'Oscillococcinum'. Instructions, indications

With the onset of the offseason, a period of colds is approaching. To effectively combat the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections and influenza, many drugs have been developed, the advertising of which will be activated by the beginning of autumn. Let's see what homeopathy can offer us to fight the above viruses? This is the drug Oscillococcinum. The instruction confirms that it belongs to the category of effective homeopathic remedies. The French produce this drug, namely the company “Laboratory Boiron”. According to the manufacturers, the product is effective both for prevention and for eliminating the initial signs of flu. How true is this information about Oscillococcinum?

Its composition is one-component and unusual. It is based on the extract of the liver and musky heart, or, as the developer of the drug called it, the Frenchman Joseph Roy, “the Barbarian duck”. The preparation is prepared as follows: pieces of the above organs of the animal are infused in a solution of glucose and pancreatic juice, as a result, they dissolve, and a suspension is obtained, which contains in its composition the oscillococcus, a virus that, according to the developer, causes the flu. Then the solution is very diluted with water. As excipients, the composition includes sucrose and lactose. Take the drug not as usual, one tablet, but in doses.

Each dose of the drug contains 1g. small white granules, sweet to the taste. In total, the package can contain from 1 to 6 doses of the Oscillococcinum preparation. The abstract indicates the possibility of using the drug for children older than two years. In this case, the product must be diluted with water.

During the period of the epidemic of viral diseases, it is recommended that you start taking the Oscillococcinum preparation as soon as possible. The instruction prescribes to take one dose of the drug for prophylaxis every week until the flu epidemic passes. At the first, as well as pronounced symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take the drug twice a day, observing the time intervals between taking the drug and eating. Granules should be placed under the tongue and held until they dissolve. Treatment lasts up to three days. Further recovery should come.

The drug is approved for sale in pharmacy chains without a prescription. Due to what does the recovery of patients taking Oscillococcinum come, the instruction to which states that the preparation does not contain other components except extracts of animal origin? Most scientists come to the conclusion that the drug acts due to the “placebo” effect, that is, due to the patient’s faith in the action of the pills. The effectiveness of the agent is called into question by the lack of data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug and the Russian translation of the components of the drug Oscillococcinum. Instructions for use of the drug do not contain data on contraindications, interaction with other drugs, side effects and overdose symptoms. The manufacturer only indicates that in some cases allergic reactions to the substances contained in the preparation are possible, and warns that during pregnancy and during lactation, the drug should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Many scientists attribute this to the fact that studies capable of providing objective statistical information on the above sections have not been conducted.

According to doctors, there will be no harm from such a drug, but its use is doubtful. With the same success, you can take an ordinary sweet dragee, the main thing is to believe that it will help. However, many patients who took the drug experienced positive results on themselves, so we can not talk about the ineffectiveness of the drug.

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