Omron compressor nebulizer (inhaler): reviews

In recent years, diseases of the upper respiratory tract have become very common not only among adults. Already many children are familiar with what an allergic cough or bronchial asthma is. Most doctors believe that inhalation is the best treatment for these diseases. But traditional procedures using hot steam are not everyone can tolerate, and they are not always safe. Therefore, inhalations have been done under stationary conditions for a long time with the help of devices - inhalers, which are also called nebulizers. And in recent years, they have become available to everyone, because there are small devices for home inhalation. They are safe and convenient. And the compressor nebulizer of the Japanese company Omron is the most popular.

omron compressor nebulizer

Features of the device

The effectiveness of inhalation consists in the fact that medicinal solutions with the help of steam or a stream of air enter directly into the respiratory tract and begin to act faster. So they have fewer side effects, because they do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract. The compressor nebulizer is effective because air under pressure passes through the medicinal fluid and atomizes it into the smallest particles. They can penetrate the lowest parts of the respiratory tract and are easily absorbed. Unlike other types of inhalers, for example ultrasonic, they have their drawbacks. This is the inability to work without a current source or a high noise level. But the Omron compressor nebulizer is popular due to the large number of positive qualities.

omron nebulizer compressor nebulizer

Advantages of using the device

- The Omron compressor nebulizer is based on a system of virtual valves, which allows it to be used in natural breathing mode, that is, the medicine is delivered only during the patient’s inhalation.

- Unlike ultrasonic devices, inhalations with this nebulizer can be done with almost any medicine, including antibiotics and hormonal drugs. The inhaler breaks the drug solution into tiny particles, but does not destroy its structure.

- This device is lightweight, compact and very easy to use.

- The procedure can be carried out even at elevated temperatures.

- A large number of different nozzles allows you to use the device for children and adults, as well as for various diseases.

- The undoubted advantages of these nebulizers include their relatively low price, so they are available to everyone.

What is a compressor nebulizer?

This device is small - smaller than a loaf of bread - and consists of two parts. This is a compressor that blows out compressed air. A tube departs from it, leading to the nebulizer itself. This is a small plastic cup with a cap connected to a face mask or tube with a mouthpiece.

compressor nebulizer
The simplicity of the design allows the use of a compressor nebulizer for anyone. It is easy to assemble and turn on. You need to pour the right amount of medicine into the glass, connect the tubes and press the button. After that, fog should come out of the mask. This means that the Omron nebulizer compressor is working correctly. The system of viral valves allows you to apply the medicine only on the inspiration of the patient and to regulate the force of the jet for children and the elderly. It also contributes to a more economical use of the drug solution. The instrument kit includes various size masks, nasal cannulas and a tube with a mouthpiece. The instructions for the nebulizer are written in a simple and understandable language. Therefore, this device is very popular.

When using Omron (inhaler)

Compressor nebulizer can be used for any colds, inflammation of the respiratory tract and allergies. This treatment is effective for such diseases:

- bronchial asthma;

- allergic cough;

- SARS, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis;

- acute and chronic bronchitis;

nebulizer compressor reviews

- pneumonia;

- tuberculosis;

- cystic fibrosis.

What medicines are used in the device

Omron compressor nebulizer allows treatment with almost any medication, except for oily solutions and herbal decoctions. It is best to use special ready-made products for inhalers, but you can cook them yourself by diluting the drug with saline. What drugs can be added to the compressor nebulizer?

- anti - allergic drugs, such as Cromohexal;

- funds that contribute to the expansion of the bronchi: "Berotek", "Berodual", "Salamol" and others;

- mucolytics and expectorant drugs: Ambroxol, Lazolvan or Ambrobene;

- antibiotics, such as Fluimucil or Dioxidin;

- hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Pulmicort;

- alkaline or saline solutions, for example Borjomi mineral water.

omron compressor nebulizer

Instructions for use

1. Carefully read the instructions and consult your doctor before inhalation.

2. Only special medicinal solutions intended for inhalers can be poured into the nebulizer. It is permissible to dilute them with saline or make inhalations with mineral water.

3. The procedure is carried out in free breathing mode, it is not recommended to take very deep breaths so as not to provoke a cough.

4. The nebulizer chamber should be in an upright position, and the patient should sit comfortably without straining.

5. Inhalation should be done 1-2 hours after eating. The procedure usually lasts no more than 20 minutes, and after it it is advisable to relax: do not eat or talk.

6. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse and dry the mask, tubes and nebulizer chamber.

What to do when using a nebulizer

1. Use any medicinal solutions without a doctor's prescription.

2. Do not use water to dilute the medicine.

3. It is forbidden to pour oil solutions, pharmacy syrups, decoctions of herbs or independently crushed tablets into the compressor nebulizer.

4. Do not take expectorants immediately before the procedure.

5. The procedure is contraindicated for people with impaired cerebral circulation, a tendency to nosebleeds and severe respiratory or heart failure.

6. The compressor itself must not be covered during operation.

Nebulizer inhalation for children

Usually the traditional steam procedure is very unpleasant for babies, and not everyone can tolerate this effective treatment. But modern devices are perceived very differently by children, for example, "Omron" - a compressor inhaler. This nebulizer is comfortable, and kids like to breathe through the mask, blowing "smoke". Moreover, the devices of this company are produced specifically for children in the form of bright attractive toys.

compressor nebulizer
Moreover, they can be used even for babies. And under the procedure, the cough quickly recedes, the inflammation passes. Moreover, it can be carried out even at temperatures up to 38 degrees. An effective nebulizer is also used to treat the common cold in children. Yes, and breathe through the tube, the children agree more willingly than to dig in nasal drops.

Reviews on the use of the device

More and more people use compressor nebulizer to treat respiratory diseases. Reviews after such an application show that it not only effectively helps to recover, but is convenient and has many other advantages. Many note that the device has become for them and their children a real salvation from frequent colds. Many doctors also recommend this compressor nebulizer. Positive reviews from them: patients recover faster, coughing goes away without a trace. It is also effective in relieving asthma attacks or allergic coughs. It turns out that this device is needed in every family.

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