Shortness of breath is a violation of the frequency and the correct rhythm of inspiration and exit, which is accompanied by feelings of lack of air. Shortness of breath is a form of such breathing, which is characterized by a piercing sound (whistling, noise) when inhaling. It can arise as a result of malfunctions of those links that are responsible for the implementation of this process: the cerebral cortex, chest muscles, cardiovascular system, diaphragm and respiratory center. In the absence of disturbances from the nervous regulation of respiration, dyspnea is of a compensatory nature, in which it compensates for the lack of oxygen and removes excess carbon dioxide.
Shortness of breath has several main causes:
- Airway blockage in the nasal or oral cavity and in the throat.
- If the heart is disturbed, and it cannot pump enough blood. As a result of this, the brain, organs and muscles do not receive oxygen in full, so a feeling of suffocation can occur.
- Lung diseases cause shortness of breath and shortness of breath.
- Very often, emotional stress leads to a similar state.
Shortness of breath is of several types, the classification of which is associated with the causes of development and forms of manifestation:
- Central type. Shortness of breath (shortness of breath) of this species occurs as a result of a malfunction in the cortical regulation of respiratory activity or primary lesions of the respiratory center. When neurosis is observed, a similar form is characterized by frequent shallow breathing. In this situation, the ambulance task is to reassure the patient, try to teach them to hold their breath, and then help them to tune in to breathe slowly and evenly, to switch the personβs attention to something else.
- Shortness of breath with thoracodiaphragmatic disorders is difficulty breathing, which is caused by impaired mobility of the diaphragm or chest, as well as large accumulations of fluid in the pleura. At the same time, a decrease in the depth of breathing, but an increase in its frequency, is noticeable. Treatment consists in eliminating the cause of this condition: pleural puncture in conditions of hydrothorax, as well as the introduction of a vent pipe (when flatulence develops).
- Pulmonary dyspnea is usually associated with a decrease in the surface or low extensibility of the lung tissue, malfunctioning bronchial patency or impaired diffusion of gases.
Very often, this type of difficulty breathing is associated with impaired patency caused by spasm of the bronchi, their edema or obstruction (due to sputum). The main signs of this condition are lengthening the inspiration, swelling of the cervical veins with it (because the pressure in the chest cavity increases), as well as manifestations of emphysema. As a treatment, bronchodilator drugs are prescribed. If obstruction of sputum is difficult, taking expectorants is recommended.
- Cardiac dyspnea - shortness of breath that develops as a result of insufficiency of the left part of the heart, which leads to a decrease in cardiac output, to the fact that the blood in the lungs begins to stagnate or causes both disorders. Very often, this type of shortness of breath is also manifested by edema, cold limbs. It can occur at night in a dream, but most often this happens after strong physical exertion. In this case, treatment is provided for in a complex manner, which includes diuretics, digitalis-based medicines.
- Hematogenous dyspnea often occurs with renal or liver failure, with acidosis.
- With a mixed type, treatment should be prescribed only after a thorough clarification of all the reasons for the development of such a condition.