Elena Podkaminskaya: height and weight, facts from a biography

Actress Elena Podkaminskaya is known to us for TV shows and feature films. She plays confident and strong-willed women. But is Elena Podkaminskaya like this in life? Height and weight, marital status - all this also interests her fans and admirers. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity. All the necessary information is in the article.

Elena Podkaminskaya height and weight

Years of study

Elena Ilinichna Podkaminskaya was born on April 10, 1979 in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Her parents are artists. Mom still runs a music studio. And his father heads the college of arts located in the city of Shcherbinka near Moscow.

From childhood, Elena decided that she would follow in the footsteps of her parents. In 2001, she graduated from the Shchukin School, becoming a professional actress. Almost immediately, she received a job offer at the satire theater. Elena Podkaminskaya, whose height and weight allowed her to become a model, decided to connect her fate with art. The first role she played on the stage was the role of Ursula in a play called "Time and the Conway Family." Elena Podkaminskaya, whose height and vest was ideally suited for the image, coped 100% with the task set by the director.

Theater work

Actress Elena Podkaminskaya is an interesting and multifaceted personality, a fragile and attractive woman. Thanks to her talent and natural charm, she managed to fit into the classical repertoire of one of the most famous Moscow theaters. Elena participated in the musical “Game”, playing there the naive girl Lidochka of Murom. She adorned such performances as “Too Married Taxi Driver”, “Andryusha” and “Talents and Fans” with her brilliant play.

Actress Elena Podkaminskaya

A meeting with director Andrei Zhitinkin gave her new roles. In the play "Homo Erectus" Elena tried on the image of Xi. The newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets even awarded her with a diploma for best actress.

Recently, Podkaminskaya played the role of Valentina in the play "Chulimsk last summer", staged by the directors of the theater. Vakhtangov.

Filming a movie

Even 10 years ago, the general public did not know who Elena Podkaminskaya was. Photos and interviews of the actress were not published in newspapers and glossy magazines. And all because she worked exclusively on the stage.

Soon Elena began to be invited to shoot TV shows and films, but the roles she got were tiny. The actress was worried about this, but did not give up.

Elena Podkaminskaya personal life

The real success came to her after the release of the now popular sitcom "Kitchen". It happened in 2012. Podkaminskaya got the main female role. Elena exceeded all the expectations of the directors. From that moment on, her career went uphill.

To date, our heroine has more than 20 roles in TV shows and films, including Night Sisters, I Will Return, Petrovka 38, and others.

Elena Podkaminskaya: personal life

Our today's heroine is a young and beautiful woman. Therefore, it is not surprising that she has many male fans. They are very interested in the marital status of the actress.

Immediately after the release of the sitcom "Kitchen", rumors began to appear about the novel by Elena Podkaminskaya and Mark Bogatyrev. Perhaps the whole point is that in the series they played a couple in love - Vika and Max. In addition, the actors were repeatedly seen together at social events and events.

Fans of the sitcom began to discuss the upcoming wedding of leading actors. But then Podkaminskaya went to the show "Dancing with the Stars." She performed in tandem with Andrei Karpov. The audience again thought that a fire appeared in Elena's eyes.

Imagine their surprise when the print media reported on the wedding of the popular actress. Her chosen one was Alexander Plyan. He has nothing to do with theater and cinema, but is engaged in the construction business. According to Elena, it has all the qualities that a real man should have.

Their acquaintance happened 7 years ago. Alexander came to the theater of satire. That day was the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk", where Podkaminskaya played the main role. He liked the actress so much that at the end of the play he handed her a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

Podkaminskaya Elena photo

At first, the young family lived in Shcherbinka near Moscow in a three-story cottage owned by Elena's parents. But recently, the couple purchased a spacious apartment in the center of the capital. For both, this option was convenient. After all, the actress has many filming and performances, and getting to the place of work from the Moscow region was quite problematic.

In 2010, Elena became a mother. She gave her beloved spouse a charming daughter, who was named Polina. The girl grows smart and obedient.

Elena Podkaminskaya: height and weight, facts from life

We hasten to inform you about what you did not know about your beloved actress. Here are a few facts:

  • As a child, Lena wanted to become a ballerina, not an actress. And only in adolescence did her desire change.
  • Podkaminskaya loves instrumental music and walks in the fresh air, and considers reading interesting books to be the best rest.
  • In 2013, Elena starred in the men's magazine Maxim.
  • The actress has the following body parameters: height 170 cm, and weight 52 kg.

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