The nails are flaking. Treatment for exfoliating nails

Many people have very strong nails, such an ailment cannot exist for no reason. Having identified them, you can carry out the necessary treatment, after which the nails will become healthy, strong and shiny. Let's try to answer the question of why the nails are folded, and also consider ways to treat them.

Causes of nail foliation:

  1. Lack of vitamins in the body. With a uniform and unbalanced diet, an insufficient amount of the necessary trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin D, etc., enters the body.
  2. Due to the environment. For example, the nuances of professional activity, frequent contact with water, allergies to dish detergent or hand soap.
  3. Poor decorative cosmetics. Cheap varnishes of unknown manufacturers and acetone-based nail polish removers can do great harm to nail enamel. In addition, nails can also exfoliate from high-quality cosmetics, there may simply be individual intolerance, so try changing the brand. And also do not paint your nails daily, because they also need to rest from varnish.
  4. The painful state of the body. For example, due to a skin disease, a psychological disorder of a person, a malfunction in the endocrine or other systems of our body.

If the nails are flaking, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

If you find a foliation of nails, then you should immediately consult a doctor. When the nails exfoliate, the treatment should be based on the patient's age, professional activity, the state of his nervous and endocrine system. Having identified the reasons, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the reason is the patient’s internal health, then there will be a comprehensive treatment of the disease of the body and the nail plate. Generally strengthening drugs, such as vitamins A, B, E, as well as iron, calcium, zinc, and selenium are usually prescribed.

The rate of growth of the nail plate depends on the person’s health, gender and age. For example, in children, nails grow faster than in adult men, and in men faster than in women. In a healthy person, on average, the nail grows per day by 0.1 mm. The nail grows completely (regeneration of the nail plate occurs) in about 170 days, which is six months.

Nail treatment at home

If the nails are flaking, you can independently carry out the treatment at home:

  1. A balanced diet is necessary, in the diet of which there must necessarily be fish and seaweed, which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the health of nails, bones and the whole human body.
  2. Drink 2 capsules of fish oil for two weeks, then, if desired, you can drink 1 capsule until the end of the treatment month.
  3. To make salt baths. You need to dilute a teaspoon of sea salt into a glass of warm water. In this saline solution, lower your hands for 15 minutes, then rinse them with running water.
  4. After the bath of sea salt, you need to rub the nails and the skin around with olive oil, which will give them protection and the necessary nutrition.
  5. When painting nails with varnish, use the so-called “smart enamels” that strengthen and protect nails from environmental influences.

In addition to all this, when washing dishes, use rubber gloves, choose a nail polish remover without acetone, and regularly moisturize your nails and skin with creams. Give your nails every week a couple of days off from the varnish. Choose for your nails firming varnishes that contain particles of silk, nylon, as well as minerals, vitamins, proteins and moisturizers.

When you do a manicure, discard the metal file, and use a file with a special coating. From a metal nail file on the nails, small cracks appear, which lead to nail foliation. When filing the nail plate, the movements should be from the edge to the center in one direction. Be sure to polish the edge of the nail so that the nail is not sharp and does not cling to anything that will lead to brittleness. Do not file the nails from the sides, as these actions lead to cracks in the nails.

Why are the toenails flaky

Unlike hands, toenails flake for the following reasons:

  1. Too tight shoes lead to foliation of the nail plate, as well as to the ingrowth of the nail. Most often, this situation occurs with the nails of the big toes.
  2. With improper care. For example, when cutting nails, since the toenails are trimmed in a straight line, without rounding on the sides. Each family member should have individual well-sharpened tools for cutting nails.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as lack of animal protein due to malnutrition. This deficiency is compensated by oily fish and poultry.
  4. Nail flaking can be a harbinger of fungal disease.

When the nails peel off, the treatment should be the same as with the foliation on the hands: a balanced diet, caring for the nail plate with special creams, salt baths, and the use of complex vitamins.

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