Actress Tatyana Bronzova: biography, creative path, personal life

The heroine of our article today is the wife of Shcherbakova - Tatyana Bronzova. She is not only a famous actress, but also a writer and scriptwriter for films. We invite you to familiarize yourself with her personal and creative biography.

Tatyana Bronzova

Childhood and students

Bronzova Tatyana Vasilievna was born on January 15, 1946, in Leningrad, which survived numerous bombings and a long blockade. She was brought up in an ordinary family.

In school, Tanya went in for sports, regularly took part in amateur competitions. Teachers have always praised her for her hard work, craving for new knowledge and punctuality.

After receiving the certificate, the girl from the first attempt was able to enter the Shipbuilding Institute. The competition was great (25-30 people per place). And all because in those years, many dreamed of a career as an engineer.

In her free time from lectures and practical classes, our heroine performed on the student stage. And the beauty moonlighted at auctions of the Soyuzpushniny trust. It turned out a good increase to a modest scholarship. She showed herself as an activist-Komsomol member of the Leningrad Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1968 she was awarded a diploma. However, Tatyana Bronzova did not work in her specialty. A native of the Northern capital decided to radically change her fate. She went to Moscow, where she entered the Moscow Art Theater School. This educational institution Tanya graduated in 1972. Then she was admitted to the Moscow Art Theater. There, the actress worked until 2001, of which 10 years - in the position of head of the troupe.

Film career

For the first time on the screens Tatyana Bronzova appeared in 1973. We are talking about the Soviet comedy "Much Ado About Nothing." A graduate of the famous school-studio got the role of Ursula. The image she created turned out to be colorful, but the audience did not remember it well. However, this did not upset Tanya. Indeed, on the set, she was able to live see such eminent artists as Raikin Konstantin, Korenev Vladimir, Garin Erast, Loginova Galina.

Bronzova Tatyana actress

In the period from 1976 to 1989, our heroine participated in film performances ("Three Sisters", "Tattooed Rose", "Leaving, Look Around").

After leaving the Moscow Art Theater, she began acting in TV shows. The actress played the doctor in two films at once - the detective "Detectives-1" and the crime drama "Nina. Payback for love. " Both series appealed to Russian viewers. The directors of “Detectives” liked working with Tatyana Vasilievna, so they used her in other seasons (from the second to the fifth inclusive). Bronzova tried on herself different images - flower girls, directors of an orphanage and a school principal.

Bronzova Tatyana Vasilievna

We list other interesting film works of the actress:

  • The series "At the corner of the Patriarchs" (2004) - Nagornaya Elvira Grigoryevna.
  • The melodrama "Union without sex" (2005) - Emma Borisovna.
  • The Russian action movie The Bodyguard (season 1, 2006) is a teacher.
  • The criminal tape "Special Group" (2007) is a medical examiner.

Personal life

With her famous husband, Boris Scherbakov, Tatyana Bronzova met at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Wife of Shcherbakov Tatyana Bronzova

In 1973, lovers played a wedding. The stamp for them was just a formality. Go to the registry office Tanya and Borya forced an unresolved housing problem. The fact is that the dorm room was only given by the family actor of the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1977, the couple first became parents. Their only and beloved son Vasya was born. He grew up an active and out of age smart child.

Subsequently, Shcherbakov Vasily received two higher education - law (at Moscow State University) and directing (at VGIK). He has no family yet. But Tatyana Bronzova and Boris Shcherbakov so want to care for their grandchildren. They hope that their son will soon meet a decent girl.

Interesting Facts

Below are some interesting facts from the life of Tatyana Bronzova:

  • In 1999 she received the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
  • She wrote the scripts for two domestic paintings - the crime series Detectives 5 (film No. 7) and the comedy melodrama Love Story, or New Year's Eve.
  • Tatyana Bronzova is the author of four books: one novel (“Venus in Russian Furs”) and three novels (“On the Road for a Dream,” “Fuet for the Colonel” and “Matilda”).
  • At one time, Tatyana Vasilievna was credited with novels with her colleagues. For example, she was called the last muse of O. Efremov.


"Nothing is impossible!" - Tatyana Bronzova goes with this motto in life . The actress achieved everything she dreamed about. Today she has a favorite job, a strong family, a cozy house and a large number of fans (connoisseurs of her work).

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