Left side stroke - features, causes, consequences and features of recovery

Stroke of the left side is quite common and is a very common problem. This disease is a sudden acute violation of cerebral circulation, which manifests itself in the form of blockage of the vessels that feed it, and a number of neurological symptoms. The consequences of this condition are very diverse and in many respects depend on in which area the pathology has developed. It is very important to conduct timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.

The main types of stroke

A stroke can be hemorrhagic or ischemic. The latter manifests itself in the form of a violation of the flow of blood to the brain. As a result, access to oxygen and nutrients is impaired. This provokes the development of ischemia until the onset of a heart attack, which is characterized by complete necrosis of certain structures without the possibility of their subsequent recovery.

Left-sided stroke

A hemorrhagic lesion develops as a result of a brain hemorrhage. Previously, a similar pathology occurred only in people over 50 years old, and now, unfortunately, this lesion is also observed at a young age. The consequences of a hemorrhagic stroke on the left side are much more complicated than with ischemic stroke , and this is due to the fact that the central nervous system is affected. As a result, many vital processes are disrupted, many of which are not restored.

Signs and symptoms of lesion

Among the first signs of an impending ischemic stroke on the left side are the following:

  • the patient has a distorted smile, and the lips twist in one direction;
  • speech is broken, a person slurred the words;
  • he has weak arms.

In addition to the listed signs of ischemic attack, other symptoms are distinguished. These include the following:

  • a sharp headache;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fainting
  • deterioration of swallowing and respiratory function.

If all these signs are observed throughout the day, then this indicates a transient ischemic attack. If they do not pass within a day, then the patient has an ischemic stroke of the left side of the brain. This condition is dangerous in that it can provoke paralysis of the entire right side of the body. In addition, in the left part of the brain there are zones responsible for speech functions, which is why it is possible to worsen the latter or even complete loss.

symptoms of a stroke

A similar feature is due to the fact that neurons of brain cells responsible for the ability to express thoughts, control movements and memorize information lose their conductivity. Cell death is associated with a lack of oxygen as a result of blockage of blood vessels.


A qualified doctor according to the available symptoms can recognize the course of a stroke on the left side. In any case, before starting treatment, he needs to determine the localization of the lesion and its area. All this is very important for emergency care, intensive care and rehabilitation. To obtain a more accurate picture, additional research is needed:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • brain tomography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics and ECG of the heart.

After admission to the intensive care unit, the patient needs to systematically measure the pressure, as well as take other vital signs, in particular, such as breathing, pulse, temperature. In some cases, additional research may be required to assess the state of the vessels.

First aid

If you suspect a stroke on the left side of the brain for the patient, you should immediately call an ambulance, and you must very accurately explain to the dispatcher what exactly is happening to the person. The victim necessarily needs the help of a neurologist, and it is important that this doctor comes.

First aid for stroke

While waiting for the arrival of doctors, you need to independently provide first aid to the patient:

  1. Raise the patient's head slightly, placing a low pillow under it.
  2. Provide fresh air to the room.
  3. Loosen collar and belt on injured.
  4. In the presence of vomiting, you need to slightly turn the patientโ€™s head to the side, as this will prevent choking of the vomit. After that, rinse his mouth with water.
  5. Measure the pressure and record the result.

In stationary conditions, they will provide the patient with medical or surgical care.

Treatment features

Treatment of a stroke on the left side of the brain will be as effective as the required medical care will be provided in a timely manner. There are 3 main principles of therapy. These include:

  • emergency help;
  • drug treatment;
  • carrying out rehabilitation.

Emergency assistance to the victim should be provided in the first 3-6 hours after the attack. In this case, it is possible to partially or completely restore the changed neurons.

Surgical intervention

Drug therapy involves the use of thrombolytics, tranquilizers and anticoagulants, and during the rehabilitation period, massage, manual and kinesitherapy are required.


In an ischemic stroke of the left side of the brain, medications are selected individually, depending on the nature of the lesion. Basically, the doctor prescribes anticoagulant and thrombolytic agents. The first of them help to reduce blood coagulation, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Among the most popular drugs is Aspirin.

Additionally, blood thinners are required, in particular, such as Warfarin or Heparin. To destroy existing blood clots, thrombolytics are used, for example, Aktilize. Neuroprotectors are also prescribed to the patient. These drugs protect brain tissue and prevent the occurrence of a second stroke.

As part of complex therapy, antioxidants should be present that help cleanse the body, and vitamin complexes are also required. If a stroke occurs against a background of fever, then drug treatment is supplemented with antipyretic drugs. Antispasmodics and sedatives are also required to eliminate vascular spasm.

Drug therapy

With hemorrhagic stroke of the left side of the brain, therapeutic tactics should be exactly the opposite. For this, drugs are used that contribute to the formation of a large blood clot and overlap of the lumen of the affected vessel. Along with this, diuretics, vasoprotective and neurogenic drugs are prescribed. This contributes to a faster recovery and normalization of the functioning of the nervous system.

Since a stroke threatens with partial or complete paralysis, the entire complex of therapeutic measures is carried out strictly in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.


