"Baziron AS": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

This medication is a gel for external use, which has keratolytic and antiseptic properties. Consider the instructions for use, price and composition of Baziron AS. The drug is used to treat acne (acne), including complications caused by bacterial infections. It is applied only externally.

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Composition and form of release

According to the instructions, Baziron AS is produced in the form of a homogeneous white gel. The main active ingredient of this drug is water benzoyl peroxide, which is presented in an amount of 25 mg (in a gel with a concentration of 2.5%), 50 mg (in a gel with a concentration of 5%) and 100 mg (in a gel with a concentration of 10%) one gram of gel. In addition, the following additional components are part of the medication :

  • A copolymer of methacrylic acid.
  • Poloxamer 182.
  • Carbomer 940.
  • Glycerol.
  • Edetate disodium.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Sodium docusate.
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Purified water.

Baziron AS medical gel is produced in aluminum tubes, each of which contains 40 g of a substance with an appropriate concentration of active substances. One cardboard package contains one tube with gel and an annotation on the use of the drug.

basiron as 5 instructions for use

Pharmacological properties

What can be learned from the instructions for Baziron AC? The main active element of the product is aqueous benzoyl peroxide. Such a compound has pronounced antiseptic properties, can inhibit the growth and reproduction of a number of pathogenic microorganisms. This substance is mainly active against such infectious agents as Staphylococcus epidermidis (epidermal staphylococci) and Propionibacterium acnes (propionobacteria acne), which are directly involved in the development of acne, as well as provoke inflammatory processes in the affected areas of the skin.

The instructions for the Baziron AC gel are very detailed.

The keratolytic effect of the drug is realized as a result of the following pharmacological properties of the main active element:

  • Inhibition of the processes of production of sebum by the corresponding glands.
  • Strengthening the desquamation of dead cells of the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • Normalization of oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the skin in the area of ​​localization of acne (as a result of this effect, the reproduction and growth of Propionibacterium acnes microorganisms, which develop exclusively under oxygen-free conditions, is also suppressed).

Due to the above keratolytic and antiseptic effects, the drug exhibits therapeutic properties against acne with acne. The combined effect of additional components of the drug provides a metered adsorption of benzoyl peroxide aqueous in the skin.

cream basiron ace against acne

This is indicated in the instructions for use with Baziron AC 5%, 10% and 2.5%.

The main active substance of this product after application to the skin surface (as well as its auxiliary elements) is rapidly adsorbed and accumulates in its cells. Moreover, the introduction into the systemic circulation is extremely low. The metabolism of aqueous benzoyl peroxide is carried out directly in the cells of the epidermis, where it is converted into water-soluble benzoic acids, absorbed into the bloodstream and, not lingering in the tissues of the body, excreted through the kidneys with urine.

As the instruction to Baziron AS 5% indicates, applying the agent to the skin in therapeutic dosages does not lead to systemic disorders in the body and does not have a toxic effect. There are no data on the ingestion of active substance metabolites through the blood-brain barrier into brain cells, through the placenta, into the fetal body or into breast milk.

Indications for use and contraindications

In accordance with the instructions for Baziron AS, this medication for external use has only one direct purpose - to fight acne eruptions (acne).

The use of the drug is contraindicated at the age of less than 12 years, as well as in the presence of symptoms of individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary elements of the drug.

The price is not indicated in the instructions for Baziron AC.

Dosage and administration

The gel for external use should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, which before this should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Depending on the severity of acne and the severity of acne, the drug is used once or twice a day (morning and evening). Drug concentrations are also selected depending on the degree of the pathological process in the epidermis.

basiron as 5 percentage instruction

According to the instructions, “Baziron AS” for acne rash of moderate and mild severity is used as monotherapy in isolation. In severe stages of such a disease and severe acne with the formation of ulcers, this drug is recommended to be used in combination with retinoids, which actively reduce the severity of skin fat secretion by acting on the sebaceous glands. In addition, antibiotics for systemic use in the form of tablets or dosage forms for parenteral administration should be used as a complex treatment.

Treatment duration

According to the instructions to Baziron AS 5%, the therapeutic course with a medical gel should be three months. Significant clinical improvement and a decrease in the severity of acne eruptions occurs, as a rule, two to three weeks after the start of such treatment.

