Very often, with a runny nose, pediatricians prescribe Protargol drops to children. Instructions for use of the drug very well explains how they should be used.
A ready-to-use medicine is an aqueous solution of colloidal silver, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic effect. The drug "Protargol" is a powder or tablet containing 7.7-8.4% silver, from which in pharmacies produce aqueous solutions used in the form of drops in the nose, eyes and solutions for disinfection of the bladder.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, Protargol is actively used in the treatment of various inflammatory pathologies in children in ophthalmology, otolaryngology, urology, and is prescribed for the treatment of infectious processes - conjunctivitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, urethritis. The main positive properties of the drug "Protargol" is the absence of a dysbiotic effect on the intestinal microflora (intestinal dysbiosis), as well as the fact that the drug is not addictive. The instructions to Protargol in the nose confirm this.
The tool is very effective in the treatment of complicated rhinitis in children of various etiologies, for example, with prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontitis, for the treatment of recurrent and protracted nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, as well as adenoiditis and purulent infections in the middle ear. The drug is often prescribed for purulent or complicated inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes (conjunctiva), as well as in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urethra (cystitis and urethritis). In addition, pediatricians prescribe "Protargol" for the prevention of blepharitis in newborns.
Previously, in all hospitals, it was buried in the nose of all newborns. Now this practice is not carried out everywhere.
Pharmacological effects
As the instructions to Protargol indicate, the mechanism of action of this drug on the mucous membrane that is inflamed during an infectious disease or on the surface of the baby’s skin is based on the formation of a special protective film, which is formed as a result of silver deposition of proteins. The film reduces the sensitivity of these areas and narrows the vessels, which leads to inhibition of the inflammatory reaction. In addition, silver ions can inhibit the growth of a variety of bacteria, fungal microflora and viruses. What else does the instructions for the use of Protargol in the nose tell us?
In lower percentages, the colloidal solution of the drug has a bacteriostatic effect, and in higher - it has a bactericidal effect on the fungal and bacterial pathogenic microflora.
Release form
Instructions for use "Protargol" indicates that the drug is produced in the form of a 1% or 2% colloidal aqueous solution for local use.
This is one of the few medications on the modern pharmacological market that must be used immediately after manufacture. You need to order it in the pharmacy network, and at the end of the expiration date you should purchase a new solution of the appropriate concentration. This is due to the fact that its antiseptic effect is provided by silver ions that are present in the colloidal solution. However, they cannot be in a free state for a long time. But it is precisely this quality that is used in the production of dry extract. Silver is bound to a protein substrate, then dried. As a result of dissociation reactions, ions pass into the active phase. This allows them to easily enter the fungal or bacterial cells, disrupting the process of its vital activity.
So it is said in the instructions for use of Protargol.
Solutions are made in pharmacies that have the necessary equipment for the production of solutions from medical raw materials. Drops are prepared by simply mixing the dry extracts with distilled water. But to acquire such an extract and dissolve it yourself will not work, because it is necessary to observe a specific preparation procedure and a clear weighing of all the ingredients. Before using this medication, you need to consider that it is very effective, but has the ability to cause some side effects. In addition, the doctor’s recommendations on the dosage, frequency and duration of use should be strictly observed.
Mode of application
According to the instructions, Protargol is intended exclusively for local use.
In the treatment of infectious eye diseases in children, the medication is prescribed in the form of a 1% or 2% solution. It must be buried in the eyes up to four times a day, two or three drops.
For the treatment of urological pathologies (cystitis and urethritis), children are prescribed a 2% colloidal solution of the drug, which is used to rinse the bladder and urethra.
For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases (rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis media), a 1% or 2% solution is used - from three to five drops twice a day, by instillation into each nostril.
special instructions
The instruction for Protargol drops for children should be strictly observed. There are also some recommendations regarding the use of a pharmaceutical product, which include:
- Thoroughly rinse the nasal passages (especially in children) before using the drug nasally.
- After cleaning the nose, you need to lie on your back and drip the required number of drops.
- The instillation of the drug is most often carried out in the morning and in the evening, and the effect of this drug is manifested on the second or third day.
- The duration of treatment is determined by the attending specialist.
Side effects
Instructions for use "Protargol" reports that this medication, like any other pharmaceutical product, can cause certain side effects in children. Most often they occur with uncontrolled and / or prolonged use of the drug.
In children, there may be:
- Allergic reactions.
- Mucosal irritation.
- Itchy skin.
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Hives.
- Quincke's edema.
- Redness of the eyes.
- In rare cases, anaphylactic shock.
You may also experience severe dry mouth, burning or numbness, headaches, dizziness, or drowsiness.
This is also confirmed by the instructions to Protargol for children.
Do not use Protargol if the child has a high sensitivity to its components.
