How does the Fitosed medicine work? Instructions for use, reviews on the effectiveness of this medication will be described later. You will also learn about the purpose of using the mentioned drug, what forms of release it has, how it affects the patient's body and whether he has contraindications.
Composition, packaging and form of the drug
The drug "Fitosed", the instruction of which is enclosed in a pack of cardboard, goes on sale in the form of tinctures in glass or plastic bottles, as well as tablets and capsules in cell packs.
The active substances of this remedy are: fruits of oats, hawthorn, lemon balm grass, motherwort grass, coriander fruits, sweet clover grass and hop haplotype.
Pharmacological indicators of the drug
What features are inherent in the Fitosed drug? Instructions, reviews inform us that this is a complex herbal remedy, which has pronounced sedative and hypnotic properties. The components that make up the drug are mutually complementary. They increase the pharmacological properties of the drug.
The use of this drug helps to eliminate the feeling of anxiety, reduce mental stress, normalize the nervous system and significantly improve sleep.
It should be noted that the treatment with this drug helps to increase mental and physical activity in patients with severe fatigue, which was caused by mental stress and stress.
The development of the effect after a single dose of tablets is noted within an hour and a half. The sedative effect of the drug persists for about 3 hours.
Indications for oral administration
What conditions of the patient require the use of Fitosed tablets? Instructions for use report that the main indications of this medication are:
- neuroses of various origins;
- irritability;
- stress
- anxiety and causeless fears;
- nervous agitation;
- fatigue and other disorders that are characteristic of a mild form of neurasthenia;
- sleep disturbances;
- neurocirculatory dystonia;
- asthenic syndrome (hypersthenic form).
Contraindications sedative
For what reasons can the Fitosed drug (tablets) be banned? The instruction gives an exhaustive answer to this question. According to her, the medication in question is not recommended for use with:
- bleeding disorders;
- hypersensitivity of the patient to drug substances;
- pregnancy
- internal bleeding, as well as the risk of their development;
- under the age of 12 years;
- breastfeeding.
It should also be noted that from the use of this tool it is necessary to refrain from those patients who engage in hazardous activities (for example, associated with complex mechanisms) and drive vehicles.
The drug "Fitosed" (tablets): instructions for use
How should I use Fitosed tablets? They are necessary for oral administration. According to the instructions, this form of the drug must be swallowed whole, washed down with ordinary stagnant water.
Experts say that the medication in question will be most effective if taken half an hour after a meal.
The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage of this medicine, is established only by the attending doctor, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of his condition.
For adolescents from 12 years of age and adults, this drug is usually prescribed 1-2 tablets four times a day. The course of therapy with this agent should not exceed one month. If required, then after 10-16 days, the treatment is repeated.
Taking other forms of the drug
How should I take the Fitosed tincture? The instructions that accompany this medication state that this form is also intended for oral administration. For this, the drug is dissolved in ordinary water. Pre-shake the bottle well.
Taking the medication does not depend on eating food. Its dosage, as well as the duration of treatment, is determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the violations.
As a rule, patients from 12 years of age are prescribed tincture in the amount of 5 ml four times a day. The duration of therapy is about 30 days (no more).
If required, then after 10-16 days the treatment course can be repeated.
As for the capsules "Fitosed", they are taken in the same way as tablets.
Side effects
What side effects can the Fitosed medication cause? The instruction says that during treatment with this drug, adverse reactions develop extremely rarely. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of sleep disturbances, vomiting, arterial hypotension, nausea and heartburn.
Also, cases of the development of various allergic reactions (for example, skin rash, itching or urticaria) are not excluded.
If such deviations occur, you should refuse to take the drug.
Overdose cases
Only the attending physician should prescribe the medication in question. The patient should strictly follow all his recommendations (regarding the dosage of the drug and the duration of therapy).
If the drug was taken in high dosages, then a person may experience severe nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, and signs of arterial hypotension.
In this condition, the victim needs an urgent gastric lavage. Also, he is prescribed intake of enterosorbents and conduct symptomatic treatment.
Drug interaction
Before you start taking the drug "Fitosed" you should definitely read the instructions. It says that if this medication is combined with other drugs that have a depressing effect on the nervous system, this can significantly enhance their therapeutic effect.
It should also be noted that while taking “Fitoseda” and “Levodopa”, the therapeutic effect of the second is weakened.
Analogues and cost of the drug
Now you know what the “Fitosed” drug is prescribed for. Instructions for taking the tablets and their indications were presented above.
If the medication in question is contraindicated for you, then it can be replaced with one of the following means: Persen, Novo-Passit, Corvalment, or Corvaltab.
As for the cost of the drug, it is not very high. It can be purchased for 110-150 rubles.
Most patients taking the “Fitosed” preparation are attracted by its natural composition. According to their reports, this remedy gives a mild sedative effect and significantly improves sleep quality. Another plus of this medication is the absence of pronounced undesirable effects.
Many people prefer to take capsules or tablets "Fitosed". They believe that these forms are more effective.
Recently, the drug in question has become particularly popular among young people who are concerned about a mild degree of nervousness or excessive irritability.
As a rule, this medication is taken before passing reports, exams, speeches, etc. (when you need to quickly calm down).
According to patient reviews, Fitosed tablets have a mild effect. After taking them, the person feels rested and sleepy.
The negative side of this tool is that it must be taken immediately before bedtime, since the drug can cause severe drowsiness.