Density of wood, characteristics of this material and its features

Relation to the volume of the mass of wood - this is how the density of the tree is calculated , it does not matter what kind of breed it is. Kg \ m 3 - this characteristic is expressed and denoted. In each individual breed, the density depends on the substances that define the cell. In addition, the mass of wood substance per unit volume becomes a rather important parameter. It is this property that largely determines that each breed has its own density.

What else do you need to know about density?
wood density

When the density is calculated for a particular breed, then they speak of an average or conditional characteristic. In the case of a conditional one speaks of the relation to the volume of the mass, but the volume of the cell cavities is not taken into account. And the wood itself is evaluated in absolutely dry condition.

For all wood species, the main substance consists of approximately the same components. When calculating the density of a tree , this must always be remembered. That is why for all breeds this conditional characteristic has approximately the same value. This is the figure of 1.56 g \ m 2 . At a moisture content of 12 percent, all indicators of physical and mechanical properties are determined. The density of the tree is associated with strength. This characteristic can also be highly dependent on humidity. There are special tables in order to study the characteristics of a particular breed.

What about average density?
wood density table

Wood porosity and humidity are the main indicators that determine this parameter. Typically, the value is indicated in relation to humidity of 15 percent.

Why is it important to know this characteristic?

In practice, wood density is really important. For example, the heavier and harder will be the wood, in which this figure is greater. This means that the material will be more difficult to process. Antiseptics wood with a higher density is also processed worse than other options.

This parameter serves as the basis for the classification by which existing breeds can be divided into three groups. For example, trees with low density. From coniferous species to this group include all types of fir and spruce, pine, all types of cedar, ordinary juniper. If we talk about hardwood, it is worth mentioning Amur, Manchurian velvet , gray and white walnut, sowing chestnut, black and white alder, aspen, all kinds of willow, linden and poplar.

What other varieties of trees exist?
wood density

Figures from 560 to 750 are considered an average indicator in this direction. Among the conifers, yew and larch belong to this species. But there are much more representatives of hardwood species. For example, Manchu and ordinary ash, apple, persimmon, mountain ash, plane tree, walnut, hazel, maple, elm, elm, Mongolian, marsh, eastern and summer oak, pear, elm, European and Eastern beech, black and yellow, fluffy, warty birch. These are breeds with almost the same density of wood. The table will help to understand the features of this parameter, just find the right material.

Figures from 750 and above are not so common, but you can still find such trees. For example, pistachio and boxwood. Or hornbeam. The density of tree species in this group is really surprising, but most of these plants are almost never found in our country.

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