Actress Anna Slyusareva: biography, film career and personal life

Anna Slyusareva - these first and last names do not say anything to many of you. Why so? Just the actress prefers to be called Anna Slu. This is the creative pseudonym of our heroine. Want to know more about her life and career? We are happy to share information.

Anna Slyusareva

Biography: childhood and adolescence

Anna Slyusareva was born on March 27, 1980. Her hometown is Moscow. She is from a reputable and intelligent family. Ani's father and mother are not related to cinema.

Our heroine grew up an active and restless child. To direct the daughter’s energy in the right direction, parents gave the girl to various circles. But Anya quickly lost interest in this or that occupation.

In adolescence, Slyusareva Jr. got an idea to become a famous singer. For several years she attended a music school, where she studied piano and saxophone. That's just Anna could not finish this institution. And the blame for her restless nature.


At the end of high school, the girl submitted documents to the VTU. Schukin. For parents, her decision was a complete surprise. They were even more surprised when they learned that their daughter was enrolled in the acting department. While still a student, Anna Slyusareva tried to break into a big movie. She got tiny roles. The girl did not despair. She perceived this as the first experience in the frame.

Film career

In 2001, Anna was invited to the shooting of the series "FM and the guys." A Pike graduate studied the scenario and agreed. She managed to convey the character and emotional state of her heroine - the girl Katie.

Between 2001 and 2010 several paintings were released with the participation of Anna Slyusareva. Among them can be distinguished “Night Watch” (2004), “Talisman of Love” (2005) and “Open Space” (2007).

The All-Russian fame for the actress was brought by the series “A Short Course in a Happy Life”. He aired Channel One in 2011. The director of the picture is the shocking Valeria Gai Germanicus. The series she shot is full of erotic scenes.

After the success of the Short Course of a Happy Life, Ani’s career went uphill. Producers and directors literally bombarded Slyusarev with proposals for cooperation. She studied scripts and agreed to play only those roles that were to her liking.

Anna slyusareva actress

Anna Slyusareva is an actress who has proved her professional solvency and talent. She continues to act in films with famous directors. For example, in 2016, a new film was released with her participation - “I see, I know.” Anna played the main role. The actress successfully got used to the image of a practitioner Zhanna Kuznetsova. Her colleague on the set was Sergey Gorobchenko. He played Leonid Kataev, the head of the criminal department. The characters of Ani and Sergey work in the same team. They reveal the most difficult crimes.

Anna Slyusareva: personal life

Our heroine is a tall blonde with a chiseled figure. It is unlikely that she ever had problems associated with a lack of male attention. Anya prefers not to talk about her first love.

In the theater theater, the girl met a nice and cheerful guy who was a year older than her. It's about the actor Daniil Belykh. Anna really liked him. But Daniel did not reciprocate. After 3 years, the guy graduated from high school. And Slyusareva was to unlearn 2 more courses.

In 2001, fate brought these people together again. Anna and Daniel participated in the filming of the series "FM and the guys." Collaboration greatly brought the guys together. Belykh began to look after our heroine. The girl literally glowed with happiness. After all, all this time she did not forget about him. And now their feelings are mutual. Soon Anya moved to Daniel's apartment. Lovers spent a lot of time together both at home and at work.

Anna slyusareva personal life

At the end of 2004, the couple played a wedding. The celebration was attended only by close friends of the bride and groom, as well as their relatives. All those present at the wedding were sure that Slyusareva and Belykh would live together for many years. However, they were very mistaken.

Since 2005, the couple began to disagree and scandals. And the fault is Daniel’s love affairs. The paparazzi have repeatedly caught the actor in companies with long-legged beauties. Anya left her husband or returned back, believing his repentance and declarations of love. This continued until the end of 2007. Anna just ran out of patience. In early 2008, the girl moved to another apartment. Daniel did not grieve alone for long. He quickly found a soul mate. Slyusareva managed to get an official divorce only in 2010.

Happy family

For a while, the actress did not even think about building a new relationship. She went headlong to work. In 2011, our heroine met with actor Vladimir Smirnov. Two creative people started a stormy romance. The guy was serious about his beloved.

Anna Slyusareva and Vladimir Smirnov

In the summer of 2012, Anna Slyusareva and Vladimir Smirnov signed in the capital registry office. Soon there was another joyful event. In September 2012, they had a charming little daughter. She was called a beautiful and rare name - Seraphim. And in 2014, the actress gave her husband a second child - the son of Tikhon.


Now you know who Anna Slyusareva is. We wish this wonderful artist more leading roles and family well-being!

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