Adverse reactions

basiron ac inflammatory reactions

In some cases (rather rarely), with the systematic use of this medication, local irritation of the skin in the form of redness (hyperemia) and peeling symptoms may appear. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of Baziron AC.

What to do in this case

In such a case, it is recommended to lower the frequency of use of the drug or to reduce the concentration of the drug. In rare situations, in response to the use of the drug, allergic dermatitis can develop with the appearance of rashes on the skin and itching in the area of ​​use of the gel. In this case, the use of a helium preparation is recommended to be suspended.

Special recommendations

What else can you learn from the instructions for Baziron AS cream? Before starting therapeutic procedures using this medication, it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and pay attention to special recommendations, which include the following:

  1. If there is a pronounced irritation of the skin, the manifestation of allergic or toxic dermatitis, the use of a medication should be discontinued.
  2. It is not recommended to apply this gel to areas of the skin where its integrity is impaired.
  3. In no case should the drug be allowed to enter the conjunctiva of the eyes or mucous membranes. If this happens, rinse them under running water.
  4. During the treatment of acne gel rash for external application of Baziron AS, it is recommended to avoid exposure to sunlight on the skin, as this can cause symptoms of skin irritation (photosensitivity), redness and flaking.
  5. The simultaneous use of cosmetic ethanol-containing (alcohol) and drying agents is not recommended, since this can provoke a toxic effect.
  6. With proper treatment, Baziron AS does not interact with other drugs for systemic or external use.
  7. The negative effect of this drug on the fetus during pregnancy has not been established. However, during this period, as well as during breastfeeding, the use of this gel is possible only as directed by a specialist, when the expected benefit for a woman is higher than the risk to the fetus or baby.
  8. This medication is not able to affect the concentration and speed of mental reactions.


basiron ace contraindications

In accordance with the instructions for use of Baziron AS, if the recommended therapeutic dosages of the medicinal product are significantly exceeded, significant skin irritation may occur, accompanied by peeling and flushing. In such cases, the application of the gel should be discontinued, and the skin area should be washed with running water. Cases of systemic manifestations of drug overdose were not observed.

Analogues of the drug

There is a wide range of analogues of Baziron AS gel, which vary in cost and composition:

  1. One of the popular substitutes can be considered the French drug "Eklaran", which effectively cleanses the affected skin from acne.
  2. An imported analogue of this product is Desquam, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the amount of comedones, inhibits the production of sebum, helps get rid of blackheads and does not dry out the skin.
  3. Another analogue of Baziron AS gel is Ugresol lotion. Its effects are noticeable after 2–4 months of use. One of the drawbacks is skin that is very dry and irritated after treatment.
  4. "Proderm" - has approximately the same properties as the medicine "Baziron AS", but is used strictly for its intended purpose. The drug is undesirable for pregnant women.
  5. Synthomycin ointment, the advantages of which are fast therapy and low cost, and the minus is the change in the water-fat balance in the epidermis. After using it, the skin needs to be restored.
  6. A very effective cure for acne is Baneocin, which is available in the form of powders and ointments. Despite the effectiveness, this medication has some limitations in use, which should be found in the instructions.
  7. Retasol, an analogue of Baziron AS, does not dry the skin.
  8. "Uroderm" is an inexpensive similar product that is used, as a rule, for mild skin rashes. As part of this tool there are hormonal substances.
  9. "Metrogil" is a fairly well-known drug that is able to effectively cope with such pathologies as seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, acne. Based on metronidazole. This is confirmed by the instructions for use.

Baziron AS: price

This medication to eliminate the symptoms of acne rashes costs about 580 rubles (5% solution). It is in this concentration that the agent is used in most cases.

Patient opinions about the drug

Reviews about the medication in question are mostly positive. The exception is rare cases when Baziron AS was unable to help patients cope with the problem of acne. Some patients did not notice a long-term beneficial effect from the use of the medication, or the result was very weak and short-lived.

gel basiron ac treatment effectiveness

Most people who use Baziron AS consider it an excellent way to eliminate acne. A positive effect in this category of patients occurred after 1-3 weeks. Patients note that the skin after applying the product becomes more elastic and clean, its fat content gradually decreases, which is one of the main causes of acne. In addition, the drug contributes to the rapid elimination of inflammation in the affected areas, reducing the intensity of redness. People who did not have concomitant problems with metabolism and hormonal diseases managed to completely get rid of such problems.

We reviewed the Baziron AS product instructions for use, price and reviews.

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