This fact is the main reason for limiting the use of this effective drug and the need for an anamnesis. For patients with a tendency to allergies and reduced immunity, the medicine is prescribed only under the supervision of a specialist. It is mainly used only in the form of 1% colloidal solutions. Instructions for the use of Protargol for children describe this.
In addition, when treating children, one should remember about the toxicity of the drug when taken orally, since there are quite common cases when children out of curiosity use it, which leads to severe poisoning and even death.
It should be remembered that silver is a metal with a certain level of danger. It helps only when used in acceptable concentrations. With constant entry into the body, it can accumulate in it, deposited in the skin, organs and mucous membranes, which causes a specific disease called argyrosis. Instructions for use "Protargol" confirms this.
Most often, a solution of this substance is used to treat diseases of the nose, in particular, complicated rhinitis of various etiologies - lingering purulent rhinitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontitis, etc. However, with pathologies of infectious eye damage, this drug is no less effective (conjunctivitis), for therapy recurrent and protracted pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis, for the treatment of adenoiditis and purulent inflammatory process of the middle ear (otitis media). It is very important to use in the treatment only freshly prepared Protargol nasal drops for children according to the instructions.
Cost of medicine
The average price of a finished drug is 100-160 rubles (active substance content 2%, bottle 10 ml). If you buy "Protargol" in powder, you will have to pay from 200 rubles per package. The difference in cost depends on the region and the pharmacy chain.
Today, there are many medications that are more modern than Protargol, which have a similar effect and can be prescribed in childhood. These drugs include:
- “Collargol” is one of the most popular analogues. It has a black color with a greenish tint. To prepare the product, you need to mix it with water. When rhinitis or sinusitis occurs, the drug is usually prescribed in a concentration of 2%. "Collargol" is actively prescribed in otolaryngology and ophthalmology. Sometimes it is prescribed for the treatment of surgical and urological pathologies. Depending on the purpose, this medicine is produced in the following forms: powders, eye drops, ointment, solution for external use. This drug consists of 70% of silver ions and 30% of albumin.
- "Sialor" is a medicine that is available in tablet form. Included is distilled water. To prepare a 2% solution, you need to take 1 tablet with a dose of 200 mg and dissolve with 10 ml of water. You can use the substance for two weeks, and store it for a maximum of 30 days. "Sialor" refers to the category of medicines with a vasoconstrictor effect. Due to this, it is possible to cope with swelling of the nasopharynx and restore the respiratory process. This medicine has a large spectrum of effects - astringent, antimicrobial and drying, which allows to achieve a good antibacterial effect. This product is available in the form of drops and solutions. It is prescribed for children with adenoids, vasomotor rhinitis, otitis media, rhinopharyngitis, eustachitis.
- “Vitargol” is a medicine that also contains silver particles, but in this case they are presented in the form of stabilized nanoparticles. In addition to the traditional use in diseases of the nasopharynx and eyes, it is permissible to use it as a strong immunostimulant, which is why the drug is often prescribed during seasonal epidemics. The advantage of this tool is the ability to store it for up to a year. It is made in the form of drops.
- "Polydex" is a medication that is available in the form of sprays. It has vasoconstrictor and antibacterial properties. The composition of the drug contains two main elements - polymyxin and phenylephrine. "Polydex" almost does not cause side effects, but it has many contraindications. In children, this medication can be used from 5 years of age.
- "Isofra" - is an antibacterial agent, is available in the form of a spray, contains the main component - framycetin sulfate. This medicine rarely provokes allergies and is even used to treat babies.
- "Albucid" is a means for the eyes, but is widely prescribed for children to treat the nose. Available in the form of solutions.
We examined analogues and instructions for Protargol in the nose for children.
“Protargol,” or silver proteinate, is a protein compound containing silver that has an astringent, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect. This medication has been known for a very long time. Many mothers consider it the safest remedy that always helps with a runny nose in children. The advantage of this medicine is that they do not contain any chemical elements that pose a danger to the child's body. In addition, parents are very pleased that this medication can be used in the treatment of diseases even in the smallest patients, which plays an important role.
Parents in the reviews note that during treatment with Protargol, children have a significant weakening of the symptoms of a runny nose. At the same time, the abundant secretion of mucus from the nasal passages on the first day became more moderate. Some note significant improvements already on the third day of treatment. When instilling nose or eyes, children, as a rule, did not experience significant discomfort. In rare cases, babies had a slight burning sensation and tears, however, these symptoms did not cause inconvenience. Children were not capricious at the same time. According to reviews, this medication does not cause side effects of the systemic type.
Many parents report that recently not every drugstore has Protargol. He was increasingly being replaced by more expensive drugs.
Another disadvantage of mothers is called a bottle without a dispenser. That is, you need to instill the tool with a pipette, which is not very convenient.
The article was presented instructions for drops in the nose "Protargol".