In the "Brigade" how many episodes and how is the plot developing?

The friendship story of a group of guys is not a new topic, but the high-quality implementation of the idea is remembered for a long time. Four people are four different life stories that are difficult to put together. And they tried! Ordinary Moscow guys, Sasha Belov, Cosmos, Bee and Phil. They grew up in the same yard and managed to go through life together. But the harsh reality and the enemies that suddenly appeared did not allow the children to realize their plans and forced them to turn off the right path.

Brigade - TV series or life story?

The series about the life of four friends turned upside down the viewers about the wrong side of the underworld. It turned out that living outside the law was difficult and dangerous. The stakes are too high, and the probability of losing is no less than the probability of winning. Only the weak are satisfied with the small, and the truly strong and strong-willed people make their way upstairs, realizing that this is the only way to change life sooner or later, but to come to a legal existence.

in the brigade how many episodes
About how many episodes in the series "Brigade", ask only those few who did not watch the cult film. It seems that the episodes are too few, which is impossible in 15 episodes to contain a lifetime. However, this is so. Each series is a small life that looks in one breath. Why is each of the viewers of the series so imbued with its atmosphere? Yes, because this is a story about everything - about friendship, about danger, about love. This is tragedy, this is comedy. This is our life as it was in the 90s. Then we clutched at reality with all our might, realizing that you can’t relax for a second, if you do not want to be trampled. After the first viewing, many people think about how the events in the "Brigade" developed, how many episodes needed to be shot in order to fit the history of the whole country into several episodes an hour long.

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how many episodes in the series is the brigade
The film producer Alexei Sidorov approached the shootings with all responsibility and settled the actors assigned to the main roles in the Rest House so that they would know each other and make friends. The credibility effect was important, therefore already there the actors called each other cinematic names, getting used to the image.
The first series describe the events of the early 90s, when Sasha Belov returned to their army. His beloved girl cheated on him, and Belov wants to deal with his opponent in a manly way. In a fight, he breaks his skull and only then finds out that the opponent belongs to one of the main criminal gangs in his area. Further events are developing too rapidly. In clandestine battles, an opponent is killed, and his sibling makes suspicion fall on Bely. By long efforts, with the help of friends, mother and an influential acquaintance, Sasha is able to “grease”. But at this stage, his plans for entering the institute and the career of a volcanologist are broken. True, there is a plus: sitting up in the country, Sasha meets his love, and after some time they get married.

Love in the Brigade or how are feelings tested?

how many episodes in the film
Olga Surikova - the true love of Alexander Bely - appears even at the dawn of his youth. She is experiencing many difficulties with him. When they meet, the police are looking for Sasha. On their wedding day, Olga almost stepped on a grenade. At the time when she gives birth, Sasha is in prison. In the middle of the series, Olga becomes a witness to the assassination attempt on Sasha. Then she begins to think about how to leave her husband. Despite everything, she is still drawn to Sasha, she is worried about him and in the last (15th episode) she finally understands that it is impossible to live in his world otherwise.

True friendship: what is it like in the series and in life?

The main character has three best friends: Valera Filatov, Victor Pchelkin, Cosmos Kholmogorov. They, together with the first class and during this time have become not just friends. They are brothers, and after together they are forced to get out of the situation with Sasha’s accusation of murder, all paths to legal life are cut off for them. Now they are together founding the largest brigade in the city. Inimitable and true is shown male friendship in the Brigade. How many episodes the plot developed, so many new details did the audience learn about the relationship of the heroes, imbued with sincere sympathy for them, despite the nature of their activity.

how many episodes in team 2
All further events indicate that the “team” of Bely has no other way, since they cannot refuse the existing life. Some time later, the KGB became interested in the “brigade”. By this time, Belov is a businessman who has business relations with deputies and is gradually legalizing all the developed schemes. He feels safe, but it turns out that everything is not so simple.

Revenge or humility? The correct response to betrayal

Perhaps the most negative character in the series is Maxim Karelskikh, who from the 6th episode becomes a member of the Bely brigade and eventually, having won his trust, grows to a personal guard, whom Belov trusts his wife and son. In the 14th series, Maxim commits a terrible betrayal and kills all of Sasha’s friends. He does this on the orders of Vladimir Kaverin, who takes revenge on Sasha for his luck, the death of his brother and his dismissal from the organs. Kaverin freed Maxim from Chechen captivity and recruited a few years before his meeting with Belov. After 9 years, he claimed a debt. Great pain and spectator sympathy is caused by betrayal in the "Brigade". How many series the audience watches Maxim Karelsky, how much they trust him along with the main character, and then suffer with him. In the 15th series, the viewer observes the triumph of Bely, his magnificent revenge for the death of the "brothers" and the death of Kaverin. But the film itself ends, rather, on a sad note, as Bely's wife and son fly to America, he is left alone, and the sound of a shot is heard before the final credits.

Fans of the series wondered how many episodes in the film "The Brigade" will be more. It would seem that the story is over, and there is nothing more to shoot. If you are interested in how many episodes there are in Brigade 2, then it is worth noting that this is not a series, but a feature film that tells about the life of Ivan Bely, who lives with his mother in America and knows almost nothing about his father’s past life. Does the son look like a father? How will he cope with the difficulties of real life? You can answer these questions only after watching the movie, so be sure to watch it and make up your mind.

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