Folk remedies can also be included in the complex of therapeutic procedures. They are used to normalize motor activity and as adjuvant therapy. You can use them at home after prior consultation with your doctor.

A very good remedy in this case is the mummy. It helps to normalize blood circulation, contributing to better recovery of the body.

Physical exercise

Exercise has a good effect. The use of a similar technique of rehabilitation therapy is recommended from the first days of stabilization of general well-being. Initially, all exercises must be performed in a horizontal position with the help of a rehabilitologist - the patient makes flexion movements of the limbs on the affected side, changing the location of the paralyzed fingers. After normalization of well-being, these same exercises are carried out in a standing position. Their intensity should increase in proportion to an improvement in overall well-being.

What could be the consequences

After a previous ischemic stroke on the left side, the consequences can be very different. It all depends on the severity of the pathological process, the age of the patient and the speed of first aid to the patient. An additional effect is exerted by the general well-being of the patient. In the presence of vascular and heart diseases, the likelihood of coma, disability and death increases dramatically. Among the main consequences of a stroke on the left side of the brain are:

  • paralysis of the right side of the body;
  • violation of spatial perception;
  • memory impairment;
  • visual and hearing impairment;
  • weakening of mental abilities.

Very often, after a stroke, the right side of the body is paralyzed in a person. A similar manifestation occurs as a result of increased muscle tone. Such a condition can manifest itself in the form of loss of sensitivity on certain parts of the right side, periodic numbness of the limbs, as well as facial asymmetry. Often such a manifestation is completely reversible and the degree of recovery depends on the quality of rehabilitation.

Regardless of the type and type of stroke, the victim often has a lack of coordination. With damage to the left hemisphere, an inadequate perception of space is additionally observed. A person loses the ability to correctly recognize objects and their remoteness. This greatly complicates the process of self-care.

After a left side stroke, recovery of a patient can be significantly complicated by the appearance of changes in his behavior. With damage to the left hemisphere, the violation consists in increasing the impulsivity of a person. He quickly loses interest in the current occupation and constantly requires attention. Among the consequences can be distinguished mental disorder, which manifests itself in the form of strong aggression, mood changes, short temper.

In addition, one of the consequences may be a violation of memory, and in some cases, its complete loss. Since the left half is responsible for logical thinking, its defeat reduces the patient's ability to draw conclusions and memorize digital information - for example, dates and phone numbers.

Recovery Features

What may be the consequences of a stroke on the left side, and how much they live after a lesion, depends on a number of different circumstances. Of paramount importance is the time to seek qualified help from a specialist. The nature of the circulatory disturbance, the patientโ€™s age, and the severity of the course of the post-stroke period are of great importance.

In elderly patients, quite complex and dangerous consequences are observed, which is why even high-quality and timely rehabilitation rarely gives a positive result.

Stroke Recovery

It is worth noting that and what will be the consequences of a hemorrhagic stroke on the left side, and how much they live after a stroke, largely depends on the correctness of the rehabilitation. To restore lost abilities, a regular massage, physiotherapy exercises, as well as special exercises are required.

Often, the patient undergoes significant changes in the psyche, which is why certain measures must be taken to eliminate the negative manifestations. It is imperative to talk with the victim, evaluating his reaction to all the information received. The patient must create comfortable living conditions so as not to aggravate the depressed state and not provoke a worsening of the recovery process.


What are the consequences of a left side stroke and how much do they live after a stroke - these and many other questions are of interest to patients and their families. As already mentioned, to minimize complications, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient, which implies the restoration of fully or partially lost functions, both speech and motor.

Restore motor activity will help massage the affected limbs. It is worth remembering that the implementation of such a procedure is carried out by a specialist and a massager is often used. Manual therapy and acupuncture have a good effect. Their effect is aimed at stimulating the nerve endings to restore sensitivity.

Stroke rehabilitation

For rehabilitation breathing exercises and exercises with a speech therapist are also carried out. Necessarily requires frequent communication with the patient, prompting him to speech activity to more quickly improve the pronunciation of words and the gradual preparation of long sentences. By the way, only right-handed people need such manipulations, since the center of speech in them is located in the left hemisphere.

Respiratory techniques help improve muscle function, and also help normalize blood circulation. Hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches) has proven itself well. In addition, it is important for patients to follow a special diet in accordance with the prescription of a doctor. Recovery tools must be applied in a comprehensive manner, by combining several different therapy tactics.

Forecast and Life Span

With a left side stroke, the prognosis is often quite positive. However, the restoration of completely lost functions and a return to a full-fledged quality life largely depends on many different factors. First of all, one must take into account how exactly the symptoms of the pathological process manifested themselves.

In general, the consequences of an ischemic stroke on the left side, and how much they live after such an attack, cannot be accurately predicted. Some patients live for more than 10 years, even after a severe form of the disease, and some die in the first year. The percentage of death in the first year of life is quite high. And the cause of death is mainly a repeated defeat.

If the rehabilitation went without complications, then a person can hope that he will live for many more years with strict adherence to the correct regime. Of great importance is proper nutrition, the rejection of the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. And to consolidate a positive result, you need to conduct sports.

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