The Russian social partnership in the world of work is reflected in the Labor Code. Particular attention is paid to the socio-economic life of the country. The concept of "social partnership" means a system of relationships between state, local authorities, employers and employees. The purpose of the article of the law is to ensure the harmonization of the interests of employers and workers in the settlement of labor and other relations. Employers and employees are parties to the partnership represented by authorized representatives of the established procedure.
According to labor legislation, the social partnership system has several levels:
Federal level. It discusses the basics of regulating labor relations.
Regional level. Serves to determine the regulation of the constituent entities of the Federation in accordance with the existing powers.
The territorial level has an effect on the territory of the city, district.
Local level. At this level, the regulation of mutual relations between employers and employees in the organization is carried out.
The industry level carries out industry regulation.
The principles of social partnership are intra-industry and include the following issues:
- equal actions between the parties;
- consideration of common interests and respect between the parties;
- interest in participating in contractual relations of both parties;
- state assistance in the development and strengthening of democratic social partnership;
- leadership of the "Legislation of the Russian Federation" and other legal normative acts of the parties and their representatives;
- the presence of authority by representatives of the parties;
- the possibility of free choice when discussing issues related to the labor sphere;
- commitment by the parties on a voluntary basis;
- the reality of the implementation of commitments;
- compulsory observance of the "Collective Agreement";
- organization of control over compliance with accepted agreements and contracts in the team;
- Responsibility of the parties and their representatives in case of failure to fulfill collective agreements and contracts through their fault.
Under the Labor Code, workers' representatives are trade unions. Social partnership at work implies the existence of commissions in the role of bodies of social partnership. The commissions should carry out work on the regulation of social and labor relations at the levels of the partner system. Reaching agreement of opposing interests through negotiation, eliminating complex problems between employers and employees is what social partnership in the world of work does. By vote of the parties to the commission a decision is made. In the event of a dispute between the parties to the authorities, a protocol of disagreements is drawn up . It is resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure.
Social partnership in the world of work achieves its goals through the use of collective bargaining, mutual consultation, participation of employees, as well as representatives in the managerial field. Productive democracy is a form of partnership.
Recently in our country there have been political changes. The transition in the economy to market relations has given rise to changes in issues of social partnership. This led to the emergence of a new type of legal contracts and acts. Documents allow you to expand contractual regulation in labor matters. Nowadays, agreements are concluded not only at the organization level, but also with the help of the constituent entities of the Federation. The legal act of partnership aimed at setting the general principles of labor regulation was a social partnership agreement. It is between representatives of employers and workers at various levels: territorial, federal, regional, industry.