The drug "Genferon" (candles). Instruction manual

The drug "Genferon" is available in the form of suppositories, both rectal and vaginal, one hundred twenty five thousand units of the active substance in packs of ten. The action of the drug is combined, both local and systemic, due to those components that are included in it.

The composition of the preparation "Geferon" (candles), the instruction describes as follows:

Human recombinant alpha-2b-interferon, which is produced by a strain of bacteria Escherichia coli, with the gene of human alpha-2b-interferon implanted in them by genetic engineering . This substance acts as an antiviral, antibacterial and antiproliferative. Taurine normalizes metabolism and tissue regeneration, exhibits antioxidant activity, enhances the therapeutic effect of interferon, contributing to the preservation of its biological activity.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug "Genferon" (candles), the instruction describes as follows:

Rectal administration of the drug provides high bioavailability, up to eighty percent, due to which not only local, but also a strong systemic immunomodulating effect is noted. But with intravaginal administration, the local antiproliferative, antiviral and antibacterial effect comes first, while the systemic effect is negligible due to the low absorption capacity of the vaginal mucosa. Maximum concentrations are achieved five hours after administration. The main route of elimination of interferon is renal catabolism. The half-life of the drug is carried out in twelve hours, and, therefore, it must be administered twice a day.

Indications for use of the drug "Genferon suppositories" instruction describes these:

As one of the components in the complex treatment of infectious pathologies of viral origin. For the rehabilitation of infectious and inflammatory diseases of urogenital organs in women, including pregnant women, and children. Apply strictly as directed by the attending physician. The usual dosage of suppositories for babies under the age of seven is one rectal or vaginal suppository of one hundred twenty five thousand IU. For older children and adults, suppositories are used with a dosage of two hundred and fifty thousand IU.

The treatment regimen for the drug "Genferon" (candles), the instruction describes the following:

Acute pathologies of the infectious and inflammatory nature of urogenital organs in children: one suppository, twice a day, rectally with a break of twelve hours. Duration of use is ten days.

Urogenital diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature in pregnant women - one suppository vaginally twice a day with an interval of twelve hours for ten days.

Urogenital diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature in women: one suppository in two hundred and fifty thousand IU, either rectally or vaginally (depending on the nature of the pathology) twice a day, with an interval of twelve hours, for ten days.

In the case of the development of protracted forms of pathologies, they are applied three times a week, every other day, one suppository, from one to three months.

In acute viral infectious and inflammatory pathologies, the β€œGenferon” preparation (suppositories), the instructions for use recommend that you administer one suppository twice daily rectally with a break of twelve hours in parallel with the main therapy for five days. If the symptoms persist, the course of therapy must be repeated after five days.

If chronic viral infectious and allergic diseases develop in children, then Genferon Light suppositories are used one rectally twice a day with an interval of twelve hours, parallel to the main therapy for ten days, and then from one to three months - one rectally every other day at night.

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