagine).
  6. Infinitive (see, admit, know).
  7. In combination with gerunds (in short, to put it mildly, the truth).


Depending on the context and location in it, the separation of opening words by commas occurs in different ways. In different texts, the meaning of the word can change - this is known to everyone and everyone. Introductory words change as follows:

  1. "It's true". What's this? It's true. We can ask a question, so this is not an introductory word. The noun answers the question “what”.
  2. "True, sometimes we swore a lot." We cannot ask any question to this statement, therefore, this is an introductory word.

Morphological aspects

Many to this day are wondering what it is - an introductory word. Our article will help to understand what introductory words are in a sentence and how they are separated as it happens.

Typically, scientists divide introductory words into two parts. The first part of such words refers to adverbs (of course, apparently, probably). The second belongs to unions (first, secondly, so). The latter is usually accompanied by the notation “in the meaning of the introductory word”. However, attribution to one or another part does not affect the direct isolation of introductory words.

Some do not include these words in the classification, while others believe that introductory words are a special, special category.

Spelling words

Traditionally, scientists believe that morphologically introductory words can be classified into:

  • personalized (fortunately, for joy);
  • verbal (remember, see, say);
  • adverbial (or rather, more precisely, shorter).

Combinations can be combined into morphological classes (without any doubt, more precisely).

Rules for isolating introductory words (punctuation)

punctuation marks
  1. Located at the beginning or at the end of a separate turnover, it is not distinguished by punctuation marks.
  2. Separation of introductory words is done using commas on both sides.
  3. Located in the middle of a revolution is marked with punctuation marks on a common basis.
  4. If it faces a comparative alliance (“how”) or a targeted alliance (“so”), then the turnover is allocated on a common basis.
  5. If the sentence contains two introductory words (side by side), then they must be separated with a comma. Some books even contain three introductory words in a row.
  6. In order to verify the correctness of the definition of the introductory word, it can be omitted, deleted from the sentence. If the excluded, separated by commas, have not distorted the content and essence of the sentence, then you have identified them correctly.


The rules for isolating introductory words are quite complex. In addition to the basic rules, there are additional ones. They can also be called notes, which play a role in certain circumstances.

rules notes
  1. If a union is placed before the introductory word, the punctuation mark is not always between the first and the union. In order to determine whether the isolation of the introductory word or the whole structure is necessary, try to remove it first without union. If this can be done, then a comma must be put between them. If it can be removed only with the union, it means that you do not need to put a punctuation mark between them.
  2. If it forms a separate structure (this can be a refinement), then it is not necessary to isolate the introductory words.

We hope that this article answered all the questions of our readers.

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