American cookies: a recipe for cooking. American cookies with chocolate: recipe

Today we will prepare “cookies” - the famous American cookie, the recipe of which is very simple, and the finished product is often impossible to buy in Russia. This is the most common and most popular type of home baking in the States. In the ranking of sympathy among the population, cookies compete with apple pie, an apple pie. Americans give cookies to babies before going to bed with a glass of milk - no more than three, since this is a high-calorie pastry. This treat is welcomed in the USA by Santa Claus, children take him to school with him, in a word, it is welcomed always and everywhere. Well, how are we? Let's cook the famous "cookies" ourselves.

American Cookies Recipe

Cookies with chocolate chips

The most popular type of cookie is an American cookie with pieces of chocolate. These thin drops of frozen cocoa are sold as a semi-finished product in any shop. By the way, instead of chokolayt, Americans like to use M & Ms in this type of baking and dragee. Such cookies look bright and elegant that children really like. If you are not lucky enough to buy "drops", and you do not want to use dragees (or they will also prohibit it), you can use a bar of ordinary chocolate. It is desirable bitter and without any fillers. Just crush it with a mortar into large crumb. For cookies, we need two glasses of such chocolate chips. The dough is cooked simply and quickly. We mix 100 grams of ghee, a glass of cane sugar and three times less amount of ordinary, white, two eggs, chocolate chips, a pinch of salt, a bag of vanillin. In the flour (a little more than two glasses), add the powder for the cookies. It can be replaced with soda (half a teaspoon), which should be extinguished with vinegar. Combine all the ingredients and knead the dough. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper. We spread the cakes. Bake for about a quarter of an hour. The fact that American cookies with chocolate is ready, frozen edges will testify. The middle of the product should remain wet - it hardens when it cools.

American cookies with chocolate

American cookies with chocolate: recipe number 2

Sift through a sieve on a countertop two glasses of flour. Add half a teaspoon of soda and salt. Pour 150 grams of melted butter and the same amount of two types of sugar as indicated in the previous recipe into the mixer bowl. Add a bag of vanilla and an egg plus another yolk. Beat everything until a homogeneous, slightly foamy mass is formed. Pour this mixture from the bowl of the mixer to the flour, kneading the dough. Add chocolate drops or crumbs at the end. Mix the dough again with a wooden spoon. The oven should be preheated to 170 degrees, and the baking sheet should be covered with baking paper. A few words about how to form an American cookie with chocolate. The recipe prescribes to spread the batter with an ordinary tablespoon. Between the products there should be an empty space of about seven centimeters, as the cookies spread during the preparation process. Pull out the pan when the edges lightly brown. After a few minutes, you can transfer the products to the grate for cooling.

American Cookies with Chocolate Recipe

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

This type of staff dessert will appeal to fans of a healthy diet. The recipe suggests making oatmeal American cookies with margarine, and add the usual Hercules (not instant cooking) to the flour. We turn on the oven 180 degrees, slightly grease the baking sheet with cooking oil. Sift a glass of flour onto the work surface. Add three tablespoons of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of cookie powder, and a pinch of salt, ground cinnamon and soda. Mix. Beat one hundred grams of softened margarine with two kinds of sugar. This recipe suggests taking an equal amount - half a glass - white and brown. Add the egg with a bag of vanilla to the mixer bowl, continue to beat. We spread the dry flour mixture with a wooden spoon, mix. At the end, add a glass with a quarter of "Hercules" and half a cup of chocolate drops. We spread the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. Bake for ten minutes.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Soft American Cookies: Nuts Recipe

In flour (two cups and a quarter) add a teaspoon of soda. Soften butter (225 grams) to room temperature, transfer to a mixer bowl. We fill the glass three quarters with brown sugar, pour white to the brim. Beat with butter until smooth and lush. An interesting detail: add a bag (one hundred grams) of vanilla powder pudding. We also put two eggs and a spoonful of vanilla to the butter mass. Beat again at high speeds. Add the flour component. At the end we add a glass of chopped nuts (walnuts or peanuts) and twice as many chocolate drops. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We spread American cookies with chocolate and nuts on a dry baking sheet. And then into the oven for ten minutes.

Iowa Recipe

This popular pastry has its own regional characteristics in every US state. Sometimes recipes are very different from the classic. Let's see how to make American cookies a la Iowa and Wisconsin. Turn on the oven 190 degrees. It is advisable to use several baking sheets at once, because a lot of dough will come out. Grease them with margarine. A pack of butter is brought to room temperature. Knead it with lean, granulated sugar and powder (all components - one glass each). When you get a homogeneous mixture, drive two eggs one at a time and add half a teaspoon of vanilla. Mix 4 1/2 cups flour with a pinch of soda and baking powder. In Iowa, tartar is used as the last ingredient . An oil mixture is added to the flour, knead. Spoon cookies on baking sheets and bake for eight minutes (until the bottom of the products is browned).

Chocolate American Cookies

Cookies with nuts

In the USA, not only chocolate cookies are popular. American culinary art allows you to bake products with nuts, and raisins, and even peanut butter. In this recipe, as in the previous ones, we prepare two mixtures. The first is dry. To two glasses of flour, add an incomplete cup of cocoa powder, three-fourths of a spoon of soda and a pinch of salt. Cooking the second mixture. Beat 200 grams of softened butter and a half cup of regular sugar with two eggs and a package of vanilla. We combine both mixtures. Add two glasses of dark bitter chocolate, chopped into large crumbs, and a handful of chopped walnuts. Knead and lay the product on a dry baking sheet. Bake at 180 C for eight minutes.

How to Make American Cookies

With peanut butter

Not many people like peanut butter, but it’s great for culinary purposes. With it, you can also make famous American cookies. The recipe suggests that we reduce the amount of butter to 100 grams. It is softened and kneaded with a mixture of sugars (one and a half glasses of brown and half of white) and peanut butter. It will need about 100 grams. Mash the egg and a pack of vanillin. We make the dry mixture as usual: we combine a glass of flour, a little soda and salt. We connect the two main components. Add half a glass of Hercules and twice as much chopped chocolate. Bake at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

American Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies with M & M's

Bright multi-colored dragees are fully consistent with what the advertisement says about them: they really do not melt. Making American cookies, the recipe for which is very simple, will be interesting for children. Knead all the ingredients: 130 grams of flour, egg, half a glass of sugar, 75 grams of melted butter, a bag of vanillin and baking powder. Knead until smooth. Place the cakes on the prepared pan with a spoon. The youngest child can be instructed to decorate the M & M's dragee on top of the cookies. Typically, two small packets of candy are consumed for this amount of dough. Bake a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.

With dried fruit

Chocolate can be replaced in cookies with prunes, raisins, dates or dried apricots. The recipe for these products is not much different from the classic. Since we do not use chocolate here, we put cocoa powder in the dough. Soak dried fruits in hot water. If necessary - choose the bones. We chop prunes, figs and the like large dried fruits. Raisins can be left whole. Dried fruits, like chocolate chips in a classic recipe, are kneaded into the dough at the end. Products are laid out with a teaspoon on a baking sheet lined with paper at a distance of two centimeters from each other. Bake American cookies with raisins, prunes or dates in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

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