The drug 'Fervex': instructions for use

When the first symptoms of a cold and acute respiratory infections appear, almost everyone immediately tries to get rid of them, since in addition to unpleasant sensations, they bring inconvenience. The “Fairx” medication can help in this, the instructions for which recommend it in these cases. Being a combination drug, this remedy relieves symptoms such as fever, tearing, nasal congestion, sore throat.

This happens due to the components contained in the medicine. So, paracetamol reduces the temperature and removes pain. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) helps increase the body's resistance to infections by stimulating the immune system. Pheniramine blocks histamine H1 receptors, due to which nasal congestion, redness of the eyes, and rhinorrhea disappear.

The preparation "Fervex" is produced, the instruction notes this, in the form of a powder, from which a solution is taken, taken orally. It can also be with the addition of lemon or raspberry flavor. Recommended drug for symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, allergic rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, pain, including with injuries and burns.

Before taking the drug "Fervex", the instruction calls for familiarization with the contraindications that this drug has. Do not prescribe it to patients who cannot tolerate the components that it contains. In addition, it is unacceptable to simultaneously drink alcohol or drugs in which it is present.

For a form of medication intended for adults, the age of 15 years is a contraindication. Children's drug "Fervex" is allowed to use from 6 years. A remedy is not prescribed if there are kidney diseases and congenital hyperbilirubenemia. The medicine "Fervex" during pregnancy is not recommended for use in the first and last trimester, as there is a risk of a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the drug is recommended to be taken as described below. The contents of the bag dissolve in a glass of warm water and immediately drink it. Adults recommended 1 sachet 2-3 times a day.

For children, a special form is used. They also drink the medicine one at a time. Frequency of admission depends on age. From 6 to 10 years, the drug is prescribed 2 times a day, from 10 to 12 years - 3 times, older children can drink the medicine up to 4 times, while the time period should be from 4 hours.

Some categories of patients are allowed to take this drug with an interval of at least 8 hours. This point should be agreed with the doctor. The medicine "Fervex" is not used for breastfeeding for treatment, since the penetration of the components of the drug into breast milk is possible.

The duration of its administration as an antipyretic should not be more than 3 days, and to eliminate the pain syndrome - 5 days. Further use of the product is possible only by agreement with the doctor. During treatment, you should not drive vehicles and engage in activities that are potentially dangerous and require special attention.

When using the drug "Fervex", the instruction notes side effects that may occur. Among them, loss of appetite, vomiting, allergic reactions, nausea. However, most often, they occur with an overdose. In recommended doses, the drug is well tolerated.

The components that it contains can enhance the sedative effect of antihistamines. With simultaneous antidepressant therapy, the risk of side effects increases. Paracetamol may reduce the healing properties of uricosuric agents. Perhaps a distortion in laboratory tests to determine the amount of glucose and uric acid contained in blood plasma.

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